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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. According to the messages, it's expired, and the site needs an updated certificate. Of all the things to warn about, I worry about that the least, especially with a site I know. The staff have already been alerted.
  2. I'm using LibreWolf (Firefox variant) right now. When I got to the warning, I had options for more information, and the option to accept the risk and go forward- which meant the browser automatically saved an exception. Now, I have that exception and don't get the message. But I get a symbol on the URL with the security exception, and I have the option of removing it (after which I can accept the risk again and re-add the exception.) Some browsers may allow the same thing, others may just block you from proceeding. *checks* This works for regular Firefox also. But not on Opera, which is Chromium based. Can't even get a choice. And that browser automatically updates, so the latest version won't even get here. And Pale Moon gives the choices, has some nice menus, and allows me to choose whether or not to make this a one-time exception or to save the exception. And Chrome gave me some options if I looked closely enough. So, if you use Firefox, LibreWolf or Pale Moon, you should be able to get here fine. Chromium based, who knows?
  3. Lawyers may argue whether the show "Gotham" is named after "Gotham City" because "City" isn't in the show's title. The rest of us can agree. The Batman 66 show does not have its own wiki, but it's part of the "Batman wiki" with entries for the "Dozier-verse" for William Dozier's show/movie. The obscure show was "Gotham Knights", which lasted a short time (and has its own wiki.) So does GOTHAM. Gotham was an action drama, and was only in-continuity with the later show, "Pennyworth." It was not in-continuity with any of the cartoons.) The entire show was before Bruce Wayne became Batman- except for the final episode of the series, "The Beginning." In addition to Morena Beccarin as Leslie Thompkins and Sid as Ra's al Ghul (brilliant casting there, all he was missing was the beard things to look like he stepped off the pages), we had Fish Mooney played by Jada Pinkett-Smith, as seen on television and the Matrix movies (and the Oscars.) During the "No Man's Land" storyline, the only place with electricity was where the good guys had set up the generator, so they shone a light into the sky at night to show that someplace still had power, and as a symbol of hope. It was a simple light, not one with a bat symbol on it or anything. (Well, they weren't calling him or anything.) Except for Human and Waysider, I'm confident the rest of us watched the show at least intermittently. That's all the clues. It's Raf's turn!
  4. OK, John Houseman, then. What the heck was he in, besides the commercials? Oh, wait, you just wanted the actor's name. Cool.
  5. Although I like to try songs that came later, I've found my "nothing after 1985" rule to work for the music threads.
  6. Some cities are more popular than others as settings for shows, and have had multiple series set in them. In this case, I recall 3 live-action series set in this city. (This city does not have its own wiki, but it has a page in at least 13 wikis.) The last of those shows was a little obscure (but has its own wiki.) The first of those shows was famous (but does not appear to have its own wiki- it has pages in a more general wiki.) That's a lot of attention for a city that doesn't even exist. In between those shows was a show with popularity between famous and obscure. (It has its own wiki.) It ran for 5 seasons. It carried the name of the city (lawyers may wrangle on whether or not I am correct.) It was written as a serious show, an action drama. It didn't really cross over with any shows, but was in-continuity with at least 1 show that aired after this show ceased production. (But not any cartoons, AFAIK.) The last episode of the series was planned to be the last episode. It was set a decade after the rest of the series, and was titled "The Beginning..." The show borrowed freely from other media, but was as much inspired by them as anything else, taking plenty of dramatic license, which resulted in a better show. Despite this show using largely unknown actors, it could be argued that they used at least 3 actors, well-known from science fiction, in recurring roles. One of those actors had been on television, and in a major movie series, (a trilogy, sorta.) The other 2, despite not having worked together previously, were both well-known from roles in well-known Science Fiction franchises (she was from "Firefly", he was from "Star Trek Deep Space 9.".) Across one season, an electric light shone outdoors was a significant item. This show had good ratings and was probably watched regularly by al least 1/2 of the regulars in this thread. (Again, this was not a legal/law firm show, nor does it contain "Law" or any variation in the name, nor do lawyers play any significant role in the story. If you still think they do after this, it's not because I didn't try to warn you off a dead end. None of this parenthesis is any sort of clue, I'm just trying to head off digressions into the wrong shows.)
  7. "It takes place in that city, which is frequently mentioned." If that had been the clue, then it would have said the name was referred to during the run of the show. In fairness, it obviously takes place in that city, and the show names it, so that does apply, but it wasn't the clue to which you're responding.
  8. No, that wasn't the city, nor any of the shows I mentioned, let alone the middle show whose name is the answer this round. Get out, 21 Jump Street's city was Metropolis? *checks* It was, but it wasn't the same Metropolis as either of the other shows. But that's just a curiosity this round. As for "Powerless", that took place in CHARM CITY. (Per the Wikipedia page.)
  9. I rarely watched the show, but didn't Impulse carry a bunch of fake IDs, including "Jay Garrick" and "Barry Allen"?
  10. Right- because the problem is, of course, the exact number, and not, say, all the decisions that got her to about 20.
  11. I direct you to the first paragraph, especially its last sentence.
  12. I was a fan of Panda's free program, and ran that. I hated the interface- I like to make a lot of the decisions, but Panda is simplified and I can't pick and choose. However, I like the reliability and could not argue with the results. For reasons involved with program interactions with an obscure program, I was required to have Avira on this machine. Rather than try to run both in different ways, I switched to Avira, with which I was already familiar. So, I have 2 suggestions about 2 free antivirus programs.
  13. Some cities are more popular than others as settings for shows, and have had multiple series set in them. In this case, I recall 3 live-action series set in this city. (This city does not have its own wiki, but it has a page in at least 13 wikis.) The last of those shows was a little obscure (but has its own wiki.) The first of those shows was famous (but does not appear to have its own wiki- it has pages in a more general wiki.) That's a lot of attention for a city that doesn't even exist. In between those shows was a show with popularity between famous and obscure. (It has its own wiki.) It ran for 5 seasons. It carried the name of the city (lawyers may wrangle on whether or not I am correct.) It was written as a serious show, an action drama. It didn't really cross over with any shows, but was in-continuity with at least 1 show that aired after this show ceased production. The last episode of the series was planned to be the last episode. It was set a decade after the rest of the series, and was titled "The Beginning..." The show borrowed freely from other media, but was as much inspired by them as anything else, taking plenty of dramatic license, which resulted in a better show. Despite this show using largely unknown actors, it could be argued that they used at least 3 well-known actors in recurring roles. One of those actors had been on television, and in a major movie series, (a trilogy, sorta.) The other 2, despite not having worked together previously, were both well-known from roles in well-known Science Fiction franchises (one from "Firefly", one from "Star Trek Deep Space 9.".) Across one season, an electric light shone outdoors was a significant item. This show had good ratings and was probably watched regularly by al least 1/2 of the regulars in this thread. (Again, this was not a legal/law firm show, nor does it contain "Law" or any variation in the name, nor do lawyers play any significant role in the story. If you still think they do after this, it's not because I didn't try to warn you off a dead end. None of this parenthesis is any sort of clue, I'm just trying to head off digressions into the wrong shows.)
  14. The actor could be John Houseman based on the commercials, but it's a lot more likely we're talking about Orson Welles. (Or possibly someone else I didn't think of.) If it was Welles, then "War of the Worlds" was a radio show, not a movie. Any chance this was "CITIZEN KANE"?????
  15. Funny thing. Someone posted a video clip- which was missing when I saw the post- of that line. Based on the context, it must have been that line. And I read it minutes before seeing this thread, so it was fresh in my mind. This must have been Jack Davenport as James Norrington, and Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN- CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL." Mrs Wolf and I like to point out actors we know when they appear in movies, and JD is a favorite of the Mrs, so I actually remember his name faster than the character's name. For Depp, I had to keep running through his roles in my head until it agreed to release his name.
  16. *looks it up* I hope somebody else gets it. I've never even HEARD of this movie.
  17. I keep thinking of the Flash's Rogues Gallery- but only because Justin Hartley's name reminds me of Hartley Rathaway, who IS a Rogue. ONE name would give it away immediately? Then it's no Rogue, it's someone who has a recognizable actor playing them- and exactly one. That narrows the field considerably. How about "AQUAMAN", with Jason Momoa being the missing name? You've got another Pacific Islander type name in the list already posted.
  18. Throwing out a name because my subconscious is bugging me... any chance this is "GLASS ONION" or something related to it?
  19. Since I'm asking anyway, how about "FRIAR LAWRENCE"? That is, the clerical fellow in "Romeo and Juliet" that gives Juliet the potion that puts her in a coma and makes her APPEAR dead until it wears off? IIRC, that Ferrer was the son of the one that played Cyrano.
  20. 2 of the names ring a bell. I thought Phil Lemar may do voiceover work. Do I have my Ferrer's correct, and Miguel is the one that played Cyrano, or is this Ferrer the son of the one that played Cyrano?
  21. I recognize all 6 names, even if I might not recognize 1 or 2 on sight. I don't know of a movie with all of them in it, although obviously there was one since you're saying there was.
  22. I'm totally unfamiliar with this. If I were to take a wild guess, I would see "Anna Faris" and try "SCARY MOVIE" since I know she was in at least one of those. So, my guess is "SCARY MOVIE."
  23. It's a role, Miguel Ferrer is an actor. "CYRANO DE BERGERAC"????
  24. Some cities are more popular than others as settings for shows, and have had multiple series set in them. In this case, I recall 3 live-action series set in this city. (This city does not have its own wiki, but it has a page in at least 13 wikis.) The last of those shows was a little obscure (but has its own wiki.) The first of those shows was famous (but does not appear to have its own wiki- it has pages in a more general wiki.) In between those shows was a show with popularity between famous and obscure. (It has its own wiki.) It ran for 5 seasons. It carried the name of the city (lawyers may wrangle on whether or not I am correct.) It was written as a serious show, an action drama. It didn't really cross over with any shows, but was in-continuity with at least 1 show that aired after this show ceased production. The last episode of the series was planned to be the last episode. It was set a decade after the rest of the series, and was titled "The Beginning..." The show borrowed freely from other media, but was as much inspired by them as anything else, taking plenty of dramatic license, which resulted in a better show. Despite this show using largely unknown actors, it could be argued that they used at least 3 well-known actors in recurring roles. One of those actors had been on television, and in a major movie series, (a trilogy, sorta.) The other 2, despite not having worked together previously, were both well-known from roles in well-known Science Fiction franchises (one from "Firefly", one from a "Star Trek" show.) Across one season, an electric light shone outdoors was a significant item. (Again, this was not a legal/law firm show, nor does it contain "Law" or any variation in the name, nor do lawyers play any significant role in the story. If you still think they do after this, it's not because I didn't try to warn you off a dead end. None of this parenthesis is any sort of clue, I'm just trying to head off digressions into the wrong shows.)
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