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Everything posted by SafariVista
What energy... those balls are gona shine!
Nice post Krysilis... Our thoughts agree here
I see the picture now... reminds me, I must go exercise~
All three sound like good ideas Vegan. Letting the critters enjoy it would be the least amount of work, with many hours of viewing enjoyment :)
Thank you... I'd like some Helium, have a birthday part coming up
Have always LOVED animals, but growing up, only 'out door' animals were allowed, since Mom was allergic to fur & feathers! Had several cats, one at a time, a raccoon- my favorite pet, a baby rabbit, mice once- yuck!!!, and one Siberian Husky, which lived in one of the neighbor's backyard kennels- he had hunting dogs. Each of the cats ended up either getting run over, which was always traumatic, or they disappeared, probably to an 'indoor' family <_< . The Husky didn't last long, since he needed feeding & care before school, and it was such a LONG trek (cross two acres lots- WAY in the back)... He was given to a nice family with a farm~ Had one indoor cat while I was single, living alone... it would sneak out and get into fights... interesting popping those perfectly round, puss filled, deep bite wounds :( It seemed to have fleas that wouldn't go away... then I went WOW... My parents agreed to sell my place for me... since it hadn't sold before I left. Mom said after a couple of weeks, she walked in to show it, and fleas were jumping up to her knees :unsure: Two puppies during our way days, one was a 'glad-peer', which I didn't know how to handle, along w/ our three little children... and the next one ran under my car while I was backing out of the driveway Mom killed the dog~ Seven years later we bought a Yorkie-Poo. She has hair not fur, lives indoors, easy to clean up after w/ a tissue, full of silly antics and can travel with us
Had never seen this before... no resemblance of TWI for me Interesting... I would probably have gotten/given a hug :)
Can't see the picture/image... from your icons, looks like it was a doozy too!
A song to Celebrate your Day CoolWaters... Hope it was a Happy One
Hey Dot! I'm finding Churches differ to the same degree that people's personalities do. Those that seem to be on the right track, or a similar track as myself, are non-denominational. I've found a place where the people have a closeness I've not seen in a LONG time. They do things together, help each other and have local outreach activities, with a goal of showing God's Love & Grace to others, no strings attached. The Bible taught is thought provoking and healing, offering answers to many questions/situations. I've even mentioned 'missing' the old familiar hymns... the modern singing/bands seem to have taken over most churches around here... and low & behold.. a few oldies but goodies were added to the next service :)
How exciting!!! Whoo-hoo! What did I win? ^_^
Okay... other souces of the matter... the web site~ Cheats for the Max Payne video game? OR MAYBE.... a detailed diagram of a hydrogen bomb ..... Jodi's personal map of the Web ~ Could this be it GT?
Just to add about Ilda... she had some close friends before TWI, including lvdon!!! So, if and when she leaves, she's bound to have those friends ready & waiting for her :)
Mostly for an old acquaintance who posts here... Hint: The ducks are standing at the ______ ____. Although, I meant for it to be in 'OPEN'.... oops
I saw the clip Jonny... looked like animals in the wild with a Porn narrator Something I wouldn’t want my kids to hear, but the video was okay… Natural life
During my 6th through 12th grade years, a 'somewhat' close 'Catholic' friend, Bridgett was constantly having a rough time. She would call me to 'hang out'. We lived at opposite ends of town, and would frequently ride our bikes & 'meet in the middle', to talk & do silly things, riding through the city. EVERY time towards the end of our get-together, she'd talk about killing herself. Every time I'd get uncomfortable, not knowing what to say or do. I don't even recall what I did say to her. It was my queue to 'have to go home'... (We didn't learn anything about suicide in the Lutheran schools & church) During High School there was a woman teacher that had taken Bridgett 'under her wing', and Bridgett would frequently be seen in tears, speaking with Miss C. We lost touch after 12th grade, Bridgett went on to college. Her room-mate being a Christian, got her involved in a Bible Reading Church group, much to her mother's disapproval! Bridgett continued trying to end her life. Pills, cutting, driving her Volkswagen head on into a Semi...nothing worked. She was admitted into a phyc ward, being watched constantly. Still she tried anything she could to kill herself. When Bridgett was almost 20, she was living most of her days in a padded cell at the hospital. It was during this time that she tied her socks together, and hung herself. At her funeral, all I could do was cry. Her mother wasn't crying... it was all so strange. Her mother blamed Bridgett’s college room-mate for introducing Bridgett to the devilish teachings in the Bible. Her mom told me she burned ALL the books & bible that she got from 'that group'... About three months later, I was witnessed to while on vacation in Florida. He turned out to be with TWI…(a smooth ’talker’, which I later found out was a Heroin Addict ) I’ve always wondered about Bridgett’s mom... she ALWAYS smelled of hard liquor, and ALWAYS had a cigarette going... her husband left her when her two kids were small... and Bridgett’s older brother NEVER came home for visits... <_< Bridgett too, was a kind, tender hearted person, always pointing out the positives for other people… not many people knew of her turmoil, especially in her younger years. During High School, Miss C just kept everything ‘quiet’….
The memory is vague... but I do recall contributing 'something' to the Auditorium capsule/corner stone there
Congratulations Grand Daughter! Benjamin is Beautiful!
A web site to help those have gotten into a mess with lying... Liars Anonymous
Funny... I've seen it in a small local theatre known for their RHPS events, a few times, ... but barely remember a thing. Let's see... a drifty, heavy feeling, laughing... wondering what all the animated people were doing throwing rice & other things... Must have been some good stuff that night... oh, yes, prior to my way days
What a horrid case... what about the husband? Seems he had a part in Ricky's abuse? :(
:( TWI is a prison, keeping freedom and emotions OUT... not a place for children. Anyone can leave, but the imaginary walls, doors and locks for some have become real... :unsure: Hurray for independent young thinkers!
Worship ~ meant ONLY speaking in tongues.. nothing else! (How did they worship God in the O.T.?... no speaking in tongues there????)
Connerron, your writing style is a bit confusing, is your native language something other than English? I do recall hearing these two statements: *latter state worse than the first (in regards to someone who's been possessed & re-possessed) *seeking the feet of Man of God (letting us know to imitate the MOG) Neither very often, so they wouldn't be 'buzzwords' for me. You must have been in a different area than myself~