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Everything posted by SafariVista
A man takes the day off work and decides to go out golfing. He is on the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green. He thinks nothing of it and is about to shoot when he hears, Ribbit 9 Iron." The man looks around and doesn't see anyone. Again, he hears, "Ribbit 9 Iron." He looks at the frog and decides to prove the frog wrong, puts the club away, and grabs a 9 iron. Boom! He hits it 10 inches from the cup. He is shocked. He says to the frog, "Wow that's amazing. You must be a lucky frog, eh? The frog replies, "Ribbit Lucky frog." The man decides to take the frog with him to the next hole. "What do you think frog?" the man asks. "Ribbit 3 wood." The guy takes out a 3 wood and, Boom! Hole in one. The man is befuddled and doesn't know what to say. By the end of the day, the man golfed the best game of golf in his life and asks the frog, "OK where to next?" The frog replies, "Ribbit Las Vegas. " They go to Las Vegas and the guy says, "OK frog, now what?" The frog says, "Ribbit Roulette." Upon approaching the roulette table, The man asks, "What do you think I should bet?" The frog replies, "Ribbit $3000, black 6." Now, this is a million-to-one shot to win, but after the golf game the man figures what the heck. Boom! Tons of cash comes sliding back across the table. The man takes his winnings and buys the best room in the hotel. He sits the frog down and says, "Frog, I don't know how to repay you. You've won me all this money and I am forever grateful." The frog replies, "Ribbit KissMe." He figures why not, since after all the frog did for him, he deserves it. With a kiss, the frog turns into a gorgeous 15-year-old girl. "And that, your honor, is how the girl ended up in my room. So help me God or my name is not William Jefferson Clinton."
Sharon, your mom sounds wonderful! Bet she has some interesting stories to tell. I couldn't agree with you more about welfare...there is no reason for most people to collect a check and not work for it. There are many things that could be required in order to get the help. As far as Parents...Some people should not have children...I know of a few personally, and there is something wrong with their mind, they do not think soundly, and their children are living in danger. Why are parents killing their children... Abigail makes some interesting points... parents don't have the freedom to parent... I don't either... but do what needs to be done, or figure ways to make sure my children are held resposible for their actions. The message to them is clear & consistant! (although, they much rather hear how wonderful I think they are... and tend to do things that will bring on those types of comments)
Why is it that we don't hear much from ole Rosie?
SafariVista replied to Ham's topic in About The Way
Oh yes... About Rosalie... during a HQ visit, we ran into some single ladies/girls that we knew from Hawaii... Boy, it was so good to see them... BUT... very strange... one had or was getting married... the other ones job was taking care of Rosie & Donna... The strange part was, they were with a group of girls that really stuck together...they were holding hands & giggling...standing VERY close to each other, moving through the crowd of STS visitors... The 'group' wouldn't continue with out the girl we were talking with... and she seemed a little nervous at our questions~ which were about how she was & what did she do there... Now when I say 'girls'...these were Corps ladies...the one we knew would have been in her 30's at the time... hence, the behavior of a 4th grader seemed odd Something is definately 'up' there... -
Why is it that we don't hear much from ole Rosie?
SafariVista replied to Ham's topic in About The Way
The singing ladies DO what they're told... or else! We spent time at the on grounds trailer park in the home of one singing lady...This woman was sharp, like a vicious lion... ready to devour anyone who may speak contrary about TWI...Her husband a sweet heart...so sad...very, very sad Remember, TWI is a Corporation... it's a business, and to keep it running smoothly, there is no room for all the employees to think on their own --> I would sum up the whole situation there as a glorified prison...except the inmates don't 'think' beyond their box to know how much of life they are missing... They actually believe they are 'serving' God! Besides, it's much easier to live when everything is laid out for you, rather than thinking on your own (if you don't mind NOT THINKING much) I still like the comment someone here made a while back about Mr & Mrs Weirwille, riding out on their beautiful motor cycle set up at the ROA and all the PEASANTS running out to greet them... -
After speaking with some teachers in our area, they did confirm that test scores are very important and do directly affect how much money the school will get. The higher the scores the more money. A friend of mine is a PHD is Texas...the more impressive the paper work & scores of the school in general, the more money they will receive in grants. He feels they are not just working on projects to find a cure for cancer or other important matters, but to push out important paper work & scores to get more money.
All boils down to money...from pre school on through college... it's still the same song & dance. The push here is for 6th - 8th graders to have the same type of set up as High School...changing classes... more resposibility on them...4 min to get to the next class...the point is the FOCUS...the Focus is NOT the Academics~ :(-->
Sorry for getting off the simplicity of the subject... I agree with Greek2me~ very nicely put! The things 'taught' in schools for this young age should be an extention of what is already being practiced in the home. ...but what should be and what is...hummm, difficult~ maybe part of the world waxing worse & worse...
Very interesting subject...enjoyed the reading~ With four children, my observation has been, when the children (especially my boys) have spent any significant time in front of a screen, (TV, Game Boy, PlayStation, Computer...) their behavior tends to be unpleasant. They will show signs of hostility towards each other and the parent. They become distant and unthankful, and the WORST part... LOSE THIER IMAGINATION!!! Thinking about these types of 'screened' activities for children...when they push a button on the controls or keypad, there is an immediate reaction. They can 'kill' the bad guy by pushing a couple of buttons to 'jump' on it, or Zoom away from danger w/ a short click...it doesn't require very much thinking at all. (Real life just isn't like this!) This is the type of 'play' that many American children are used to~(maybe because the overseers are too busy, and it makes for LONG periods of peace & quiet)...hence, we have a large group of non thinkers when it comes to real life...because they haven't been practicing Real Life play as much as Screened Life Play! To this I am sure! I have a toddler that can keep up with his 11 & 14 year old brothers on the computer...he also has words in his vocabulary that could shock the girdle off an old lady...and he's learned all this in a fairly short period of time~ Amazing! Now, I am a stay at home mom... have been here for 18 years... and can say, if it were up to my boys, they would have TV's in their room w/ the PlayStaion hooked up at all times, and play inside most of the time, or bring their GameBoys with them to 'have something to do' in the van...even on a short trip to the store...and yes...I have purchased these things for my kids to use...I gave in to their cries to be like everyone else Being the mean Mom that I am... I've made rules... they need to READ, and build up minutes reading to be able to use any screened game. Logs are kept of the min... any lying about your min will result in the loss of the screened priviledge for one week or more... To the Game Boy... they have been put away for more than a year now... and they haven't even been missed... our rides in the car or van include speaking to each other.. or sometimes singing with interludes of wild air drum action...Rock & Roll --> To the disorders...yes, sadly they are developing at a very fast rate... it's scarey... public schools are mostly set up to handle 'normal'... can you imagine...20+ some kids, and even a few NOT getting along or following the rules in a class room?... 20+ doing what you ask must be difficult enough... and what if the adult in charge isn't prepared all the way...what if they did have a difficult morning, or have something on their mind like a sick loved one at home or far away...maybe they can't afford to take time off...they may lose their car or home... These 'new' problems w/ children in schools seem to be a direct result of the lifestyle in America... I don't recall this being prevelant in the schools I went to...I do remember getting a swat on my hand, in the privacy of the girls rest room entry way... and NEVER doing whatever 'it' was again... I didn't enjoy the consequense of my misbehaving, and wasn't going to experience it again! On the brighter side...we have been on trips... 'Up North' Michigan ...where the cabin had NO TV or PHONE!... just an old radio and a chest FULL of games of all kinds... there is a row boat in the yard, a garage full of cool stuff... including guns, bow & arrows, fishing equipment, inner-tubes, and a near-by LAKE...Honestly, our family has never been so close as the times we spent there. The boys got along the entire time, were curtious to each other, sharing without being asked, worked together... we ate every meal together, sang songs, cleaned up together, took walks in the woods, collected things... laughed until it hurt & played games until we couldn't keep our eyes open...we had short rest times in the afternoon and READ BOOKS...and the kids FOUND things to keep themselves busy...finding things in the woods, under rocks...there were all types of birds coming to the bird feeders, including humming birds & woodpeckers. Deer roamed around...We took turns using the binoculars, and found the place where the hummingbirds sat in the tree & rested... we found their nests... and one evening, a BEAR came throught the yard, and torn down one of the bird feeders & ate the fat that was there...we shopped in town... about 10 miles away, and talked with local people...they were peaceful & trusting, honest & hard working... There is something to not having so many of the pressures and influences of the world around...I think often of moving 'Up North'... Love to all you parents...Take care & keep fighting for your children's learning & imagination!!!
Two old guys are pushing their carts around Wal-Mart when they collide. The first old guy says to the second guy, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." The second old guy says, "That's OK, It's a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate." The first old guy says, "Well, maybe I can help you find her. What does she look like?" The second old guy says, "Well, she is 27 yrs old, tall, with red hair, blue eyes, long legs, big busted, and is wearing short shorts." "What does your wife look like?" To which the first old guy says, "Doesn't matter, --- let's look for yours."
Gosh Jonny, I was in tears reading about your day & situation. So glad to hear that you fought for what you believed was right... As a young person growing up in the 70's, our family didn't communicate very well, if at all. My parents didn't know to fight for me like you did for your son...My 'road' growing up was rough, filled with dangerous highs & lows & uncertainty... I became attracted to those that communicated well... You are equiping your children with something very precious...giving them an example of fighting for what is good and right... Thanks for sharing... Happy Birthday to you! :)-->
Well, I know where she is... but don't know if she'd like to be found....... If you would like to email me your contact information, I'll pass the message on to her, and she can decide. That's the best I can do for you right now. :)-->
Anyone know where John Hendricks & Jerry & Heidi Pearson are?
SafariVista replied to SafariVista's topic in Friend Tracker
:)--> Thank you for the replys! We did find the Pearsons... they are still in Charlotte. We're planning a trip to visit this Summer! -
Does anyone know how I could get intouch with Veronica? We were friends in Hawaii....met up several years ago at a way function...she was living on the east coast then.....just coming back 'in'... Is she still 'in'.....?
Hi LVDON We know Ilda, and as far as we know, she's still happy 'in' TWI. She found out we weren't involved, and all correspondance stopped.... Hope you find her and talk to her soon
Thank you Zix. Okay, I've read what was there. Now about the meeting in Ohio. Was it in Ohio? It must have been, because Radar said she was working at the switch board there? Obviously some anger had built up in the BOT, and guns were involved, guards....? Was Chris G invited to speak to....? who? Corps, the whole ministry? Just wondering, sounds so wild!
Radar, I haven't heard about this happening at HQ at all. We were living in Hawaii at the time, and didn't hear much of anything untill much later. This didn't make it out there at all. A gun was within Chris G. reach?.....What was going on? We heard that Chris wrote a book, and not to read it....but this wasn't the mind picture we had at all.... Could you just elaborate a little more on the beginning part also please.