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Everything posted by SafariVista
Sounds good Shell! And here I thought you were a Grandma, with all your kids grown and gone :) We've done Home School, Charter & Public... Liked the Charter School, but public has much more to offer in the Music Field... interested in Private, but the cost is up there! Looking forward to hearing how it all went for her
48 here... What fun! Now go over to My Story, 'Greasespot Denizens -- likes and dislikes' and fill that one out... that is if you'd like to. Interesting to see a bit more about each other here :) Plus I want to see if there is anyone else out there that likes jalepenos on their popcorn~
Amazing post Chief! You've been through so much... thanks for putting it out here. My question to 'innies' is: Knowing that your President knew and hid the horrifying acts of ol Loy... what are you still doing there, supporting anything together with this woman? She has NOT come clean... Oh, Chief... nice dancer icon :) Glad you're FREE!!
We can hope it would never happen again... but who knows~ There is so much hate out there... there are those that would gladly take Americans and treat us in a similar fashion... But our government officials are playing a game it seems, and what we hear on the 'news' is not always the truth... :( We've also seen a climb in a hate for illegal aliens and non English speaking folks... I may not agree with all that's done in our Country... but I wouldn't want to kill anyone over an opposing view...
My Mother was born in Germany in 1922, the oldest of four. Her Father was a school teacher/pastor. Her Father became a German Officer. Her Mother died shortly after giving birth to the youngest, of breast cancer. My Mother met Hitler. Her early views of him were that of a good man. She has vivid memories of Hitler's change, and the horrible things he did to Jews and others. She was a nurse during WWll. Her memories of that time are frightening to me. The Holocaust happened. She recalls the homes of these Jews being 'gone through'... their valuables taken as treasure... Speak to someone who was there... hurry, before it's too late...
Too Funny ~
Reading through here again... Sometimes hearts are happy, full, yearning to give... Sometimes hearts are broken, hurting, damaged, betrayed... There are many words to describe all of the above, and some will not all make you feel good Grease Spot Cafe is a good place to let those words out... ALL of them Glad the Cafe is OPEN :)
Aren't there 'secrets' that haven't been told? The goings on of Ol Loy with other men's wives, and the cover that Rosie & others provided? Aren't these the details that TWI doesn't want anyone to know about? If these came to light here, TWI would know those they paid off to keep silent had spoken... Don't they have a 'legal leg to stand on' in this case? Seems they're hoping for a pay-off somewhere here... But I do like ChasUFarley's words
(((((((((every sweet heart here)))))))) 'Just get over it' seems like a good phrase to tell yourself when you're debating with yourself as to stopping or continuing 'something'... I could see it spoken in the military... a group moving in one direction w/out time for slackers... do or die... Guess that was TWI, wasn't it?
Fighting fair is not fighting to the Death Fighting with Words Not agreeing Voicing your hurt Maybe exposing the others opinions But not to the Death If tears are shed from your words Apologize Make your voice heard Don't break a heart Take your stand without personal attacks on others Know that personal attacks make the attacker look 'small' Don't discourage growth and healing Just make your voice heard Agreeing to disagree is okay Imagine being face to face...
In light of different posts here... someone speaking to Ol Loy... young Way people on the internet... I wondered why in the world would TWI have people looking here to see what's going on. The only three logical reasons would be: 1. To have something to talk and laugh about. 2. To see if people who were bound by the Courts to NOT speak of their situation with TWI, as this being part of the payoff/agreement, if they were to divulge information would mean TWI MAY BE INTITLED TO SOME CASH BACK. (or perhaps all their money back) 3. To make sure their current leadership is doing their jobs, and not allowing evil into their camps... I’d say #2 is their main concern~
How horrible... unthinkable... what an A*S... that's a whole other topic right there... As far as FAT goes... Dated a guy from Iraq once... (kinda weird to think of now).. but they seemed to like their women bigger...also carried guns, and if you spent the night, the grandmother would sit by the head of your bed all night to make sure you were safe~ Also dated a guy from Greece once... they also seemed to like to feed their woman until they were good and fat. And 'people' offering advise is rude. My Mother would be one of those 'trying to help'... But, honestly, I don’t like being fat… and have packed on 20 since a back injury… working to get it off… just don’t feel as good~ We're fataphobic... and narrow minded... can't see past the physicals... it's not just fat either, it's also relating to ugly, plain, poor, unlearned, and in some cases Modern ;)
Even though TWI claimed to be clean and balanced, knowing what the moderation in all was, and was able to teach this to the Corps, and they of course would make sure 'all the people' knew... they were very wrong. Loving God DOES NOT mean giving our allegiance to any organization or man- EVER. Loving our neighbor as ourselves DOES NOT mean ignoring people and their needs (in any category) and only speaking bible verses to them. And then... of course loving ourselves DOES NOT mean making sure we've done all we can for the household, wasting our money by not investing, and allowing pressure from others (leadership who seem to think they know what's best for us) They got this wrong... what does this tell people?!?!?! TWI's practices and teachings are teaching people error, which when followed, these people are sinning!!! Beware!
Just to clarify the 'Present Truth' for ya'll here: As we were taught in the 'new advanced class' from Ol Loy, the serpent turned into a woman and tempted Eve... That sneaky serpent lied to Eve, and let her know that by engaging in this sexual act with another woman, Eve would become wiser than God himself... This is the picture used to illustrate Loy's point... see... even Michelangelo knew about it! Then, the teaching continues, that when 'Adam took part also', this means that he agreed with the concept of two women together sexually, since he could not have a homosexual encounter with a woman... Maybe the serpent turned into a Man just for Adam?!?!?!? The apple was a term with HEAVY sexual undertones all through it~ As a matter of fact... that entire part in Genesis is FULL of sexual meanings in most of those words.... now ya know~
Dorky outfit.... hummm.... what's that place called where they dress like referees?
Funny CoolWaters! What did you and the officers at the table for 8 say or do?... Oh my! Micah was 3 and figured out how to catch a theif?!?!?!... amazing! What is he doing now? Great stories! :)
Thank you Jade... I've heard these before... but they're just as good the second time around :)
We know a 'few' people who have PFAL on DVD.... Thought it was interesting, since they've been gone for at least 10+ years now... Don't know who they received it from... but there are many out there that have it... I think copies are available for those that want it~ Didn't that green card we signed say we could be part of a class at anytime after taking it the first time? Well with a DVD you could be part of a class anytime... seems logical~
Did stopping tithing make it worse for you, or better?
SafariVista replied to Eagle's topic in About The Way
Loved your post here Belle. The relationship you’ve built with Grandpa Bert & Gramma Mary is precious. What a blessing for each of you! We noticed a BIG difference not giving our 15% - 25% to TWI Now we’re able to give where we see needs, and REALLY help people... like some other posters have mentioned here. TWI's teaching is based on a lie and fueled by fear... "God won't even spit in your direction"... what a crock! Perhaps now it's worded a bit different... TWI taught: If my neighbor is hungry, I should speak the word to him, so he can believe God himself to get some food... If anyone has a need, I should speak the word...so they can believe God themselves to meet their need. All without even reaching out a finger to assist with the physical need. Why not do BOTH?!?!?!?! We have seen how the LDS church takes care of their people...SIMPLY AMAZING!!! -
Haven't heard of any lawsuits originated from TWI... what would they be suing for? Defamation of character? If the facts are being exposed, and they are doing the Word, they shouldn’t have anything to worry about. :unsure:
Belle said: Very curious about these topics also... & is he still married… ??????
What's really funny is that I didn't get it at first... you really had me thinking Tom
Nice post Georgio Jessio ~ They do seem like a nice bunch of kids, and they're only speaking what they know... Hopefully there will be places like Greasespot Cafe still around when they do have some real questions that aren't being answered, or per chance they experience a more legalistic pressure to change as they 'mature' in TWI... My Space rings a loud gong for us... it's the first web site where our daughter was getting harassed... although those pictures of herself were sort of suggestive...
Diazbro said: It's not everyday someone runs into a known Cult Leader