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Posts posted by SafariVista


    Ron that's amazing!

    There are many people I know who's stomach would turn reading about your hunting & cooking practices. A shame for them. They don't want to know 'where' the food came from, and thinking beyond the package in the store is uncomfortable for them.

    As to the 'screened games & indoor play', we've had the privilege to spend a couple of weeks in a Cabin in Northern Michigan walking distance to two lakes. No TV, No Video or electronic games were there. There were beds, small bathroom with tub/shower, small kitchen and LOTS of board and card games.

    There was a row boat, fishing equipment, inner tubes and varied natural wonders outside.

    Our family NEVER got along better. We all worked together, and kitchen prep had never been more fun. After the first day, the kids didn't even argue, they were working & playing together.

    For me, after having children, the definition of 'Paradise' took on a whole new meaning :) Sounds to me you're awfully close :wave:

  1. 'Believing' is a phrase I continue to hear today from friends and family.

    "I'm believing for this or that..."

    "Just Believe..."

    I understand 'Believing' to be a knowing that something is true.

    Inside TWI it seemed to be the answer or gauge to judge others, since it is taught that if you 'believe' you'll receive... whatever it was/is.

    So, if a problem came up... instead of helping someone, it was pushed right back in their face with their apparent flaw in BELIEVING ...

    Anyone shed some light on this? What is it really? How does one get rid of this damaging mind set? Is there something in the Bible that was left out of their teaching on this?

    Thanks :)


    Thank you So much ((((Goey))))!

    Reading this makes me want to SCREAM & CRY all at the same time. :realmad:

    This is what I'm talking about. I find it criminal how the natural way of doing things is being forced out of operation by big industry, who's chemically treated animal is not even close to being the same in quality. Animals there are being treated like machines, given hormones and chemicals to make them grow faster and bigger.

    We watched thousands of male chicks being thrown live into a grinder, since they were no use to the egg farm :blink: Some places just throw them into plastic bags and let them suffocate...

    There is even talk about cows being fed other cows, domestic animals, other farm and circus animals instead of grass... perhaps being mixed into their 'feed'...

    And WHERE does that bacteria come from in packaged meats that cause us to become so ill when ingested?

    Here is a link to an article about food poisoning: http://www.pcrm.org/magazine/GM02Winter/GM02Winter01.html This made me sick! Yuck!

    People should be made aware of what they're buying, and what they're missing. Where is the freedom of choice?

    Now where is it that Ron lives? :wave:


    Goey, just reading here, and don't have all the details you'd like to see on the numbers, but will work on it. Not sure about 2002, but I'm sure consumption & spending has gone up since then ;)

    What I do understand from the DVD, they are exposing the commercialized meat & dairy industries. Probably nothing like your place.

    This is when "Crisco" began to replace lard, margarine began to replace butter, Fresh whole milk became homogenized and pasteurized. Meats got hormones and antibiotics. Our farms and fields got covered with pesticides & herbicides. In the 50's coconut oil was replaced with hydrogenated soy and other previously unmarketable vegetable oils. Refined sugar consumption increased 100 fold. Chemical preservatives became commonplace.

    All of what you've stated there is a HUGH problem.

    So what do you suggest we eat? Where do we buy meats & dairy that haven't been affected with these disease causing chemicals?

    I'm not against using animal products. I'm not a strict vegan. But, TODAY there are not a whole lot of places to purchase meats that are good for us.

    We bought some buffalo meat a few months ago for $25.00 a pound! Kinda pricey for our budget!

    It is illegal in Michigan to SELL whole RAW milk and it's products. We have enjoyed some fresh milk from our Amish friends cows :) and eaten their free range eggs as well, but they live 6 hours away.

    Refined foods in America are poisoned with chemicals. And they're so altered, that the body has a bunch of work to do getting rid of it, without getting anything good from it.

    Organic foods are more expensive.

    And as far as Oils... yes they're needed. But for a body that has it's blood filled with wax and other chemicals, it's okay to take a break. Crisco, margarine & other hydrogenated oils are similar to plastic in composition… stay away at all costs!

    Fasting used to be used as way to allow the body to heal itself. God made our bodies to HEAL themselves, and I think it needs to be brought to the attention of those that are suffering.

    Do the organic farmers receive subsidies? How about raspberry & blueberry farmers?

    I'm NOT saying the RAVE diet is IT... what I'm saying is they do have some good information, exposing the 'general' way big industry is doing business... most of what is in the local grocery.

    And just to clarify their acronym:

    No Refined foods

    No Animal foods

    No Vegetable oils

    No Exceptions

    And EXERCISE! :)

    All the meat Andrew and I eat, we either raise it ourselves or aquire it by barter from friends or neighbors. This is why I can get grass fed beef rather than grain fed beef...all commercial beef is grain fed.

    All our dairy products are obtained the same way. Our milk is NOT homogenized or pasteurized and I get fresh cream and do my own butter. Goat milk and goat cheese are wonderful.

    At least 50% of the meat we eat is wild game which we kill and butcher ourselves. Wild game and grass fed beef are rich in conjugated linoleic acid.

    Where is this place Ron... sounds wonderful :love3:

  2. We were so busy with our family of six, plus by the time we left, there was so much OFF the Word going on In TWI, it didn't seem they had too much right about Real Life anyway.

    The part that took time getting rid of were the thoughts of 'the world' :(

    ALL those OUTSIDE the household of TWI were either working For the Devil or being Used by the Devil... :confused: I had very little trust for anyone.

    I've been brought to tears MANY times just hearing songs, seeing people living, shopping, hearing how friends of the family were volunteering and helping people...

    My life from 1981 was manipulated. I learned some wonderful things, but inside a twisted setting.

    My curse was now 'eating my words'. Friends & Family had been patient as I forced the things I was learning on them. They waited patiently as I ignored them, their birthdays and their serious questions.

    I am haunted by the hardness I developed listening and learning the doctrine of TWI.

    I'm glad this curse is 'washable'... Working here to get ALL the layers off... all those thick layers :(

  3. Just to remind myself what was said in the beginning~

    GreaseSpot has always made an effort to "protect" victims. I have met with great resistance defending my stance. I am wondering, now, if that decision was erroneous.

    In a thread recently, a woman spoke openly about an affair with LCM. She made some observations that, I felt, were honest, not GSPC but honest.

    What followed was a vile bashing of her and her opinions. Was she not entitled to her opinion? Or have we gotten to the point that we throw stones and ask questions later or never? Now I know that GS is a tough crowd, but My God. And to add to the disgust of the whole thing, people that I have protected in the past were in the front row throwing stones!

    And I don't know what to do about it. I really don't. We bite the heads off of regulars and DON'T get me started about new people. I have had numerous emails telling me to be careful of two posters that "know" LCM. They will most likely NEVER post here again. I certainly wouldn't with the kind of treatment they were given. I checked both of them out and there were NO signs that they weren't who they said they were. Heck I even found out the favorite band of one of them.

    I am not going to threaten any censorship. I am not going to threaten to close forums down. I AM going to ask that you NOT become the people from whence we came.

    Well Paw, it seems the internet leaves much to be desired in the way of 'understanding' other posters real message.

    Maybe, we should all take more time in reading, thinking and asking questions before flying into a reply?

    Like..."did you mean..... when you said...?"

    I still remember the face to face issue being a good self monitor... would I say this to their face?... although some things discussed here would only be done incognito :unsure:

  4. Still in my heart and very encouraging... :biglaugh:

    Faith Hill

    Wild One

    They said change your clothes

    She said no I won't

    They said comb your hair

    She said some kids don't

    And her parents dreams went up in smoke

    They said you can't leave

    She said yes I will

    They said don't see him

    She said his name is Bill

    She's on a roll and it's all uphill

    She's a wild one

    With an angel's face

    She's a woman-child

    In a state of grace

    When she was 3 years old on her daddy's knee

    He said you can be anything you want to be

    She's a wild one

    Runnin' free

    She loves Rock and Roll

    They said it's Satan's tongue

    She thinks they're too old

    They think she's too young

    And the battle lines are clearly drawn

    She's a wild one

    With an angel's face

    She's a woman-child

    In a state of grace

    When she was 3 years old on her daddy's knee

    He said you can be anything you want to be

    She's a wild one

    Runnin' free

    She has future plans and dreams at night

    When they tell her life is hard she says that's alright

    She's a wild one

    With an angel's face

    She's a woman-child

    In a state of grace

    When she was 3 years old on her daddy's knee

    He said you can be anything you want to be

    She's a wild one

    Runnin' free

  5. (((((LikeanEagle)))))

    A big move... gosh, we'd offer to help if we were nearby and you needed it :)

    Quality of life to me means having the health, energy and time to enjoy my family and those around me. Building relationships...

    Yes, we've just moved to West Michigan from Las Vegas, a very transient place...

    Living in Nevada was suffocating for me. Neighbors kept to themselves, and people seemed distant. Evil seemed to have made it's way into far too many aspects of living there~

    Here in Michigan some people don't lock their homes or cars, they come to your door with cookies when you move in. People in the subdivision talk with each other, going out of their way to just say 'hello' if they see you outside... Folks walk over with a welcome note with their names and phone numbers on it! We've even had some bring a 'dish' over, just because they liked it, and thought we would too... and we've done the same many times. IT'S WONDERFUL!!!!

    Hope your move goes well :wave:


    Bramble, did you see my reply w/ the protein/potato/hamburger error correction? Sorry about that :redface:

    My husband is diabetic and considers the glycemic index for foods all the time. He has a booklet he received at a diabetic info class. But there is a lot online, too. White bread, white potatoes, white rice--all high.

    You're right.. all the white stuff is high :)

    My husband had diabetes too... His doctors didn't help him very much. For the last 3 years he did everything they told him to, and he continued to get worse, almost losing his left leg. (not to mention all the nose bleeds, headaches & internal problems from the meds)

    So, we began our search for alternative, nutrition minded doctors.

    He's gotten healed! No more diabetes, weight & cholesterol is down, circulation is returning, and he feels better than ever :)

    There's a SEA of information out there... mind-boggling sometimes!

    We found only a couple of places that seem to know what they're doing with Water Fasting. One place he didn't care much for, since they believe in evolution, which rubbed him the wrong way... But, he was healed :wave:

    The very best to you & your husband :)


    I'm not suggesting anyone do what I'm doing...I'm suggesting each of us should gather all the information we can...learn, learn, learn...all about yourself, your food, your body etc etc etc and make your own informed choices accordingly.

    Hurray Ron!!! What great success you’re having!

    Learning and action seems to be the key.

    My husband almost lost his leg due to poor circulation, borderline diabetes, poor eating and exercise habits. (He had a HOLE to the bone that barely coverd with a thin layer of skin~ very gross & scarey)

    After seeing many doctors and getting NO results, he went to a Water Only Fasting Clinic in Northern California for three weeks. Actually, he's still there, will be done May 1st. The clinic does fasting & ‘re-feeding’, along with daily educational materials from all sorts of Doctors & Writers.

    He's gotten excellent results. Normalized blood pressure, cholesterol & weight loss, all without medication, something several other doctors told him would NEVER happen for him w/out the meds. (but the meds made him very sick!)

    BUT, there were some people who arrived while he was there, and the doctors didn't like what their blood work was showing, and wouldn't allow them to do the Water Only Fasting. They stayed only a short time, eating more fresh fare.

    Everyone is different, and education is key.

  6. Interesting Post Abigail :)

    In another thread, someone made reference to the idea that GreaseSpot has some of the 'most damaged people in our country'.

    In either case - does the fact that one has some scars, has some "damage" make them less valuable? Should we toss them in the trash like a broken plate because they are damaged? And if so, who gets to determine where the dividing line is between who is worthy of keeping (maybe a simple crack in the plate or a chip is acceptable) and who gets thrown away?

    I did not see that comment on the other thread here.

    But, I do find it interesting, and true.

    There is something that speaks loudly in those words of the affects from others who TAKE, without permission. This is a criminal ACT!

    I don't know of too many people OUTSIDE TWI experience that would be able to understand my life.

    And the same must be true for those that have been raped. If someone hasn't experienced THAT, how would they really KNOW much about it.

    CRIMINALS like rapists and TWI have left a wake of stink behind them... the more that is exposed, the more I realize how DARK they really are!

    But, EVERY person is LOVED by God, and tossing away a person? Unthinkable!

    GreaseSpotCafe is full of people who UNDERSTAND the affects from those disgusting ROBBERS.

    The damage these LAWBREAKERS cause many not be a pretty sight, but it is REAL… similar to WAR… some close their eyes to it, and scoff at the people involved. :nono5:

  7. ((((Abigail))))

    I had no idea. :cryhug_1_: How horrible for you to have to have gone through all of that.

    Damn that TWI for promoting those stupid lies about marriage :realmad:

    My experience was nothing like yours... and my mother called the parents of the High School Senior right away... she had a German Police Whistle, and if we didn't yell out that we heard her, she was on it right away...

    She was 'whistling', and I was being 'held' under the trees at Madonna's house.... :unsure: I was in 8th grade, and the guy insisted that I give him a BJ... I told him 'hear that, my Mom would be here any minuet'... :nono5: He took off

    I'm so sorry for all your horrible pain~



    Sorry, miscommunication on my part:

    A potato has "about the same protein as a hamburger" ?

    Lets break that down a bit. Have you done it?

    It's the percent of Protein in each food that I was trying to relay:

    Pecans 5


    Watermelon 8

    Oranges 8

    Cantaloupe 9

    Potatoes 10

    Barley 11

    Almonds 12

    Walnuts 13

    Corn 15

    Wheat 17

    Peanuts 18

    Wile Rice 18

    Tomatoes 20

    Cabbage 22

    Squash 23

    Cucumbers 24

    Beef 26

    Green beans 26

    Lentils 29

    Broad beans 32

    Asparagus 38

    Soybeans 43

    Brussell Sprouts 44

    Broccoli 45

    Spinach 49

    There are many Myths coming from the food industries. Dairy lobby spending was $3,188,754 in 2004, all used to sell their products.

    Yet, the primary cause of osteoporosis is a Sedentary Work and Lifestyle. An example is Astronauts, they have massive bone loss even though they consume lots of calcium. Another example is bedridden people.

    Bones are like muscles, they get stronger and grow only when you put them under stress! But the dairy industry would like us to believe it's caused from the lack of calcium, and urge us to consume at least 'three glasses a day'... :confused:

    Your other comment I feel duty-bound to address:

    Why must these commercial diet promoters stretch the facts so much?

    This conclusion about the RAVE diet can't be true.... but I do see that comment fitting the Meat and Dairy industry :)

    There are many health care professional out there that know how changing to a vegetable based diet will allow your body to heal itself.

    This is what they are encouraging in the RAVE materials. The whole point of the RAVE diet is to go back to the fundamental foods... in order to give our bodies a chance to heal themselves.

    They don't claim to have invented a 'new diet', just the opposite.

    RAVE is a simple acronym describing what to do to heal faster.

    They inform people there are Doctors out there using similar diets, and if you need help, get advice from a Doctor who is trained in plant based nutrition.

    They let people know that the human body is a miracle and it's constantly trying to heal itself.

    Each patient carries his own doctor inside him

    Albert Schweitzer

    Nobel Prize Winner

    Love to you :wave:


    :biglaugh: it's so funny... thinking back on these things, but DURING the episode, the discomfort can be immense. The 'hole in the floor didn't appear'~ what a hoot!

    That guy had a great response, and probably said it frequently... there are a lot of kids in your area :)

    Could someone invent a button to become invisible... or a collar to have voices muted... :biglaugh:

    We have a few friends with physical deformities. Some from birth, some from disease.

    They feel more comfortable to have people ASK than just to stare, since this is just another part of their life.

    But, it's just awkward!


    Just to add here~

    Just yesterday we were shopping at Meijer, our area grocery & everything else place :)

    My 5 year old, upon seeing a young teenager with REALLY BIG EARS and a brush cut, stops in his tracks, points, Mom did you see THAT?!?!?!..... :o

    I "shished" oh so quietly with a stern look, hoping he stop immediately...

    But, no... he went on to explain himself, since he'd NEVER seen anything like this before....

    Oh gawd, I felt so bad... was hoping maybe the poor guy didn't hear well...

    My son, embarrassed now from his own words, whispered that, 'well, his ears were REALLY BIG', didn't I see that?!?!?!... :redface:

    We had a little talk later about how we're all different, and pointing out the differences might hurt someone's feelings...


    I seriously doubt that total strangers have a vested, honest interest and concern for my health. <_<

    :( Well, call me different Belle dear , but I have a serious concern for people, even those I don't know... I'm considering going into a nursing program, but wonder how much GOOD will that field enable me to really do?

    Abigail is right, any negative comments are devastating. Our culture promotes unrealistic images, which mess with the hearts and minds of women (young and old) daily! :nono5:

    When I just started working in Hawaii as a Teacher/Trainee at the Beauty College in Pearl City, one of the students had forgotten my name, and referred to me as 'the chubby' one... that KILLED me... I was a wow... we hardly ate two meals a day, I walked EVERYWHERE... but what we did eat wasn't very good for us :(

    That comment didn't help me, it hurt, and I wasn't sure what exactly to do. My weight didn't change that whole year, even with walking several miles a day :blink: Our coordinator was a meat & potato guy, so that's what we ate, anything fresh was a garnish on the plate~

    This topic would mesh well with the 'Where is the Love' topic...

    ((((((hugs for all of us)))))))


    As to what CoolWaters was saying about only eating 1000 calories a day, I agree.

    Most people would feel horrible, and your metabolism would slow WAY down, causing your body to hang onto whatever fat it could.

    Eating a variety of fruits and veggies in large quantities will not only fill you up, but after a while will make you feel and look great.

    Most American's are not ill from a lack of something, but rather ill from over-doing it!

    Our 5 year old has a common question about food... 'Did God make this'?

    We discuss foods in our house. Where did it come from. What's in it for me. Who made this, and what is their motive... do they want me to be healthy?

    There is room in this topic for all types of responses. Sudo seems to have it right, in that 'others are only concerned about your health', but I KNOW, hearing those comments HURT!

    I've always viewed being overweight as being in prison. I didn't enjoy it, and I don't know of anyone else that does...

    Love & Peace :wave:


    Hey Abigail :)

    Let's see, 'Eating Plus' comes in DVD, and there is a Diet & Lifestyle book also. The DVD is 110 min. long! It was fascinating, even for my kids 18, 15, & 12... The 5 year old didn’t really care ;)

    It isn't a 'diet', it's more of a information/teaching of the typical American diet from the famous 'food pyramid', showing how eating this way will cause problems.

    It exposes some facts that most people don't know about, like how the meat and dairy industry is subsidized by the government. It shows how much of our natural resources goes to feed the animals we eat, and many more fascinating facts on the care and handling of these animals.

    Years ago, the common diseases of today plagued only the very wealthy. The people who could afford more 'expensive' foods.

    Today, without the government support, our beef would be about $90 a pound... (something only the very wealthy could afford)

    Interesting fact- raw spinach pound for pound has DOUBLE the protein of beef...

    A large baked potato has about the same protein as a hamburger...

    A difficult video to explain in a few paragraphs... but certainly worth every penny.

    One woman in the DVD ate all the right stuff, lean chicken, skim milk, veggies, fruits & grains, was a Marathon Runner, and she developed cancer. She had the tumor removed, but refused chemo & radiation against her doctors wishes and had fantastic results after changing to a plant based diet... More than 15 years ago!

    It's about knowing what's really out there, and then making choices. Lack of knowledge is deadly…

    The book, which goes into more detail, I haven't received yet...


    Well it seems that some people think that EATING too much ALL the time is why some of us are heavy.

    There are factors in play that help KEEP fat on our bodies, even when we're hardly eating at all.

    I know the secret to losing weight, and the well kept secret of curing cancer and other very common diseases in America. It's built into our bodies, God put it there.

    It will probably anger you to see who is tampering with the truth, and why false information is freely given from our government and doctors.

    For anyone interested in good health, take a look at http://www.ravediet.com/

    They have a DVD for sale there, Call 'Eating Plus', only $12.95. (Also discounted in bulk)...

    We watched it again last night... the kids didn't lose interest for a second...

    Since we know several people who have dealt with cancer on different levels, we were just the more angered, and ready for a change...

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