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Everything posted by SafariVista

  1. SafariVista


    My OPINION is... Some topics/language shouldn't be made public~ excuse me, my young kids can hear you! The Health Risk is a MAJOR concern, since we PERSONALLY know a man, who after two years working for a cell phone company, using a CELL PHONE for many hours a day, developed an APPLE SIZE, CANCEROUS Tumor directly above the ear he held that Cell Phone on... :( We use the SPEAKER PHONE feature... Letting callers know~ “You’re on Speaker Phone” And yes, I do enjoy the ease of communicating with the kids & hubby…
  2. So, Alabama is Paradise? Hope you're doing well
  3. Sounds true.... I'd like to hear the answers to all those questions too
  4. Maybe the 'sharing' of information in TWI in tape/cd form is because their followers aren’t supposed to be ON THE INTERNET Thanks for all the sites though... have been looking for 'book ideas' for my 15 year old boy... Man... ALL THAT INFORMATION, RIGHT HERE AT THE CAFE! :) Thanks~
  5. Well, they guy in the glasses hasn't walked about in some of the woods around here, and North from here... cause the answer then would be No... you're sounding crackly... 'call ended'... NO SERVICE...
  6. TWI is running out of stuff to teach? No NEW, FRESH Word of God being inspired or given to them perhaps?... hummm
  7. I thought this right away too Abigail.... Maybe this is one of those 'mandatory parental behaviors' that are reserved ONLY for verbal teaching... if it were in writing, TWI could be held liable Might be better for folks who enjoy this type of behavior to just have a dog... better yet, a couple of fish :unsure: Their maintenance can be easily planned right into that structured routine~ (Just to add... We love routine on school mornings... but there is more room for spontaneity in there...)
  8. phew.... what the heck “The Foundation of Parenting: God’s Word” How can families start their day the right way? This information has been out in book form for years now. With all the structure w/in TWI, why would this even be needed?... And, if God's Word was the active UMPIRE w/in TWI, there wouldn't be anyone around the place anymore, since they are NOT doers of the Word... they don't physically help anyone outside their own SHRINKNG walls... they would have been DISQUALIFIED YEARS AGO! That was some difficult, annoying reading there Belle... you okay?
  9. Welcome Sailor 'Dream Girl' sounds like the perfect Way Corps Candidate... Ready for Programming :(
  10. Nerve zapping topic for me right now... I have a lot to say... but not the energy to say it... I don't understand how a 'FRIENDSHIP' can be miss-used greatly, if it's a two way friendship. I also think some of the friends I thought I had in TWI are still bewitched by a cult mentality... and it is painful :(
  11. Were you 'much sought after' in TWI? :blink: j/k of course
  12. Celebrities who share my birthday: Rachael Bella (1984) Will Clark (1964) Adam Clayton (1960) Dana Delany (1956) William H. Macy (1950) Neil Sedaka (1939) William Casey (1913) L. Ron Hubbard (1911) Percival Lowell (1855) Gosh, it says I'm least compatible w/ my husband, only daughter, eldest son, middle son, only brother and Father... and maybe I'll get along w/ my Mother I'm most compatible w/ my youngest son... How depressing is that...:( Can I be born again and change those results?.... Please, can I?....
  13. Congratulations to you Oakspear on your 5th Anniversary... Your message is inspiring~
  14. SafariVista

    Spoiled Kid

    Could you take some 'orders'... I'm willing to pay for one... that was one of my favorites :)
  15. Is this type of additive something that is needed once a month? Just curious...
  16. Looks like you're going to have a fun filled time~ :)
  17. shivers...... Their 'own' words don't sound too bad. They even get out into the world and GIVE... that's far more than TWI ever did... Oh, but the sex stuff... that is just MORE than I cared to hear about... DISGUSTING... and still there are people claiming how they love it where they're at in the group?... So many things in the world for Parents to be concerned for their children and loved one's safety... Cults are right up there with DRUGS in my opinion... Getting involved could mean the end of any relationship…
  18. SafariVista


    We have a few places here toting wallpaper & accessories... Menards (said with Pirate voice) has a large section of it with books and everything.... thought LOWES does too~ I'll check while we're out & about today :)
  19. then there was that SPANKING ritual... Wooden spoons with our last name on it... How about the CHECKING IN ritual NOTE TAKING ritual... THANK YOU CARD ritual... all sorts of correct, automatic ritualistic responses for every occasion
  20. The Ritual of Preparedness: 1. Always have your home prepared with the physical items that make your leadership comfortable. 2. Always travel with items in your vehicle to be ready for anything. 3. When visiting TWI Headquarters, be prepared with EXTRA pantyhose and other items, so as NOT to enter the beautiful Auditorium with a blemish 4. Always have paper and writing object to get prospective 'believer's' phone numbers & address. 5. Always be prepared to make time to call those prospects back WITHIN A 24 HOUR PERIOD! 6. Always be teaching those in your fellowship these points, so they too will be prepared. probably many more... that's all I can handle right now
  21. I agree with Sunesis... TWI even made a mockery of the word 'Revival'... as if God would do nothing OUTSIDE the sanctions of their cornfield~ :(
  22. Oh (((((Rascal)))))... Your post here are my thoughts EXACTLY! I've read this post of yours many times, read it to a few neighbors and to my husband. It seems those that lived out TWI's example of 'Freedom' have ended up with some very serious physical problems, even death.~ Father & son Wierwille included! Guess they were prime examples of living that 'freedom in Christ'~ The practical living example at TWI is all about the individual and what they HAVE and how they're better than all the rest! Where's the 'Christ-Like' living in all that noise?
  23. Thought provoking T-Bone, Now, had Mr Wierwille exhibited this type of behavior to you in the very beginning, your alarms would have been loud and clear... I would imagine... There was a conditioning that took place to have us SEDATED enough to blindly accept what came out of this guys filthy mind. Along with the sedation came self-un-worth... we wouldn’t be as good or knowledgeable as Wierwille was... This conditioning didn't just happen, it was one LIE at a time, and TIME in between each one to get our MINDS ready to receive the NEXT LIE~ To the normal person, had his behavior been made public, it would have been clear that this Wierwille guy was a sex maniac, perverted, nasty, and freely stalking his young prey... gut-wrenching :(
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