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Everything posted by SafariVista

  1. I've never seen Jesus Christ involved in any legal battles, covering his B-Hind with a bunch of words, except for quoting what his Dad said... What happened to: "IT IS WRITTEN"? "FREELY WE HAVE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE"? "ALL THOSE THAT HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL BE FILLED"? All of their statements don't seem to line up with God's Word at all~ Could it be, TWI's TRUE self is showing?!?!?!?!
  2. Abigail! When are you seeing all of these animals? I've only been able to watch maybe 5 or 6 different ones so far... are they coming out while I'm sleeping? :( Love all the noises~
  3. SafariVista


    My how time zooms right on! Christmas Countdown Clock
  4. Ecclesiastes 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore, the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. :( The world has very sick people in it, with far too much freedom~ So much hurt...
  5. SafariVista


    Oh My! :unsure: a whole family of tricksters...
  6. The 'Real World' for alcoholic, sex maniacs are lived in the shadow of something good... hiding, plotting, lying, and acting for the most part with extreme secrecy. Mr. Wierwille died at a very young age, especially for someone with all of that WORD and supporters...and it wasn’t an accident… by his fruit WE SHOULD KNOW HIM~ Dirty pig~ .... him and all his filthy toys, wasting money that had been given to help others! His eyes should have been dug out, and a few appendages CUT OFF!!! Jack LaLanne still proves to be a much better man, with more beautiful fruit~ At least if his example is followed the person would actually have some wholesome benefits
  7. Hearing that Wierwille had the freedom to walk about grabbing any woman's breasts is sickening. What the H*LL was wrong with him and all the folks around him... Did it seem that Mr Wierwille stayed away from 'new people'? Was it his fashion to only keep close company with those that worshipped him? He wouldn't have gotten too far out in the real world acting like that
  8. muffled green punched sore sister
  9. Yes, the weather report was copied and pasted... the use of words like Abundant and Prevailing in the NEWS just don't seem right for some reason...
  10. Well, they should be happy, thinking God is on their side, especially with the weather report~ Today: Abundant sunshine. High 72F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. It's nice Bliss, that your friends are still speaking with you... Take care
  11. Some monkeys frolicking about... and a lump on the ground, which appears to be a dead animal, continues to get their attention... The action continues to pick up... darn if I know the names of all these animals... facinating!
  12. Interesting~ Was just watching, and a shadow was approaching the water from the left... it was a MAN! The camera immediately moved to the FAR right... didn't see him again, then an engine started... now a vehicle is back, a door opened & shut... and then, another engine starting~ HUMAN action... humm... maybe a while until more wildlife returns... Wonder when it's the most 'active' there... maybe while I'm sleeping...?
  13. That was a power packed few paragraphs there Smitty! ALL of my 21 years involved with TWI had been, from the start , THINKING about what I was thinking about and why... did it LINE UP with the word of God?... That's what was taught and practiced in TWI, so that's what most of us did. From how I thought of myself to all of those around me, the job I did, and how I did it, were ALL TALKED ABOUT in TWI... what was BEST? I can't think of ANY area in life that WAS NOT covered by THEIR DOCTRINE. Let's see, I had more than 21 DAYS of practicing TWI's doctrine in all areas of life :unsure: :blink: Now, we had three out of four children at home, but by choice... The forth was born in a birthing center, since the house was too active with older children, school activities, friends, family visiting... All wonderful memories :)
  14. So, what were those husbands like 'back in the day'? Did they come home with flowers and a nice velvet box from the local jeweler? Did they open the door and speak kindly to their precious wife? Staying out all night is a bit far fetched... w/out any questions? Humm... who wrote that article? Some secretary whose male boss had a bit of input?
  15. Don't know any current facts about ol Loy myself, BUT God on the other hand is Good and just and still keeps his word :)
  16. huh... wonder what they'll think of next!?!?!
  17. And that was my point... I know what God gave us, and don't think he wants us to eat the blood... or treat animals in this way. The LOVE OF MONEY seems to be at the root of this treatment. But unless people speak up against the inhumane practices, they will continue. I don't want to support it! While living in Hawaii, our land-lord was given the live pig/hog for their family get-together. She and her mother were the ones that would prepare it for the meal... She held that pig by the neck, speaking to it while it had it's throat slit, and the blood drained into a pot... She respected the pig, and acted in a caring, thankful way... it was something I'd never seen before OR after that... Anyone can eat what they like, but remember moderation in all... and for the most part, our health is directly related to what we consume~
  18. Meet You Meat I don't believe God intended Humans to torture their food before eating... Or to consume food that was riddled with chemicals… Or to eat so much that we could barely move around… and smoke so much that we can barely breathe… I believe God makes a way out in every situation so we’re not consumed with the ridiculous mayhem of the world~
  19. Abe, your account of the WD Program has no resemblance of the Life Of Jesus Christ...?!?!?! Is TWI teaching THIS is the way Jesus Christ lived his life on earth?
  20. Are any of you w/ sleeping problems consuming caffeine during the day? Consumption as late as 10 am may affect your sleep later that night. Eating mostly veggies, fruits and grains, and drinking fresh water, along with some solid, heart pounding, sweat-dripping exercise will usually do the trick If your knees are bad, or your back is sore... there are still exercises you can do!
  21. Thank you VeganXTC, enjoyed reading that story :)
  22. Sushi... .... Al, it's my opinion that the laws in our country NEED to be changed concerning crimes against children, especially sexual crimes... with whom should we speak with about what we'd like done?
  23. I know first hand BOTH sides of the Union... and it needs some adjustments for sure! My Father was verbally assaulted and threatened while working as a Supervisor in a Pontiac Motors Plant. There were a group of black men that worked when they wanted, and took breaks far more than 'allowed'... For a hard working country boy, born in 1922, that was more than he could take... and considering his family with two small children, he didn't care to find out if their threats were REAL... The Union has too many rules to protect the lazy employee, which is wrong... One of the problems Unions face is deceitful employees... and this I know of first hand also... faking injury at work, and collecting money for the rest of their lives... probably many loop-holes that could be exposed... all of which RAISE the cost of operations and products. The Burger King here offers health insurance, as does Pizza Hut and many other stores to their FULL TIME employees... But for a company that is making as much as Wal-Mart/Sam's Club, who CAN afford to take care of their workers with a higher wage and full health benefits, AND DON'T... the law of freedom of speech should allow these employees some information... Nothing new under the sun?... Wal-Mart = Mafia?
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