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Everything posted by CoolWaters

  1. Yeah! Does anybody think that the bot were contacted when it hit the newspapers? אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  2. Well, actually, the documentation can be obtained from the public library in Anchorage...from the archives of the newspaper...and I did answer the question of prosecution on page 1 of this thread. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  3. Ummmmmm....OM....did you even read what I've written here? Was it (in 1984-1986) up to the bot to appoint limb leaders and oversee what they were doing? How about knowing what was going on with one another? There's only 3 of them for gawd's sake. If so, the bot was well aware of everything I knew was going on...via letters to and from vpw, d and lc m. And the bot turned a deaf ear. If no, then I don't know what to say...except that twi is a far more closely run ship than that. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  4. Oh, the bible also says it's god in christ in you (I understand this like a chemical equation...god "goes to" [becomes] christ who "goes to" [becomes] you) that any who had seen jesus had seen the father that jesus had to leave so that the comforter could come that jesus was the word and that the word was made flesh ?????????????
  5. WN, I'm not real sure what to think doctrinally because I prefer to leave my beliefs open for correction, addition, removal, etc. However, I do know that it doesn't really matter in the end, ya know? It's still all my mind and I have no way of proving otherwise. So I try not to worry about the hows and the wherefroms...it makes me crazy trying to figure all that out...I just try to effectively use what's been given. I feel that if I'm gonna talk about the bible then I'd better use the bible as the measuring stick for what I say about what's in the bible. So, the bible says that we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Logistically, then, I think that it would be insanity to have 3 different entities running around in my head. IMO. ?????????????
  6. Just got into www.theway.com and the video link is there... ?????????????
  7. www.theway.com is opening for me now. ?????????????
  8. Exactly! Even if one wants to go solely according to the bible, the "mystery" is exactly "christ in you". Even Paul recognized this! He said, "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." (Galations 1:12 KJV) Has anyone ever thought about exactly what "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (II Timothy 4:3-4 KJV) means? Well, we really couldn't, could we? We were so busy sitting through classes and heaping unto oursleves teachers. Oh. That was a BIG duh! for me when I finally recognized that twi not only leads people into this condition, but is built upon this very premise. Yet I still continued to seek outside of myself for "the answers". And they were inside all along...but they were just a still, small voice... ?????????????
  9. Happy Birthday, {{{{{Kit!}}}}} (I was making you a special graphic when things happened and I didn't get to finish. :(--> But my wishes for you to enjoy and celebrate your special day are just as enthusiastic! :D--> ) ?????????????
  10. Zix, I'm pretty much in the mind of thinking that they're working on the site or something, too. However, I know that with HumanClick http://www.humanclick.com/ there is a whole lot of information given about people when they hit a page that has HumanClick embedded somewhere on the site. I also know that with message boards (such as GSC) this info can be used to block people from accessing the site. Is that not possible with a regular website? And if anybody is wondering...I am in no way saying or implying that twi is doing this with their site. I am merely curious. ?????????????
  11. These things...yes...these things are things to consider...and to weigh. As has been evidenced over and over again, the "logic" and "believing" that was taught in twi did not lead to the ability to live in community with one another, much more the world. It lead to isolation, loneliness, fear and downright paranoid social behavior. Going along in my life and getting older, I see that "evil" and "good" are defined primarily by how people treat one another. I've never heard of a person being defined as either "good" or "evil" unless that person had done something for/to someone else. Even things are defined as "good" or "evil" based upon how they will/can be used by/for/with/upon people. So, thinking about these things, I see a pattern. ?????????????
  12. The most evil shows on TV? Easy. The ones I don't turn off if I feel there's a problem with them. Oh. Wait. That would make something wrong with me. Wrong thread. Carry on. ?????????????
  13. {{{{{rascal!}}}}} You are the sweetest! I understand that this fear is a leftover fear...that there's no real threat any longer. I have posted before (on WayDale, I think) about this with another person who was trapped in the situation. Nothing happened then...and I know nothing is going to happen now. It's just this old jumpiness that hangs on. Not just in wondering if anybody is going to show up at my door, but wondering if I'm going to "pay a price"...if something bad is going to happen to me. As I said, it's an old fear...started long before I ever knew anything about twi...that marked my upbringing. twi just honed it and magnified it for their own uses. I just gotta deal, ya know? I may never be over it, either. But, as one of Ginger's daily affirmations says, "every day, in every way, I am getting better". אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  14. {{{{{Shellon}}}}} TY. I still want to go back and take it all out. Fear, ya know. Sigh. But this stuff is readily documented. There are newspaper articles, court records, jail records, etc. Nonetheless, I am still jumping every time I hear someone outside, or the phone rings (thank the brains of the world for caller ID!), or I get an email from someone I don't recognize. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  15. I must have been in a really grumpy mood this morning! dmiller, I didn't mean to come off so harsh. I'm not promoting or demoting anybody's belief system. And I didn't mean to be argumentative...but I sure did come off that way. I'm sorry. ?????????????
  16. ex10, Thank you for starting this thread. So often it is too easy to forget that there is an option to reading and guessing. :)--> ?????????????
  17. eek, Lifted Up! I just re-read my post and realized that I said something I didn't meant to say. I said that the question is based upon an assumption. I meant to say that the statement is based upon an assumption. I'm sorry. ?????????????
  18. Shaz, This was about '84-'86. I know at least one of the "leadership" people involved was prosecuted and went to prison. One of the "babes" (in twi-speak) involved was also prosecuted and went to prison (the guy had sat through one or two sessions of the class...and boy did we get it when we actually had the blasphemous gall to allow our daughter to testify in a court of unbelievers against a "babe"!). Others permanently lost their children to the state. Others escaped prosecution because the children were too young to give decent testimony to collaborate too little evidence or because the people were "guilty" only of not "seeing" what was going on in their homes. But as I said, I have heard that the ring-leader is still in twi...and is right back in AK. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  19. twi taught a very practiced delusion...called denial...about the truth...concerning everything אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  20. This thread is on my All Time Most Amazing Threads list. The very idea that one has what one needs within oneself...well whodda thunk? ;)--> ?????????????
  21. It absolutely makes a difference where it comes from, imo. This question is based upon the assumption that what is found in the bible is the only truth. ?????????????
  22. dmiller, For me, the Abe/Isaac situation is absurd. Of course, so is the idea of any human sacrifice...Job's family and Jesus included. I am a mother and a grandmother. Basing a whole religion off of the need for a father to sacrifice his only "important" son...well, it's hogwash to the nth degree and I'll not buy it or eat it as chicken soup. To go simply by the bible is to have a religion only for single men who have never been fathers. And the bible says so. ?????????????
  23. {said with accent of ancient chinese master} Ahhhhh grasshopper. You learn. You teach. ;)--> ?????????????
  24. {{{{{rascal}}}} I wish I could tell you that this was stopped for good. But I have been told that the ring leader is still in twi...and is back in AK. The people to really thank are the children. It was their courage to tell what they needed to tell when it needed to be told. It was their innocent little lives that were constantly in danger. It was their precious hearts that were stomped on repeatedly. It was their frail little bodies that endured. All we did was notify the proper authorities. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
  25. We're solid something for sure, rascal! ;)--> :D--> It gets under my skin quite a bit to read such nearly blind support of some of the folks involved. I used to argue with people a whole lot. Now I figure to each his own. BTW... I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that vpw knew...because I wrote to and received letters from him about what was going on. Those were the letters that the local leadership was most interested in getting. I also wrote to d and lc m. The letters to them were stolen, but I still have the letters from them. Not a word about what was going. LCM wrote on a piece of scratch paper and wrote one line..."I don't know what to say." DM wrote a very pretty note on twi letterhead about what a good believer I am blah blah blah. Since my letter was addressed to mrs vpw as well (this was after vpw died), dm included mrs vpw as if mrs vpw had input into dm's letter to me. So I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that leadership all the way up to hq and the prez knew. אַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַאַ
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