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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Hal, Yep, we're from the same town. As for my identity and theological position, the first post at this link pretty much says it all: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/lofivers....php/t4444.html
  2. Come to think of it, Smitty, I used to attend the twig that ran in your parents’ basement.
  3. Dudley was in W. Va. before I got involved with Wierwille's sect, but Terri was limb secretary under Mike Smith.
  4. Cynic

    More ebay fun

    This fellow has apparently bumped up his Buy It Now price from where he once had it (when he had four copies of the "original" available): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=200004335186 Food for thought: Are the fellow's claims different from the claims of TWI's founder and the claims of founders of some Pentecostal (or para-Pentecostal) ministries more in degree, details and the aesthetics of salesmanship than they are in kind?
  5. Cynic

    Only at Walmart

    Garth, Trigger locks are removable devices used to secure firearms from undesired discharges. The idea of putting a trigger lock on a gun is that the lock has to be removed from the gun in order to fire it. A trigger lock can be used in an attempt to render safer an unloaded gun, but can also be used on a loaded gun that one desires to have for quick use, yet wants to prevent a child, an intruder, or some stinking Socinian, Unitarian or Democrat from picking up an discharging. Handling an unloaded gun is obviously safer than handling a loaded one. If children are in the house, I really can’t help but recommend that firearms be locked up and/or disassembled.
  6. Cynic

    Only at Walmart

    I have never used a trigger lock, but attempting to install one after cocking the hammer should be utterly counterintuitive for anyone having any experience with firearms. The guy needed to be told to find a store with a chocolate or rubber gun department. If some lawyer takes his case, Wal-Mart should go after him and his client for attorneys’ fees.
  7. Jeremiah 20: 14-18 has Jeremiah cursing a man for not aborting him – suggesting, IMO, a request by Jeremiah’s mother for an abortion that the fellow had declined or otherwise failed to perform. Disclaimer: This position is utterly my own. I have not seen or heard it promoted, endorsed or even held by any Reformed theologian, orthodox exegete, Christian believer, or squalid heretic I have encountered.
  8. Cynic

    The NEW New Countdown

    Congrats, Raf. Starting a countdown thread for an event nearly a year off is okay, of course, if you're scheduled for execution, space travel or marriage.
  9. Cynic

    The NEW New Countdown

    "310" what? If this is a 310-day countdown, someone needs to make Rafael his own special little place in the forum for "countdown" threads.
  10. Cynic

    Confession of sins

    "Z" is a registered poster? What's his/her/its handle?
  11. Disclaimer: I don't know John Schoenheit. My beef with him is theological, not personal. Aside from his errant theology and teachings, Schoenheit might be a quite likable fellow.
  12. Garth has implicitly but significantly compared the discrimination that would go with making subscription to doctrinal standards (concerning no less an issue than Christology) a requisite for seminary admission to discrimination involved in historical educational disenfranchisement of blacks in the South. Garth's conjuring up of such an analogy is an exercise in tarring his opponent, rather than an exercise in making some substantive and capably reasoned evaluation. It involves a parasitical gleaning of some moral and emotional capital from the history of racism, and basely using it as a denunciatory tool. On the bright side, the raging little hack is not still going on about nonexistent lynchings of heretics by Baptists. For some folks, vacuous denunciations and parasitical analogies are actually a step up.
  13. Noni1974, For some theologically competent commentary on regeneration (i.e. being born again), you could read these: http://www.reformedonline.com/view/reforme...ne/newbirth.htm http://homepage.mac.com/shanerosenthal/ref...k/aabbregen.htm
  14. Garth: Ever the proud, loud, small-souled little fellow.
  15. From http://www.christianeducational.org/timeline.htm , the following is one of the entries for the year 1993: “To enhance his ability to serve the Body of Christ, John Schoenheit began working part-time on a Master’s of Divinity at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. His tuition was paid by a supporter. “ From RTS Charlotte’s website ( http://www.rts.edu/site/academics/degree_p...mdiv/index.aspx ): “A degree from Reformed Theological Seminary indicates that the graduate has completed the requirements for the course of study. Although the M.Div. degree meets the standard educational requirements for ordination in most denominations, the degree does not certify that the graduate necessarily possesses all the biblical qualifications requisite for the ministry or adheres to the Reformed faith. Graduation from Reformed Theological Seminary with either the M.Div. degree or diploma should not in itself be construed as a recommendation for the ministry. “Ecclesiastical bodies and pulpit committees are responsible for applying their own requirements for ordination to determine the doctrinal soundness, suitability, and readiness for ministry of a particular graduate.” ***** If the folks at RTS are going to admit Socinian/Unitarian polemicists to the seminary, they need, at the very least, to intensify quite significantly their disclaimer.
  16. My reason for posting the log of the IRC discussion is that, showing that faith follows regeneration, Gottchalk's argument shows also that getting born again (which is to be regenerated) is not something that happens because one directs oneself to Christ in accordance with Romans 10:9, but is something that turns to Christ those in whom regeneration has taken place.
  17. "Gottschalk's" website is http://solagratia.org .
  18. Regeneration (being born again) is not synonymous with salvation, which is a rather broad term. Salvation has past, present and future aspects. Those who have been been saved, are yet being saved and will yet be saved. Salvation includes a settled forensic (legal) justification, an accomplished and a progressive sanctification, a bodily redemption, an eschatological justification, a deliverance from the wrath of God, and a grant of life in the eschatological kingdom. Regeneration is God’s making alive a spiritually dead man and is theologically sometimes said to be included in salvation. There is biblical language, however, that presents regeneration as instrumental to salvation (Titus 3:5). It is God’s act of regenerating his elect that brings one to faith (which is a gift of God) in Christ. Faith does not appropriate God’s regenerating activity. I used to oppose the notion that regeneration precedes faith, but the case made by “Gottswrks” (aka: “Gottschalk”) for regeneration being causally prior to faith in the following IRC discussion (which I have edited by bolding some text and deleting various posts and messages) changed my mind. 1 John 5:1
  19. http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/arti...generation.html http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/arti...gism_short.html What appears at the above links is quite distinct and distant from Wierwille's teachings maintaining that man can be born again by the synergistic acts of himself and God.
  20. What began as Parliamentary Resolution 10507 became compromise legislation that continues funding for sniper instruction but mandates that the Copains d'âne (i.e. "Butt Buddies”) sensitivity training series be integrated into all shooting exercises.
  21. I have a distaste for Reconstructionists, though, for his contribution to apologetics, I do hold Greg Bahnsen in rather high esteem.
  22. Cynic


    Happy Birthday, BB!
  23. What a couple of amoral, manipulative and vicious opportunists.
  24. Although I was never into sitting around listening to audio tapes, I recently bought an mp3/wma player in order to take advantage of my approximately-one-hour-each-way/five-days-a-week commute. There are some nice free resources on the Internet: 1. The best site I have come across for links to free audio is http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/arti...opic/audio.html . Among the links at this site are links to the audio of some seminary courses at Covenant Theological Seminary. In a bit more than two months, I have listened to nearly four complete seminary courses (you don’t get credit for this) from CTS -- a seminary affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America. ( http://www.covenantseminary.edu/worldwide/default.asp has links to robust offering of free CTS courses ) 2. Another site is http://ccel.org/index/mp3.html . Driving and listening to someone read Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God,” I sensed some of the uneasiness that reportedly caused Edwards’ listeners to grab onto chair rails and building columns. ( http://www.ccel.org/e/edwards/sermons/mp3/...Angry%20God.mp3 ) As for literary stuff, the http://ccel.org/index/mp3.html site also has links to audio versions of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground. 3. There is www.sermonaudio.com , which has sermons and lectures by numerous speakers. 4. A cyber-acquaintance of mine offers some readings (mostly sample sections of larger works) of some recent and contemporary Christian philosophers, including Cornelius Van Til, Alvin Plantinga and John Frame. ( http://radioapologia.com )
  25. Cynic

    The Road Home

    Nice link, OFM. Return safe.
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