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Lorian Andersen Phil Sebastian Dan Alvarado Cathy Christman The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Linda Jons Roger Kluttz Debra Dean The Strauhal's The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
My friend George sent me a postcard of a satellite picture of the Earth. On the back he wrote," Having a great time, wish you were here." George is an AM radio announcer, and when he walks under a bridge, you can't hear him talk. (thanks to Steven Wright) The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Two atoms meet in the street. One says to the other, "I think I lost an electron." Second one says, "Are you sure?" First one says, "Yes, I'm 'positive' " The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
The addendum to that joke is....... The bell ringer's son wants to follow in father's footsteps. Oddly enough, he is afflicted in the same manner. Also oddly enough the same thing happens to him as his father. When the crowd gathers round and asks who was that man, the priest responds, "I don't know, but he's a dead ringer for the last one..........." The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
One way to keep guys on their toes is to raise the urinals about a foot. The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Hey Paw, I understand about most of the threads being closed after 30 inactive days, but not for this particular section. Just a thought, Your favorite pita (pain in the.......) The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Don't recall if we've had this conversation before or not, Peruser. I was in Phoenix for nine months during the 80-81 season. Was a transient for most of that period who was living with some wow's out by davis monthan afb. Only name i remember was mary therese sell. Looking forward to your reply. The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Was a wow in Mitchell SD, 77-78. WOW family consisted of Linda Jons, Roger Kluttz (yes, his real name) and Debra Dean. From Wyoming, Georgia and Texas, respectively. The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
I know you've ALL been waiting for this, so here it is. I will usually be liked and respected by the people I like and respect. The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Because of certain events in my life, I have a difficult time with this. I know it's going to take some time for me to get to the place where I do love myself. But, I'm working on it. The past is a powerful reminder of the things I've done and am not really proud of. It rears its ugly head a lot more than I would like it to. I know I can't undo those things, but I need to learn to 'dance' with them. Intellectually, I know I am lovable. Emotionally, that's a totally different story. Childhood was the textbook nightmare (I'll spare you the sordid details). It didn't do a whole lot for my self esteem. It seems the nightmare is one most of us share. Perhaps if I had more self esteem at the time TWI insinuated itself into my life, I wouldn't have hung around for the seven years I did. But there's another thing to consider. I wouldn't have the life I have now. I wouldn't have met the people I have here, if only virtually for most of you. You just never know where life is going to take you. I'm going to sit back and relax and enjoy the trip. The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
My dear Ex10th, I appreciate your sentiments, but you are mistaken as to your status in the Azrael_84 organization. ) There is another person who is more deserving of the position to which you aspire. My3cents: It is not necessarily true you can't hear the 'tone' of a post. Language is the primary way we have of communicating here, and the words chosen play the largest part in that. For instance, say you have a nose the size of a Buick (I use Buick because it is funny, where as Peugeot is not. Similarly, I could have used Yugo in the example, but Yugos are not in the least funny, especially if you own one). I could say you have a nose the size of a Buick, or I could say your nose seems to take up most of the available space on your face. Which would 'sound' better to you ? Millions: Just so you don't feel left out, HI! The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
I suspect I will never be invited to Miss Manners' home for high tea, but there seems to be a need for this, so I'll post Miss Manners' polite 'fighting words'. This is from "Miss Manners' Guide For The Turn Of The Millenium" by Judith Martin. Swords and pistols being illegal now for settling differences of opinions or avenging insults, sharp words are generally the weapon of choice. Rude people use blunted ones. The few vulgarities with which the angry attack one another are so commonplace as to be ineffective. Meanwhile, the language of strict formality is so rarely used as to be more compelling than ever. The truth is, rude language is anything but direct. Obscenity, by using the language of what we shall euphemistically call romance, expresses the exact opposite of what is meant. Here, then, for those who have forgotten, are basic phrases that polite people use to insult one another. "I beg your pardon." This is the best all purpose warning that the other person has transgressed. Different degrees of anger can be expressed by it. "I beg your pardon?" asked with raised eyebrows means, "You'd better explain that you did not mean what you actually said." A loud "I beg your pardon!" means "Retreat this instant!" "Pardon me." Said as "Pardon me?" this means "You have just insulted me." (It should be noted that "pardon" is only challengingly these days. The expression of true regret is "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry") "I believe you are gravely mistaken" If the word mistaken is emphasized, this means "You don't know what you're talking about." With additional emphasis on "gravely" it means "You're lying." "Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that..." This raises the challenge. It means, "You're lying because you're trying to conceal a fraud." "Perhaps I did not make myself clear." Now we are really getting rough. This is positively the last warning to retreat before war is declared. By restating your position after this remark, you convey the meaning, "If you challenge me on this again now, we will fight it out." "How dare you?" This is it, the declaration of war. It means "I will not give up until you surrender by apologizing or otherwise undoing whatever it is you did." Even then, politeness must be maintained. When an opponent finally declares himself defeated by saying that his transgression "was not what I intended." the victor is obliged to confine himself to the polite expressio of triumph: "Of course not, it was only a very unfortunate mistake." He may then add, but only in a gracious tone, "I'm sure it will never happen again." That means, "Watch yourself, because you may be sure that I'll be watching you." The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
I offer up these suggestions........ The ZPG mobile-(Zero Population Growth) This one probably will only amuse me but, how about SEAL Team 1 ? The acronym would stand for Spaying Every Animal Lovingly Service Excellence in Animal Logistics The reason why it would only amuse me is, the Navy Seals are our nation's counterterrorist organization. This is all I can think of for now. If I come up with any more, I'll let you know The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)
Since the needs and wants question was so popular, I suppose we'll move on to the next question. Are you lovable ? The artist formerly known as Kaiserverbalsushikint. (I've lost track..........)