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Everything posted by GarthP2000

  1. Just when you thought it was safe to discuss any sincere answers re: VPW, .... Smikeol shows up to defend his precioussss. --> Zix, Roy, watch your hands, dudes. I heard he has a taste for fingers. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  2. Maybe he could be experiencing the 'Devil's Bathroom', as per John Lynn's illustration? :D--> But as far as I am concerned, that old codger is worm food. Period. And his name and reputation, both personal and historical, will forever be tarnished and spoiled. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  3. Still hacked about "Touched by an Angel" being canned, ehh? My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  4. Here's a serious question re: sex. Why is it that sex is often associated with 'sophistication'? As tho' sophisticated people usually have sex or sex-related items as the basis for what they usually talk about, be it overtly, or more often, subtly? And yet sex is something that is so basic to life; something that far more primitive forms of life do. So does that make them as sophisticated as we are? Or do we make too much out of sex as an indicator of how complex/'sophisticated' we are? Maybe what Fraud--err Freud (:D-->) said about human's preoccupation about sex was dead on, y'think? My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  5. And here we were thinking that the CF&S class was over the top. ... :D--> My own secret sign-off ====v, Would you like fries to go with your Frank? ;)--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  6. Raf, Cuz' we have other things to talk about than Smikeol's preciousssss. :D--> My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  7. Meanwhile, we have yet to hear from Frank as regards this 'salacious' topic. ..... Ohhh, a 'frank discussion of sex', not 'Frank discussing sex'. Oopsie! :D--> My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  8. Oldies, (and any other VPW apologists) Why all the effort to protect VPW's reputation, dude? I mean, is he really that important to protect? Like 'the integrity of God's Word' was totally dependant on him? Like God can't do any better than VPW to make known His Word? Damn guy, you must not give much credance to God's skills if that's the case. --> Face it. He had his chance to make something good and godly of himself. He f***ed up, both himself and many others. (((buzzer sounds loudly))) Too bad, so sad, ... VPW lost. Try again. And may I suggest this time with someone more credible. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  9. Whitedove, Excellent post. For the defenders of VPW to still (mis)use and manipulate Bible verses and so-called 'biblical logic' to whitewash, at *any* cost, their 'Father in the Word's reputation basically tells us that they put the value on that dead man's reputation and image far above the well-being of those who were abused, even if they don't fully realize that that is what they are doing. And all in the wrapping of 'God and His Word'. --> My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  10. Dang Zix! You give us this BIG anticipation about this *frank* discussion about **SEX** with warnings and all, ..... then you give us this almost anti-climactic line quoted above. :(--> Even leaving out the pictures. :(--> :(--> Do NOT give up your day job to work for Madison Avenue, dude. :D--> My own secret sign-off ====v, I can't even find Madison Avenue on Mapquest! Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  11. So is Hitler. ..... and your point is? ..... My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  12. Christmas!! I thought Smikeol was done away with when he fell into the lava at the Mountain of Doom where his 'preciousssss' was forged! Now he's b-b-a-a-a-c-c-k-k-k!! :(--> My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  13. Evan, Please note the operative words being really successful marriages. Ie., where they are the shining examples of what a marriage should be. Apparently yours falls more or less into that category. Just because a marriage isn't 'really successful' doesn't mean that they are headed for divorce, cheating on each other, domestic violence, that sort of thing. They might even have learned to still be together despite the things that can cause them to leave each other and wind up becoming successful over the years. My main point was to challenge this idea that Christians/religious people have it locked down or are the ones who know how to have a successful relationship/marriage, and 'the infidels' don't, particularly when this idea is portrayed according to the TWI/John Lynn model. It is that model that really has the holes in it, illustrated not only by the stark reality of what really went on in TWI, but also by the many examples of unbelieving/non-religious people who have had about as much as a successful rate of marriages/relationships as religious people have. You find things like that out when you actually talk to and get to know 'the other side' so-to-speak, ya know? Helps drive away many misconceptions and stereotypes. ;)--> And as far as the yesteryear image, are you sure that they had it all that much better during the 'yesteryears'? I mean, when you look past the 'Andy of Mayberry', I-Like-Ike, 50's propaganda pawned off by the 700 Club sponsered, "I sure wish for the Good Ol' Days When Men were Men ..." yadayada, you find out that each 'age' had its ups and downs and achievements and 'embarrassments'. And likewise the relationships between men and women always had (and always will) have its ups and down throughout the years also. Hope this clarifies it for you. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  14. Raf, Since I'm going to see the movie anyway, ... I heard that the Gollum bites Frodo's finger off when he fights to get the ring back. Does he in the movie? Now is that a gross image or what? :D--> My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  15. I think I remember a teaching given (by John Lynn, *I think*) while I was involved with CES a few years back, that marriages was designed for those who believed God/were believers/Christians, but it was done from a doctrinal stance supposedly showing that 'true godly believers' were the ones for whom marriage worked out the best for, yadayada. Yeah, and they have found the holy grail too. --> Since there has been so relatively few really successful marriages over the centuries, and since the ones that are/were have crossed so many religious/social boundaries, it puts more holes in that teaching than would sink the Titanic. 'Nuff said. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  16. Down Smikeol! Down! ... Down!! :o--> Damn it! Somebody let him out of his cage again! ..... Oh well, according to "Return of the Kings", the gollum meets his demise at last. :D--> "My preciousssssss!" My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  17. Ditto to a lot of what has been said here. Frontpage for ease of learning, but Dreamweaver for the serious professional stuff. Plus, up until recently Frontpage was notorious for inserting its own code in your page, even if you specifically wanted something else. And a lot of ex-Frontpage developers switched over to Dreamweaver because of this. Adobe has a web design package (forgot what its called off the bat), and I don't know how that compares. I myself use Dreamweaver MX. My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  18. And who could forget the old classic, .... Cheech and Chong's "Santa Claus And His Old Lady" "Yeah man-n, I played with that dude!" My own secret sign-off ====v, Rational logic cannot have blind faith as one of its foundations. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  19. ... and who will shave the turkey's legs? Questions. Always questions. --> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  20. That's a much better approach. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  21. P-mosh, the master white hat hacker and spam destroyer! :D--> Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  22. I once heard that forgiveness was a form of giving: forGIVEness, that sort of thing. Well, since its a gift, there is, and should be NO obligation of giving it. If you want to forgive, that is ONLY up to you and God, or to you only, but sure as hell not up to anybody else. So when any TWIt 'reproves' you to forgive and 'get over it', they are totally out to lunch, as they have no idea as to what really constitutes forgiveness; they just want their idol (VPW) to be free from being held accountable for his misdeeds. Nothing more. Such in-duh-viduals are to be ignored. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  23. Wasn't the vi editor the first screen based editor for Unix and workalikes? I think up till then only line based editors were used. And this was *w-a-y-y* before multi-talented word processors like M$ Word came into vogue. Like back during the days of DOS 2 and edlin. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  24. Count me in Paw! :)--> As long as there is at least 100 meg of space on it per account, its cool. Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
  25. Raf, The software that P-mosh is referring to is the server software that your web hosting uses to run the servers that hold the web sites. Speaking of which, Linux and Apache themselves are very solid performers, so whatever downtime interruptions that you and I are experiencing must wither be because of faulty hardware, or its because of the screwy phone system in Costa Rica, thanks to 'putting their tech support off shore!' (;)--> TSTW) Looking forward to the day when I move my whole site over to an **All-American** company! Prophet Emeritus of THE, and Wandering CyberUU Hippie, Garth P. www.gapstudioweb.com
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