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Everything posted by GarthP2000
"I even agree whole heartedly with Garth on this. " ??? ... Who is this alien that kidnapped Ron's body and mind??
... A-n-d where has this _actually happened_ ... *ACTUALLY*! Ie., something you can prove, please. I mean, that's one helluva charge, doncha think? Theories, corn-spiracies, 'Revelation from The Father', ... you know, .... like that, don't quite measure up, ... you know? ... Just something to think about. :spy:/>
Yay, another mass exodus! ... All 2 of them. "They're dead, Jim."
Ohh, all 2 of them? :-D
When Perry and other Republicans tried bringing up the 'cult' issue when Mitt was running for Prez in order to damage his Presidential run, ... and failed _miserably_. Love _that one! ...
"(Perry is trying it on Romney right now)..." and we all saw how successful that was --- NOT!
"Deprogramming and similar kidnapping scenarios involve damaging the person's psyche and hoping it all works out eventually. There's easier ways to get someone out than breaking them." This always was my initial and continuous bitch regarding the 'cult' issue. Other points here and there, but this started it off.
... Two thumbs up, Javajane!
Tell that to the girls. "You weren't screwed at all. (Just fondled.) ... You just misunderstand." ... *Please stop defending the vile scum*. I would imagine that, deep down, they thought that they were screwed. ... (Like many of us in TWI.) _No_ misunderstanding here at all, dear. I'm out. It's difficult, but I'm out. ... Have fun with your denial!
Krys sez, "Garth, are you really gone from this conversation?" ------- NOW I am. :evilshades:/> :wave:/> ... to JavaJane. Kudos to ya!
Uhh, yes he did. How about these links (ie., FACTS)? ------------ http://www.rawstory.com/2015/05/creationist-pastor-if-evolution-is-true-then-it-wasnt-wrong-for-josh-duggar-to-molest-his-sisters/ ------------ http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jessa-duggars-father-in-law-michael-seewald-responds-to-josh-scandal-2015255 - "Support from the Seewalds. While the Duggar family is being heavily scrutinized for their actions after Josh Duggar allegedly molested five girls -- some reportedly his sisters -- back when he was a teen. "There is blood in the water and the sharks are in a feeding frenzy," Jessa Duggar's father-in-law wrote in a blog post titled "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" on Sunday, May 24. "Finally, the Duggar family’s opponents have found what they have been eagerly waiting for: shocking revelations of scandal by Jim Bob and Michelle’s firstborn son, Josh." ----------- http://jezebel.com/the-duggar-girls-learned-to-kiss-from-jim-bob-and-josh-1706786807 ----------- Uummm, who has the FACTS now, hhmmm? "Ddaass right, kkeeedddss!" <_<
(Meanwhile, ... we circle him still, ... like vultures we are. ... ) :anim-smile:/>
I would have to add the "why they did it" as vile also. Sorry, but screwing your sister = not vile? Hello?? (((tapping microphone))) This thing on? NO excuses for sexual abuses, ... None! And with that, I spoke my piece. Judge it as you will. Ciao!
Because of the sexual behavior of the guys towards their sisters. And the excuses made for it. And I found Waysider's response was apt. And accurate. It's like many people's here re: TWI's leadership and their behavior. Many of us (including you, I daresay) voiced our opinion about that too. Even if we didn't directly experience it. ... I just find his response appropriate, and I side with it. And I'm not trying to take credit for it, either. So I stand by what I say. Now if Waysider doesn't wish for me to do so, then I'll comply with his wishes (NOT yours) and retract what I said. (Altho' I still agree with it.) "you surely felt they were "vile" but those were not your reasons." ... Read what I said again please. They WERE my reasons.
One can be "qualified to judge them, their character, their lives or anything else concerning them" when they do crap like that. Yes we can. ... Like you not having any qualms about judging liberals, ... (even when it's not called for, I wager). So spare me the 'Judge not' yammer. ... You do it. I do it. Everybody does it. Even when we're 'not qualified'. (Like judging that 'Liberalism is a mental illness'? ;-) ) M-m-m-kay?
Ron sez "Why do you think they are 'vile'?" Waysider replies (on point :-) ) "The show began in September, 2005, as "14 Children and Pregnant Again!". It has since gone through an evolution that included name changes. In 2006, Oprah Winfrey planned to feature them on her show. During the week she and her staff spent interviewing and taping them, the situation came to light. She immediately contacted a child abuse hotline who in turn contacted Arkansas state authorities. She then canceled production and the show never aired. Law enforcement agencies became involved with the situation almost immediately. That was 2006. It's now 2015. During the years between, there have been about 230 episodes/specials aired under various titles. We are just now finding out about the situation. The essence of the controversy is much larger than the molestation, itself. It's about sweeping things under the rug and hiding them for the sake of continuing the show while millions and millions of dollars continued to change hands. It's about promoting themselves as examples of purity while simultaneously practicing deliberate deception. It smacks of The Way's "lockbox" policy and keeping silent "lest the ministry be blamed". And I agree totally with his rendering as to why it's vile. ... ((sigh)) Must be the liberal in me, perhaps. ... ;-) Just curious, Ron. Do you think it's vile? ... ;-)
The Duggers are still vile!
No, I'm comparing an old man lecher with a other lechers/family members who behave that way, and the religious fundies who defend that behaviour. ... Clear as mud? :-D
I tend to believe that the molestations did occur. And the fact that they are being defended by big-name fundies makes it even worse. Where it is _at least_ as bad and as malevolent as TWI. (And I'm being relatively charitable here.) Hell, read some of their 'biblical' reasonings for why what they did 'wasn't so bad'. (Like why it isn't as bad as homosexuality.) :-\
... with our collective knowledge/experience of TWI, what are people's opinion re: The Duggers of '19 children and Counting'. ... You _do_ know whereof I speak, don't you? :-\
Just thought I remind everybody what we left. ... :anim-smile:/> https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/2minsin
"How'd you do it? ... Change beliefs" One possible way, ... Don't believe in said belief anymore.
Perhaps it was the point about "the worlds' largest ostrich petting zoo and parakeet display. The Way Woods, likewise, will be reconfigured to accommodate a large scale petunia garden/gift shop." that gave it away.
Face it, MRAP, you've been busted. ... _You_ are the guest here. Deal with it. Be a good boy, now. :-)