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Everything posted by Danny
IMO the Hook and Poison of TWI
Danny replied to another spot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
let me clarify. no real love in the that we had the wrong knowledge. believing doesn't cut it or it cuts God out. -
IMO the Hook and Poison of TWI
Danny replied to another spot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Great Stuff here. If I had to name the Idol it would be Believing. Just like was stated before if you put in enough bible then you get desired results. Those might have nothing to do with God might actually be counter to him. If i believe hard enough WOW believing hard. Thats why it was so hard and things didn't work. No peace no real love. -
cman this is sort of why i'm looking at the first adam to get to the second. maybe some great insight into him. templelady great response and i almost understand all of it but what do with way back in the 5th day when God said multiply i don't want to get caught up in what i was taught for so long just want to be able to see what He says. Thanks Peace
Great questions cman. Some of the answers made new churches. Some Athiest will come along and say that's why I don't believe any of it. Templelady Thanks for the verse. But it says death entered the World for all men. Nothing about animals. Nothing about reproduction. I just don't see what you do.
Gen 1:28 Then-man Be fruitful and multiply Then some more days other things happen and the fall Does it ever say 1 day 1 year 100 years Abi would love to read some of that stuff. thanks all peace
Another thing on the sex thing I'm not a pervert or something,or at least I think I'm not You see nice looking breast and you say wow. Eve sitting around naked what you think what happen to old Adam yea he said wow I want some of that. god would of had to come back and re invent the wheel after the the fall to put all those things in place. And I'm sure old eve said I want some of that to. It's something that was imprinted in us before we were born. Sex drive. Nothing wrong with it if you do it right.
Just help me out. That taught patter runs counter what is written in bible. Where is the verses. Don't eat or you will die. Well he lived another 800 years it says. So help me understand. Please
God did have a plan. When Cain said oh they will kill me. he knew what it was cause it happened before he killed Able. A few verses latter he builds a city for his son. Why a city? If there was just one son he would build a house not a city. Lot of people by then. Only nine months a new person. Just plain math you can get 1 million very quickly. No us. It says he knew us before the foundations of the world. I can get the verse if I need.
Templelady This is not a call you on the carpet kind of deal but where in the world did come up with that. Man was born with reproductive organs. What did you think old Adam and Eve did. God gave us sex nothing wrong with it. In Chapter one way before the fall he said multiply. I would love to believe you just show me. I can't see any of that you are saying. Where does it say no death. If they ate only plants there would be death to the plants. Its ok for animals to do what they do God said do it. Just show me. One day the are shooting blanks next day they aren't Hey honey you won't believe this I'm pregnat. Wow how did that happened. Like was she on the pill. Why is there no room for multiply like he said. What did the whale eat in the meantime. Creel just like they do now Tons of it. The creel die. What did the trees and plants live on. I no how hard it is to leave what you have been taught or what was put in you head. The power of suggestion. Look if I'm wrong I will say upfront I'm not that smart and can and will change show me so I can understand.
Thanks all. If you take just a few more storys away I think it was Lot and the angels came by they looked like men. He invited them in every thing was cool. The crazys in the town wanted to have sex with them. I'm would think if a snake came by and started talking Eve would of said you won't believe this Adam I was sittting over there and the funniest thing you ever saw this snake said came eat. All we know is he was subtle and if we take other accounts of angels maybe you got something. That song Angels in blue jeans. I have met some pretty crafty salesmen. hey want to take this class that will make you rich(More Abundant) and have singing(harmony) in your home.
Well then the plants die to. And the little bug on it. And on and on. I guess the had no waste also. What happen to that. Doesn't fit if you take it to it's basic form. In my pov.
Where does it say no death. God said have dominion over them. How about some steak tonight Eve. Well they had to kill something to have the steak. TL Take this in the right light You give some of the most insightful post sometimes but you just have to show me for me to understand. Or we have to just take all that we were told and lot of it is wrong. TL sure had to have death Whales eat tons of creel to live. Sort of like the lion king the circle of life. Big cats eat little animals. they die. All kind of creatures have to eat something? What did the mice birds and all eat? Something died for them to eat. The power of suggestion sometimes is over powering for us to move beyond. If we look at it in a different light maybe new understanding. Logic is blocked because we saw it one way when it is clear another way. I never read the bible till I was 17. And for a Dr. to tell me it's like this . Religion I have to let that go and see it for what it is.
This has gone fast lot to handle. Forgive me if I don't reply to every thing. great stuff. Gen 1:28 Telling them to multiply. Before the fall. Does't ever say how long it was when the fall happened. What else you got to do. Yes they were mortal. But why not do what God said? I personally think they started multiplying. Gen 4:1 never says first born. But sort of indicating he might be the savior. Gen 5:1 list the generation of Adam No Cain or Abel So why not other kids? Other places in Gen. in other couples not everyone named and sometimes first born. Gen. 4:8 Cain killed him never said it was the first killing Why would Cain say Gen.4:14 that everyone will kill me. Because it 's something that happened more than once or first time. As far as Satan talking to Eve Like if I walked up to you today and said how's the weather. Next day say hows the weather sure is hot. then the next day say How's the weather sure is hot Did you see the duck cooling over at the pond? If I walked over to you and said how about going over to the wild side? You would pick up a brick and that would be it. But after I did all the sales job and said how about stepping out on the wild side and giving you why it would be good like the duck cooling at the pond. I really think I have to get out of the box sometimes. The power of suggestion. If my group says Adam was black i would start reading into what it tells me. find a reason why he might be black or just not even look and know he is black. We have been told So many wrong thinks. Looking through others eyes is good. Thanks Will post and think a little
Wow all this to read Thanks for the replies. A few quick Questions, answers. God said be fruitful and multiply before the day of the fall. So yes kids before the fall. How else do you multiply? Yes Cain was of that wicked one I John somewhere I will look up the verse. As far as Cains offering He was a farmer. What was cursed? The ground so maybe he was at a disadvantage bringing a gift that was already doomed. The power of suggestion is BIG. Along the way we are told something and from then on we look at things to make fir what we were taught. I will be back latter to read every thing closer. It is great we can hit each other with different things and come out with a better understanding. Not that I know anything to start off with just some ideas.
Maybe I should of named this tread The Power Of Suggestion. In pfal vp said there first born being the first murder. Does it say any where he was there first born. It does say God has given me a man. Sort of like he already sent me a savior. Or maybe he looked really special or acted special. Maybe a man because all the girls before him. How about in that day we make it up to heaven. Will you go looking for Adam to have a little man to man with him?
Been thinking a lot about Adam and Eve. Like children before they were kicked out of the garden. The devil having many talks with Eve before the fruit day. Could of been in the garden for years before fruit day. After they were put out God said you will sweat working. Does that mean he didn't before when he worked. He told them Pain in child bearing. Does that mean there was no pain for the ones they had?
Johnny If I put in type would you hit me in the nose.
Larry Just as Adam didn't sweat before maybe Eve didn't hurt as having children. Other children before the fall. Cain and Able after. Maybe new tread?
Let me say first I believe it happened. Not a lot of verses to answer all the questions I have. So I guess it will get answered later in the air. Many years ago I took some classes at LSU and was raised on a farm know without a doubt it only takes 2 cows to get all the different kinds of cows. He had 7 or 7 pairs depending on how you look at it. Same with dogs. It took less than 300 years to come up with all the different kinds of them. How it all happen? In Adam and Eves life it would be easy to come up with half a million people. Doing the math and knowing a little about animals I don't see the big stretch.
Ask him see if he is man enough to admit it. He knows me well. After all this time I am still amazed that he still stands up for twi. they hurt him in all kind of ways. And he still sings there praises.
JJ okra that's a la plant. Creol's first brought them here. You have to cut the fruit in the morning. and smaller and soft is best. I always have dirt in my blood. Was raised with a hoe and a file in my back pocket. When you get to the end of the row you hit the blade a few times with the file before you go back. We had a truck farm. Still in my blood. love greens and lugumes.
performance enhancers Sorry I couldn't miss this one. Would that be one of those blue pills?
Can I vote?
I would have to say I'm guilty of being stupid. You go there thinking good of all,or not thinking evil. You as so busy with the program and life and all. Nothing like to much work classes at night. Like when would you have time with a school age child. When they get home form school you have the important work. And the dishes and bless patrol. I would have to say the place was ripe very ripe for anything to happen. I would be guilty very guilty for being there. It would of been the perfect place for a sicko to live. And I would of been blind as can be. May the victims find peace somehow.
Would it be wrong here to ask how much for that land?