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Everything posted by Danny
Shoot maybe we should be playing Kansas for the BCS Title That one was for you Evan Go Jay Hawks
Can you believe Kansas and Obama leading at halftime
yall are fixing to get a beating soap and water aint going to wash off yall better bring yall s a b and c game And yes the BCS Gods did smile on us I would say skill not luck But What the heck I will take a little luck to Send them bucks down to madam Levo on burbon st and see what could happen
If I had 2 cents I would say he/it is trying to tell us no matter what tread or subject the across the pond slime person takes the focus to him by his /it's poor use of words adding noting to any of the forms but decent
I would think taking C F and S class would fit fine for number one for the best choice
It seem like the guy/gal/ j that post from very east of here it would be the wee hours of the morning nes pas Most post are at the same time. I wonder how it gets sleep?
Thanks Waysider That's what I was saying. Many of the greats in the bible did.t SIT's . Most that is. Seems they got result just with prayers of understanding. I haven't even is Paul's writings seen why I wouldn't want to thank God with my understanding and ask for his guidance. Even Paul said I asked God 3 times about one thing. That must of been his understanding. God even replied.
Should someone tell Papa Joe and fat man Bowden ole people retire gracefully? You let Mich come in your back yrad and spank you. It was good for Carr to go out with a bang though. And ole WVA beating them Sonners with out a lying head coach. I need one of those one way contracts. I hope WVA gets all 4 million back.
And we don't need a tile just tell the boys from troy to show up in death valley and we will show them what a real mascot looks like. And where is Booty from from? At least one of his brothers had enough guts to play for LSU. The BCS is broken. The Hookies will wax Kansas. Just like what happens in Sugar Bowl. Yea Yea yea them poor boys over there should share the title Who"s your daddy the old coach that couldn't keep his job at Notre Dame and goes to SC can't keep that job now he call the shots fro the ESPN. If you can't coach join Herbstreet and tell lots of lies.
Hey it's the BCS system. Will i hear after we beat the buckeys we should share the title with USC? That would be 6-2 SEC Go UWV The should give the Head Job to the intrim guy. Go and whin someplace else GO TIGERS GO L S U N cajun it's spelled LSEAUX
Happy Birthday
I would say Jesus knew how to pray. I don't think he SIT. Let me do what he did.
John I don't think I wrote as Plainly as i should have. My point is each praying as as important as the other. Why would he do both? My answer is because they are equal if sit is a thing that happened after that time period.
I will watch lots more. Saw a few already. LSU vs. Ohio We are going to beat the snot out of those buckeyes. This is the SEC You boys come on down we will take your money and whip your arses.
Had to come back and add something I just taught of in that verse about the prayer of a rightious man it does not say the SIT. I'm sure Paul or whoever could of said that. I have to go see where it is and look at it. Paul does say some thing like if I pray with my understanding or pray with the spirit. Why would he pray with his understanding if it was less than the best?
My question to you is Will you spend the year being the critic of what I do. Seems I did fine before I start reading your crap. And why is your way so important? And how much do you charge for your class? No thanks no church with you. Happy New Year to you.
John thanks again for starting this tread. I read a life changing book for me that is Prayer by Phillip Yancey. He said something like If one Christian gets 20 or 30 or 40 people praying for them and the one only prays for there need will God honor the 40 or the one. In the bible there is a verse about the prayer of a rightouse man means much. So which is it? Jesus prays many times in the Gospels. If he was God why would he Pray. Prayer it's a big thing. All the heavy weights and the under weights did it in the bible. Was Moses prayer less effective because he did not sit? Any of the people in the Gospels or Old Testement less than after that time? If we SIT and they didn't is it better? Lets face it God loved Isreal they didn't sit. God loved Jesus he did not SIT. That we know of. Is SIT the best way? Why wait for so many years if it was the best way to pray?
Drummer no problem. I guess I was looking for love in all the wrong places.
As far as the in -rez deal I don't ever remeber in the 3 years having anyone name given to me. Many times a prayer would happen for someone. close to a corp person. A family member or sponsor. God has given me one thing for sure a great memory. I can remember things forever. Can't understand how to spell but I can remember things most can't. In our first year in Oct. A fellow named Jack ran in to the supper meal and asked for us to pray for his town in Texas the whole place was on fire. Yes vp prayed. Did he think it worked I couldn't answer that. I can say one of the earlier books was called the Majic of Believing. In one book he tells a corp guy he can stay as long as his money last. Why not pray for him or teach him to pray for the money? One place vp talked about the 3 guys in Van Wert would get together every morning and invisison what would happen for 30 minutes and it would happen. Maybe he tryed the best he could. In the family corp promotion it wanted older people to come in so the could sit around and pray. No I must of missed something because the old guys were getting the same brain washing as I. There was this old guy Clarence he was in his 80's had him running up and down the road. Sleeping with the rest of us in class. Must of missed the prayer request.
Figuratively would best describe it. Living in the heart of the beast I can say I never one time heard of prayer request from other than someone high on the food chain. One time at a lunch someone came in a yelled out of a staff member having something happen and we prayed. Other than that same sheet different day. Lot of talk no action. Lot of blame no action. Yea lot of talk about 24 hours of prayer. I never saw there shadow in the place to pray. Why. Just lot of talk. Complaining about lack of walking on the word. Lord I believe help my unbelief. No example of how to do it. Not to be on my high horse and say I am some spiritual giant. BUT I don't go around saying I am the man of God of the world. Why didn't I have the never to stand up and say shut up. Cause they broke your back and will. Castigating good people in front of everyone to keep the fear in you. IF one thing they did well it was keeping fear in the hearts of those that loved God. Control And for all you guest that come here am not bitter. I see it for what it was. A trap that I let myself get caught in. Very few regrets in this life. I had great times when I was there. Loved and was loved. Have lasting relationship with some that was there with me. When I was a child I taught as one. At some times you become a man and put away. You have to see where you are to put any thing away.
I could go on for days about them heartless bastards. Everyone on the staff had to live on a need basis. Forget about The Word a workman is worthy of his hire. My wife and I were recruited because we were professionals. VP Don and Howard all in the same meeting asked me to come in and asked me to come on staff. Mainly for my wifes legals background. If you had a honest need and you were lower in the food chain. You were told to believe bigger. You didn't get the new coat to got to there brain washing meeting. If you kid needed something for school to bad believe. And forget about talking about it to the next higher up the broken system you were living in. MONEY MONEY MONEY Lust was there belly. Pray are you kidding me SIT wow I wonder today how broken it is there We live in a broken world it needs prayer. Pakistan has big Nuclear bombs and it is in utter chaos, In a blink of an eye we could be in World War 3 A nut job get hold of the button wow its on. Someone lobs a bomb at Isreal someone retaliates. World War 3 with no stop Pray I am all for it. We should do it for all. and each other. And our broken world. There are even nuts calling them selfs Christians that want World War 3 to bring Jesus back sooner.
John good subject. Glad you added it. Prayer alerts might be a good thing. BUT for TWI it was straight from the devil and showed how far removed they were from anything that had to do with God. I Cor. talks about if the hand said to the body I have no need of you all that stuff. TWI all that counted if VP had a hang nail or someone in a high position, The body of Christ will always have a need. Someones child is sick. Someone has a accident. No someone down on the totem pole there problems happened because of lack of believing The higher ups need was just need. The devil was after them because they was moving the word so big. Just like in Acts the day of Pentecost they divided to everyone as they had need. No different if it was great or small. No difference in the body. TWI is straight from hell. A bunch of self serving lying stealing bastards. They could careless about anyone but there own belly as long as the money keeps rolling in. I lived there in Trailer number 2. Right in the heart of it all. Not even the lowly staffs need was even looked at in a honest manner. I was exsposed to a harmful chemical, ended up in the hospital for 3 days. It happened before hqs insurance kicked in. I was on deaths door. After I recovered somewhat The first thing that happened It became all my fault for missing revelation. lot of other steps but the end of it Was to bad to sad pay for it yourself. So what if it happened because of your job working for us. Straight from J T's mouth the head of HQ at that time if you don't like it pack. I have hundreds of incidents I could give from the belly of the beast I lived there. It was all about one thing MONEY. Next new Motor Coach Next new Plane Next trip around the world. And what babe I could get to serve me my Drambouie. Heartless money grubbing basters that could careless about prayer not unless it was for them. It was never about the WORD. He had it going on. The most coved job at HQ was opening the mail. There was one box for the money and The trash can for prayer request. Honestly I never one time living there ever heard one prayer request other that a high up leader family or self.
My good friend John. How are you? I missed talking with you.