So many of the posters here at GS are questioning and investigive individuals. I think of myself the same way. I came from a culture quite counter to TWI. My politics were liberal. I had gay friends(and this was the 70's). I was curious about life and open to new ideas, but within two years I had gone 180 degrees in the other direction.
I have always wondered why I did not investigate (question) more deeply the teachings/mandates/rules I accepted, while within TWI. Really, after reading so many counter points that prove the falicy and/or plagerizy(sp?) of many of TWI's teachings/mandates/rules (that were so easy to discover), why, did I not question or investigate further, when I first took PFAL? Why, did I not question later, when the teachings/mandates/rules become more questionable? I could have; The answers were not deeply buried. Yes, you could say the internet, with all its info, exposed TWI. But many of us discovered the truth about TWI by TWI's own actions; Why did we discover the foundational error only after we left?
What happened to us: the young the baby boomers, who questioned everything? Why did we not question?