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Everything posted by jetc57
Hmm, I wonder if the person to the left of that photo is contemplating what I would be: A. Do I pick it up and holler at the ossifer to tell him he dropped his PIECE? B. Do I dare pick it up? He might have dropped it to 'test me'? C. Naw, this isn't his only weapon, surely if I pick up the gun, there would be a shoot-out and I'd get gunned down? D. Wait til he walks around the corner, grab his gun, drive off to Police Headquarters and tell THEM, that Ossifer Friendly lost his PIECE? E. Pick up the gun and give it to the next passing criminal? Decisions, decisions, decisions. :blink: What would Jesus Do? Me thinks the Ossifer's main focus is on getting to the Donut Shop while they are Fresh... Perhaps a nice donut hole will fill the VOID in his brain....
Thanks my beloved friends and fellow believers! Ex70s, I'm excited to return as well. Thanks to George St George I've already located some of my long lost friends and eager to get back to give them all a HUG. You too! Thanks a gazillion for all the prayer support! Yeah, I do believe in God's Country there will be a home just as precious, and I can get back to doing whatever it is I'm suppose to do before I leave this planet. I love ya'll. Jeannette
Hi. It never stops amazing me how expensive modest lookin homes are going for these days. Case in point the recent remodel of a CO home featured here on greasespots. I was born and raised in Texas, and since TWI have lived all over the USA, but now I want to go back home. I have a BEAUTIFUL home with over an acre of land in Independence Missouri. I can't move back to God's Country until we first sell our home. Hoping everyone who sees this will go to the following web site and take a look. Where else in America can you find a Lovely Cape Cod for under $200,000. Gosh theres a remodeled ranch in CO selling for over $400,000 -- who can afford that? Not me. Anyway for some fortunate person this would be a wonderful home. I can't take the cold weather of Missouri any longer. Check this out fellow believers. www.homesbyowner.com/86950 I need to relocate before WINTER --- this is a great opportunity for someone!!! If you can't buy then Pray with me it Sells. Blessings Jeannette
For me ROA was also my 'woodstock'. I looked forward to it each and every year, except for the year I got de-railed (married the wrong guy). For Me ROA was an exciting road trip, and a wonderful adventure. I loved the camping out, the WOW burgers, the fellowship. Hookin back up with folks you met the year before and those you missed from your home town. The most healing of events for me was sitting on a blanket and listening to the MUSIC. I also loved going to the different places and listening to other talented musicians play their instruments. I will never forget the 1979 Live Class Dance. I was with 'the love of my life'. I am wondering, how can 'believers' get togther again in a similar Camping - Music Festival of sorts again? Where would it be? I think if we could somehow organize a big Reunion and have this kind of fun and fellowship again, it might do all our hearts, minds, and bodies a world of good? Without of course all the TWI legalism and emotionalism. The last ROA I attended I remember VPW starting to talk about 'those in the world' who were threatening Him, and of course Us. Started sounding like Jim Jones to me. Long Live the Great Memories of the ROA in our hearts Forever!! Jeannette
Funny how I remember this, but my mother turned 73 Sept. 26, and I just remember her telling me she was 3 yrs older than Elvis, and a younger friend of hers, from Lousiana told her she went to High School with Elvis, even attended their Jr High Prom with the King. We are not getting older, I prefer to say "getting better". Perhaps wiser? :D
PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG -- I somehow thought Skip played with Joyful Noise in the late 70s? I seem to recall watching him play the sax on stage at the ROA in 1979 and thinking, WOWEE what a talented and gifted artist. I knew at that time he had previous ties with Tower of Power and even Earth Wind and Fire. I don' t remember Takit, tho. Thanks to everyone for all their help. DMiller, the one thing I have found out on the Cortright page is that some of the believer email links are OLD and not up to date. I tried to email Lee Turner and his wife Gale who are said to be having fellowships in Missouri City Tx, but the email addy no longer exists. Bummer. I had many questions for him. I still appreciate the links. Its wonderful to find out 'where they are now'? Blessings Jeannette
ex n dmiller -- What a wonderful blessing you both are! Thank you SO MUCH, and yes Skippy looks awesome! He sure can play one mean sax. These links are wonderful! Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!! :D
:D The most Powerful Gift God has ever given to us is "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE". God Loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. What more can I say? Ok, God is Light and in him there is NO darkness. God is no respector of persons. (there were no exceptions to that biblical statement.) Being Sinners, all 'sin' whatever size it is - still is SIN. By Christ's having fullfilled all the law and being raised from the dead. We are Justified, Sanctified, and Redeemed. We will probably still commit sins, but we are FORGIVEN, for past stuff and any future stuff. Its good to go to God and acknowledge our sins and seek forgiveness if but for our 'sanity and spiritual growth'. Still we are FORGIVEN. Our duty as 'Children of God, Sons of God, etc.' Is Not to go out and 'cram our personal philosophies, or dogma' down other's throats, but to Show the world God's Unconditional Love. Let our Lights shine, then, if 'anyone ask of you a reason of the hope that is in you, we are obligated to tell them'. Tell them our dogma? NOPE, Tell them about how they too can have God in Christ in their lives and Live that more than Abundant Life. I personally think if folks want dogmatic religion, they can get that at any Secular Church. I think what the world needs now is Love Sweet Love. God's Unconditional Love. Some people I've known in the past must of thought that meant "making love to others", but it DIDN"T, it was showing others God's Unconditional Love. This means loving folks who do things we don't personally agree with. I've had to learn to love 'smokers' even though I find the act of smoking - pure pollution and personal suicide, as well as the fact it not only harms the 'smoker' but those around them. BUT, VPW was a smoker. Well, we are only instructed to follow our own God consciousness and not try and Push our opinions on other people. "IF anyone be ignorant let them". Right? I see the travisty in paying a huge corporation money to kill us off, but that's my personal opinion and experience as Alcoholism and Cancer have killed off plenty of my family members already. But I'm not going around the world trying to FORCE smokers to QUIT. But I don't hate 'smokers' either. I'm not sure how else to explain this. While I am not attracted to the 'same sex' - I am not going to Hate or Condemn those who are. I can't personally understand homosexuality myself, and I don't see any biblical education regarding it pro or against. I do feel as tho we are living in the end times, and since this is evident more and more every day, I realize in my heart that the World needs to experience God's Unconditional Love. There is simply too much hate, bitterness and judgement among people. If we go against the laws of life and Godliness, we only have ourselves to scorn. I am only held accountable for what I do with my life and how I live it. I know we are suppose to be 'especially kind to the household'. How are we to know whom all the household members are? We cannot look into the heart of others. We have all sinned and come short of God's glory, yet he has FORGIVEN us. Let us Love one another as God has loved us - UNCONDITIONAL.
Well if you Oregonians ever end up in the Hill Country, word of wisdom: Don't Mess With Texas OR a Texan with lots of Guns and Ammo.... You'll want to Admit it's God's Country or Else!!! :D Seriously tho, The West Coast is truly beautiful too. I made WA state my home for a little over 10 years, and all the rain n drizzle can get a bit depressing, and the barometric pressure is heck on a TEXAN, so now its Time I head back. Was born in Texas -- I plan to Die there too!! :unsure:
Yes it helps. Thanks Jeannette
I've seen some really unique things sell on ebay, such as the South Texas Snow, and now this. It was really Fun to read and watch. Now as to ex70's offer, that one is Tempting since I know the Camp Director. ;) How much for just one weekend in the Hill Country? Ebay is a great place to sell your stuff..... :D
Here's another thought from a Texan..... Perhaps they didn't want the broken glass to get stuck in the carpet or project inside the building. Might be easier to clean up the glass if they can control What side of the building it lands. :blink:
Anyone out there know who wrote this song? I have loved it for years. I first heard it in Springfield MA, while serving as a WOW. A guy named Rob Fontaine introduced the song to me. Here are some of the words that I can remember. Its Christ in you, that makes your life so beautiful All that is within, come alive. A solid love, a perfectness, The only real that there is. You are God's son, A masterpiece of greatest art You shine aglow and we know That the good in you is all we see Its Christ in You Its Christ in Me. (I only now hear fragments of this song in my head. I'd love to put it all together again.) It WAS the beautiful music from all the Talented and Gifted Believers in the Household of God that made up the INSPIRATION for which we all were greatly touched and moved. I found the Music Ministry of the Way to be the height of my collective experience. Without the music of the ministry, and the Way Magazine, I would have left long before I did. Those messages in song touched the heart and soul of the masses., and brought more souls to the loving arms of God than ever did VPW's words. GOD BLESS the Many Musicians of the Way Ministry, and Beyond.
Does anyone know whatever became of the following People/groups? Joyful Noise Timothy Titus Stevie Kay Lewis Skippy (the very sexy sax player from Joyful Noise) Dan Moran Curious if anyone knows how to obtain music from the past. Does one go through Way Productions? Thanks Jeannette
I'm faced everyday with the decision to 'forgive' or 'not to forgive'. Not concerning anyone or anything that has hurt me regarding the Way. I had nothing but wonderful times and truly meaningful friendships while in TWI, however I do see the need to 'stay away' from an organization that supported those who preyed against others of the 'household'. God did say be especially KIND to the household of faith, and that if anyone does anything against one of the least of these our brethern, they do it unto HIM. I suppose I was removed from the Ministry before all that garbage happened and the great divide, but I WAS at the Advanced Class in Ohio (the live one) and I remember VPW saying that after he passed there would be a Big Separation, and there WOULD be a leader he trusted who would BETRAY HIM and try to Take over the Ministry. I felt then that I was looking at CM. I had a strong feeling of mistrust about that man years before all this other stuff came about., but Judas betrayed Jesus and still Jesus Forgave him. I see all the points about forgiveness, and I'm learning this one thing, and I'll explain. For about 8 yrs now I've had to live with 'hate and bitterness' toward someone I once called a 'friend'. This person gained my trust and then took advantage of my weakness. I had a thriving Printing Business in Arlington WA. I grew ill with neuropathy and Adult onset Diabetes, and had no one else to trust to help me one weekend. This person graciously offered to assist me, but it turned out he STOLE my bank info, signature stamp (which was 50% the actual size of my valid signature) - he moved my equipment out in a HURRY from my rented building, fenced things off to other Printers (who were also supposedly my friends), used a forged legal notice telling others he BOUGHT my business, and sold off my inventory, and owned equipment. I returned to my company only to find it GONE and the local police would NOT help me at all. This forced us into a bankruptcy and we lost our home and dignity. Its been 8 yrs, and I still have not come to terms with this loss, I am now asking myself, WHO is it harming the most, my feelings of bitterness, and hate towards that preditor? He got off scott free, he was laughing all the way to and from the bank - I had to move and restart my life and regain our credit rating (it use to be SPOTLESS, never a late payment, etc.). I've had the struggle and determination to re-build my life, but I've been living in sheer Hate and Bitterness. I stay home and avoid other human companionship and have only been at my computer to search for 'old friends' mostly those from my past, whom I know I could trust. Let me tell you, this bitterness, hate and heartache is NOT hurting the Preditor. IT IS HURTING and DESTROYING MY LIFE. SO the only way out of my 'grief and illness' is to LET GO of the Hate, and bitterness and FORGIVE THIS PREDITOR.. for in forgiving him, I can be FREE and no longer a VICTIM. But this is SO HARD. I've prayed, and prayed. Now I'm gonna have to ask for advice on HOW TO LET GO. God wants us to live a 'more than abundant life'. In forgiving this preditor, I know I can heal. Its not that the Preditor deserves the forgiveness, he doesn't. I deserve peace of mind and others deserve to get to know me. I deserve 'true friendships' and my bitterness has shielded me against making new friendships. So, while some of you say Jesus would have us Forgive -- its IMPORTANT more to our peace of mind and our spiritual, mental and physical wellness TO FORGIVE..... Grace is "unmarited devine favor". We can't earn it, its a GIFT from GOD. I don't have all the answers. I just need to know how to get past this one personal journey of my own. Its ok to acknowledge evil, and to abhore it (even hate it), its just WRONG when that hate consumes our lives and holds us back..... Before the Way Ministry, I had come from a 'loveless household'. My parents fought all the time, they were miserable, and made us feel miserable about ourselves. Once I left home at 16, and I met the WAY Ministry, and took the PFAL class, I wasn't looking at the people for an example, I was looking at myself in a NEW and wonderful way. I saw myself as Worthy, Loving, and that I had a grand purpose in life. I enjoyed my WOW year, because I got to help others. I was sharing God's love with them. I was doing the program with my heart in the right place whether or not others were. Since leaving the Way, my life has not been as exciting or as fullfilling. Where does a person go from TWI and find an organization that doesn't judge you by whether or not you "are Trinitarian"? I have looked - seems most all the churches think if you don't believe Jesus is God, you are Anti-Christ. I know this is not True. I need to LIVE again.... Without forgiveness towards others (whether or not they deserve it or ask for it) I can't go on and LIVE like this... Ultimately it is God who is the only one who can Forgive. He is the one who has been wronged the most. How do we acquire that 'unconditional love'? As a mother its easy to love my children "unconditionally". Its another thing to forgive, let alone love and trust others again. Seeking a gentler and happier heart toward others. Jeannette
Yeah, Hey there Donald K I know you know I remember you. Sure remember Larry and Mike too. I also have fond memories of the 'doos' at the Turner's place in Livingston Tx. Lee, John, Shelly Turner and their folks. When I took that Houston PFAL class, the people I remember besides you, Donald and your roomies, were these two Twigs I frequenced. Mike and Mickey Richardson (both hairdressers by profession.) Then there was this Gal who is now married to a guy named Glenn (her name keeps slippin my mind). I remember friends I made like, Mike and June Sierling, Robert Gant (who I spent time with in a WOW family home in Springfield MA). There were many others, like Houk Hitchcock, who I have just learned is in the Houston area, and so is Leslie Wind. Leslie is STILL very much in the WAY INTERNATIONAL, with no desire to EVER leave. Two years ago I went to Texas to find ol friends, stopped to see him, and even went to a fellowship. They no longer call them Twig Fellowships. I always thought the 'Tree' concept was cute. I went WOW that year following my PFAL class, was sent to Holyoke, MA. From there I went back to Austin and served with Rev and Nancy as a 'Fellowlaborer'. What an experience that proved to be. Met more wonderful people. One of my roomies names was Carla Dupree, I've wondered what ever became of Carla, and others like, Ron Fisher, Wayne Sears, and there were two other roomies both name Debbie (can't recall their last names.) I'm living in Missouri momentarily and plan to move back to the Austin Area. I am hoping to find SOMEWHERE to fellowship -- but not hoping to reconnect with the Way International groups. Donald K, did you know your ex-roomies were living in the San Antonion area? One is living in the same little town I grew up in as a child. Interesting? Blessings Jeannette
Goey -- Thank you, and God Bless you. Perhaps I was being 'critical' of the things I read, and perhaps I did 'misunderstand' intentions. My humble Apologies. I'm not too proud to admit my mistakes. Thanks for pointing various things out to me. I LOVE YOU FOR IT...... I can truly see both sides now.. Oh to separate the Truth from the Error and the Lies, tho. My heart goes out to anyone who has been harmed in anyway, by the TWI or any other group out there. For me it was the JWs that threatened my life with "fear motivation". Talk about an organization that can't see beyond their own Lies. People are truly afraid to leave that group, however, we simply walked away, didn't we? We had more freedom than do the Moonies, and so forth. Still I think that for 'victims' to continue to live as if still victimized is sad and a waste of come wonderful time in their walks with God and others. Fear is indeed "sand in the machinery of life". From what I'm learning, while there are people who perhaps are bitter and angry, they may very well have a right to feel that way. I did not walk in their shoes. I do pray peace and love are the things that sustain and protect them from being victims in the future. I just experienced things differently. God love and help us all. It is so sad how the world at large lives in such darkness. There are so many out there who need to hear about God and his great love. Shalom Jeannette
Hi. I'm looking for info or email for the following people: Walter Lee Turner Shelly Turner, John Turner Carla Dupree Wayne Sears Ronnie Fisher Jodie Demmery Shelly Green Gregg Bernisdini Doug Degraff Bob Vignolia Rev and Nancy Burton Jack Pendergast Roy Resovic (from Westfield MA) Thanks
I recently visited a long time Way Friend in Houston, and I saw Claudette Royal on a recent Video. I am told she is still using her beautiful voice, and is still very active in the Way Ministry. She sings with a group of other women. The Way's new theme is "The Prevailing Word" they dropped the World Over the World thing. They no longer have WOWs either. Sad. But Claudette looked Great and sang Beautifully as always. Anyone who wants to contact her would have to write the Way headquarters. I can try to get it from my friend in Houston, tho. If interested email me at jbossard@sbcglobal.net
Dozer, do you remember Gregg Burnisdini (sp) He was a leader the year you were there in San Antonio. I was in Houston at that time. Do you remember folks like Lee, John and Shelly Turner? Rev. Burton, Mike and Mickey Richardson? Rob Gant? Gregg loved Children and started a children's fellowship last I was there. Love to hear from ya. jbossard@sbcglobal.net Jeannette (Jean Clevenger)
Hi. I now live in Missouri and I am looking to find other Believers to Fellowship with. Any out there holding in-home fellowships. I'm an ex-wayer. My email addy is: jbossard@sbcglobal.net
Hey Goey and others made Valid Points. I'd like however to think differently, but ya'll make good sense. There are people in this world who LOOK UP TO LEADERS for their answers and to Give them direction, even to THINK FOR THEM. I was not one, however. I was one of the few rebellious Believers. I always felt I ought to walk with GOD, not Wierwille. Until I met Greaspots, I had no earthly idea of the horrific stunts that VPW and other Leaders were guilty of. I invested my time differently, not to be a FOLLOWER of the WAY, but a Learner With. I apologize if my First Post on here ever sounded FOOLISH and overlooked the logical reasons why you folks are speaking outloud about what happened. I find one thing odd, I recall when the leader of the Assembly of Gods sinned, they scolded him and he publically confessed and repented, and so he is now back in the Faith's good graces. I only knew of one thing I didn't approve that VPW did, and that was SMOKE. I had NO IDEA he felt that Grace was a license for him to SIN, and do whatever he pleased at the expense of others. That saddens me. But I never looked up to him or worshiped him in anyway. Same with Rev. Lynn. I respect what he taught. It saddens me that many people didn't live what they taught, or used the Bible to manipulate others. It didn't happen to me or anyone I knew so I am sorry. I had NO IDEA... I was hoping that Love could heal all wounds. I have a few friends still caught up in the Way, and I can't get them to Greasespots, they are being told NOT to look at that letter or listen to others who left. Fear Motivation --- NEVER GOOD. They ought to get a clue as to how they have the right to Think for Themselves. I always took a stand for my freedome of thought, I had no idea how easy it was for others to be manipulated. Geeze. Thanks for the awakening.... I'll try not to be SO Nieve in the future. Love Jeannette :D-->
Oh, in regard to the person who said I seem sincere. Lots of people do. Sincerity is no guarantee for Truth, tho. I am a Truth Seeker, constantly striving to learn new stuff. I know there are answers out there to tons of questions I have. It didn't end for me with the Way. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church, then my father forced us to study with his Cult, the JWs, those folks run peoples lives and 'fear motivate'. I left that, knowing full well JC was NOT Michael the Archangel. Since the Way I've read lots of Biblical Scholar's works to see if there is More to God and his word than I learned in 'preschool'. The Way being a good starting point for me, anyhow. Yeah my opinion. Sorry for those who have deep rooted regrets and they can't get past the pain and bitterness to see the positives in every experience they have in life. We weren't promised a thornless garden? God is Not to Blame. Satan is the culpret. I blame him more than I do humankind of which I'm one. Folks like John Lynn, I choose to love him, and feel God loves him too. My decision. LOVE!!! Jeannette
I wish to CORRECT err Clarify my first POST. The Facts should of been listed with 1, 2 3. They all started with "We Learned", there should of only been Three. The rest was a general opinionated letter, expressing my feelings, not what I felt were FACTS. We Did Learn Lots of Things. Useful stuff. Like the Power of positive thinking. God n Christ n You. Its a matter of what we do with what we learned and that we should keep on learning. We got keys and principles and pretty good education on how to study the bible., right? The rest is up to us. What we do with what we get, its our Free Will Choices. Anyway, One day all this will seem so insignificant? I am looking forward to the Return of Christ. Love Jeannette
Unholy Cow, folks. I sure recon I outta check my writing before sending it? And the spelling. Touche'. I think ya'll missed my points. I didn't intend for all I said to be FACTS, oh contrare. We ex-wayers DID learn something useful, didn't we? No, it is not good that there are Organizations out there that PROFIT from Love starved people who want to be loved and learn about God. There WAS and perhaps still IS alot of wrong things, and we can say this about OTHER GROUPS out there, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the like. The list goes on and on. So many run people's lives and use fear tactics to Mind Control them into submission. They are all guilty of much, the way is guilty as well, BUT I rather focus on the Positive things and move on with my life and stay focused on God and his unconditional love. Certainly I did not express properly what my heart intended. The world is full of schism, conflict, tourmoil, negativity. We would all do well to practice what we preach and not try to nick pick at things others say and try to CORRECT everyone. Those people who battle using God's word, are perhaps bitter inside and I say to that, get your hearts right with your God. Leave anger and bitterness where it belongs in the pit of hell. Life is too short to fight. We can't change what all those groups are doing. The Bible tells us to speak to those who Ask us a reason of the hope that is in us, and to do it with meekness and love. Some of these posts are not loving at all. Some of you folks just want to point a finger and accuse others, right or wrong, doesn't matter. Just get your venom out, does it make you feel better? Sorry if I do not believe in cutting and pasting all those statements I don't like that ya'll say. Will not lower myself to foolish standards. I just want to see others get past - the past. For whatever reasons God led us all in different directions since the Way. I was forced out in a bad marriage, and chose not to return cause I was threatened my daughter would be taken away from me. Now I know it was the best thing for me, not to return. I miss so many things tho. The Rock of Ages, in that it was FUN, musically inspiring, camping with other lovely folks, and I had FRIENDS abundantly. The pros outweigh the cons. It was the best thing for my life at the time. No one brain washed me, I was there on my own free will. Were any of ya'll forced there against your will? I still stand on my previous statement that they are doing good things IF they are teaching Christ and Salvation. God will work in a person once they get started with their walk with God. That's one thing about God. Who can judge others, we do not have the right. What works for one person may not for another. I am PRO - FREEDOM OF WILL. My Free Will was Never in Jeopardy. I am in control of ME and my mind. Anyone out there who is not in control? We can only be accountable to God for our own actions, not the actions of another. God will hold them accountable. I want to leave the judgement to God. My job is to be a good example. yeah, guarding the mystery. I feel it means to Love Unconditionally. To Love God with all our hearts, souls and mind. To love our neighbor as ourselves. Love the key. Please don't get caught in the trees, you'll miss the beauty of the forrest. Forgive me for not being a Scholar or a College Educated Word-smith. I'm a simple minded Saint and of the Household of God. I claim no religion... I'm just doing the best I can with what I have. God Bless you all. Don't worry about offending me with your fancy words of reproach or correction. I'll read through it and take the insults with a grain of sand. At least I know the position I hold in God's eyes. This sure is an interesting place. Lots of bitterness, and many people trying to one-up someone else in the knowledge department. Love does not behave itself like this. Knowledge gets puffed up. I can tell there are lots of puffy folks out there who want to BE RIGHT, and they forget what is all so important. Blessings to you and yours. Thanks for replies such as they are. Great ones and Puffy ones. Love you, tho. Jeannette