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Everything posted by jetc57
Now that's a TRUCK that's been to Hell and Back. Sometimes I feel exactly like it Looks....
Speaking of Chet Adkins, my Dad owned every album ever made, and he played Chet Adkins stuff DAILY. The kind of Country n Western I have NEVER liked is Porter Wagner. That twang thang always bothered me. Buck Owens I enjoyed. Its been years, however since I've heard any of his tunes. I'm pleased to hear Country n Western music has more 'happy lyrics', rather than the sad stuff about loosing one's wife and dog, etc. I've heard if you play those songs backward, they will have happier endings. :unsure:
And may I add this........ You Never want to say those things to a Texan who has Plenty of Guns and Ammo!!!! :unsure:
Danny; You bring to light some interesting thoughts. Thank you. As to the Cor. Scripture I don't think I recall it EVER until now. Baptism for many Religions is an 'outward manifestation' of an 'inward commitment'., and if it helps someone in their walk with God, I think its a positive thing. I would also think that 'being baptised for the dead or loved ones' might be of comfort to someone. Gosh I love learning new things. Temple Lady, thank you as well for your reply. Love ya'll Jet
WOWEE You have literally had me in Suspence all friggin day, ex70s. Thanks for finally explaining. Are you exercising better 'caution' with your toys now? For your sake I hope your Guardian Angels continue to help keep you safe, or have you scared them off with all those guns and ammo? :D
ex70shouston -- me thinks you misread the poem. The MAN bought his Woman the gift. The man is writing the love poem to his woman. Its rather cute and extremely funny! Anyway that's great news about your little filly and her fine catch. The first of her fine catches was YOU!! :blink: ------------------------------ Here's one I learned in "Christian Family n Sex Class". I think. :blink: "A good man is hard to find, but a hard man, is good to find!" :huh:
templelady; God Bless You. First of all, I personally believe you are entitled to 'believe' whatever you want. We have freedom of will. I'm a bit confused, however. I have never had the pleasure of going to an LDS service, but I have family and dear friends who are Mormon., and my sister was as well for over 5 yrs. My grandparents were and various cousins, and I've been in discussions with them and the subject of 'getting baptized for the dead' never came up. Please excuse my ignorance. Is this knowledge from the Bible, where they get the notion? I was under the impression, scripturally, that Baptism is not a requirement for 'Salvation'. I was also under the impression that each individual person is responsible to God for his/her own actions. The only people who are protected spiritually are those of our own children who are not of the age of accountability and therefore covered by 'their parents believing'. Aren't you Saved by Grace if you 'Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised HIM from the dead'? (John 3:16 also comes to mind.) I'm a bit rusty on the chapter and verses to support these thoughts, but can and would find them if you want. I have thought for many years that the LDS taught this as well. When Jesus died and was resurrected it is said that (what he did) was fullfill all the laws and prophets. It is my understanding that in fullfilling the law, we who Believe then no longer have to go to the 'Holy of Holys once a year to seek forgiveness of sin', 'and being Baptised with Water was now unnecessary'. The OT laws were fullfilled as prohesied. The thing after Pentecost was that we would be baptised in the Holy Spirit. Curious where the 'baptism for the dead' came about. I can't imagine being responsible for someone other than myself. How are we to be accountable to God for another? The Spiritual Walk (in my opinion) is One on One with God. What am I missing out on? Perhaps I need to read your posts in more depth. If you've answered this delima before, forgive me for asking. Jet ----------------- D-Miller; I cannot view the group hug icon, but thanks for trying. Cynic: I tried to keep up with all that stuff you wrote. TY for the info. I have one of these brains that work best in understanding things if they are 'Simple rather than Complex'. I can never reason with 'circular reasoning, or indepth theory'. I would have never made it in Theology had I taken it in college. I gotta 'Keep it Simple'. or you can call it KISS. Seems the more complex the topic the more I tune out. I personally believe understanding God is pretty simple. Things like: God is Love, God's love is Unconditional, God is Light, etc. The Trinity theory, however any Religion cares to 'write about it' is NOT LOGICAL to me. I don't buy into any 'teachings' that get COMPLEX, I don't think God would have us be confused., nor do I feel that it requires explaination. I've never even seen the word 'Trinity' in the Bible. I'm not criticising you in any way -- I'm just throwing in my personal thoughts on the subject. What you wrote did validate my notion that there are 'sects' out in the world that DO teach 'Mary is the Mother of God', and I don't agree with their 'theories'. For what its worth, those are my thoughts. Cheers :blink:
rascal, Sorry but I think you might misunderstand me a tiny bit. I LEFT years before all this stuff happened. I hadn't heard of any of the skism until I heard John Lynn speak one weekend in Seattle WA area. He was with CES, and I was puzzled. A co-worker invited me, and I was surprised to find Rev. John Lynn speaking in a non-TWI event. He filled me in on as much as he could then later send me the Greer letter thing and GreaseSpots has clued me on more. In reference to 'taking a stand', please I was not referring to those who TWI disbarred or shunned. OF COURSE you took a stand, that's what got you OUT. I am really talking about the LEADERS in POWERFUL Positions taking a STAND against the WRONG done to OTHERS. Instead, just like you explained, those Powers that Be, turned against the very people they should of been PROTECTING. They should of protected them against LCM and others who used their POWER to deceive. The true evil-doers should have been 'kicked out' not those who took a stand! Please forgive me if my note was not clear on who I hold accountable!! If you suffered because you took a stand -- then I only admire that you took a STAND. It truly troubles me that TWI chose to support those who were WRONG. But, 'what goes around, comes around'. Look at how many people LEFT? TWI is but a shell of a so-called-ministry now. They are in a heap of trouble, and do not have the Financial backing they once had. No matter how we left, its a good thing we are no longer being controlled by TWI? How can we support a ministry that has done so much damage. What did it profit them in the long term? I read a great deal of 'bitterness' - I did not experience the same things others have, therefore I do not have any 'first-hand' bitterness or hatred for TWI when I was in association with them. I was out before 1981. My heart goes out to you and what you endured, and I pray God heals your heart. There ARE so many wonderful people who have left, and I'm sure some still foolish enough to remain in TWI. IF anyone from TWI had told me to 'ignore, or cast aside a brother or sister Believer', I would have NOT OBEYED them. I am not one to 'FOLLOW ORDERS' easily, and I would have had little respect for someone who told Me to do something that went against my better judgement. I am the type of person, tho who was bold enough to have taken a Stand with ya! Than against ya! God Bless You. Love Jeannette
Its Sad. Sounds like many people became "Slaves to TWI", so the Glorious Leaders could line their pocket book. What did I hear in the first PFAL Class I took in 1976? VPW was saying something about "God told me to tell you, to sell ALL your property, and give ME the money". I thought at the time he was talking about OTHER GROUPS doing that to their followers., it sickens me to learn -- they were really into that way of thinking. Geesh - using their power to 'control, and gain profit'. Seems their dictatoring caused a great many Believers to be tricked out of their Properties (properties that years later would have gained them wealth). What happened to the teachings that as Believers we are entitled to "The More than Abundant Life"? Being in debt for a home was a 'good thing', and in doing so we 'render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's" and to God the things that are God's. Good thing I learned "Charity begins at Home", before I ever gave it ALL to TWI. Sorry to hear so many people were led BLINDLY and did not take a STAND against such Legalism. I am glad I got out when I did, even though I was FORCED out, and all my TWI literature, PFAL books, and all were DESTROYED....
D.Miller I'd love to see the 'after' shot of that truck. Did it take the load?
Absolutely! Right on Raf! VPW's theory (which he used to justify his own behaviors) was that since he was a 'Believer' (by way of John 3:16) that he was FORGIVEN for any sins he committed in the past, and the ones he WOULD commit in the future. To heck with a God consciousness as a result of true conversion. Confession of Believe yields Receipt of Confession. All Cult Leaders use something to justify their actions as being 'God ordained'. To me that kinda makes a mockery of God and his Word. There is no darkness in God. I wonder in the end of days what God would say to VPW. Would he say "Depart from me, for I never knew you?" Would VPW be classified in that group of people who did all these things in the name of God, saying 'lord, lord, look at what we did'? Anytime a Leader abuses his position, I personally believe God's Word speaks volumes when it says: (I'm not familiar with the chapter n vs right now). But I'm quoting from Retemory the jest: Concerning the Household of Faith. IF you do something bad to the 'least of these God's children', you do it unto God also. (Anyone can help me out here, with chapter n verse). But I'm thinking, the lesson was "Don't harm God's Children" -- he won't like it -- GRACE or NOT. When Charasmatic People start "Organizations" and those organizations gain wealth, and the leaders gain power -- then often times they become dangerous. Sometimes these people start the groups with malice of forethought - and intend on deception and steal, kill and destroy. Other times, they start out innocent enough with good intentions but then power gets it out of control. I can say this and feel good about it. I am SO GLAD, I am not GOD. I would not of had the patience. I would have smote anyone who crossed the line between godiness and 'darkness'. All those years since I had left TWI, I had no idea how things got so out of control w/various leaders. It breaks my heart. We can't go back in time, and we can't make up for Lost time, either. I know many people will continue now to measure other 'ministries' by TWI. About United Pentecostal Church. I am now confused, I thought they were NON-Trinitarian. I read the stuff on their web site, but perhaps I need to read it again. I thought they did not believe Jesus was God. Trinitarian doctrine (from my view point) seems to say Mary is the Mother of God, and therefore Jesus is God. But God is the Alpha and Omega, Mary couldn't possibly have mothered GOD. There is a wonderful book that I picked up while in TWI (two books actually.) One is Orientalisms of the Bible (By Pillai) the other is Number and Scripture by Bullinger. So glad they weren't TWI literature. Also, one more book worthy of anyone's library is "Life is Tremendous" by Charlie Jones. I don't think any of these authors were ever involved in TWI.
It looks and sounds easy and don't think I don't try all of that., it just doesn't (err Didn't )work for me. I will keep trying. I just noticed in my post options HTML was off, so maybe that is/was my problem. If this here line is in a different color and bold, then I've solved a mystery. Looks like simple HTML editing. I have done that tons of times. Duh? :blink: WOWEE, its a MIRACLE.. TY Raf!
OMG ROTFLOL I Never Meant the Littering a CAT does. hahahahaha. I LOVE Cats, I have an awesome kitty, who is Persian, and he is Litter Trained. I have to be really careful on here whom I offend, and how WORDS have other meanings. Don't plan to ever get a gun, so all litterbugs are SAFE.
All hugs accepted and thank you. My first experience with typography and the printing industry was as a "Fellowlaborer" in Austin, TX under the direction of Rev. Burton. I typeset and printed the GrapeVine. Anyone remember that? Oh well, Belle, you are a sweetie, I was WAY gone from TWI before you ever came aboard. I always had hopes of being on staff with the Way Magazine, but instead God did bless me with the ability to own and operate my own Printing company for 10 wonderful years. I appreciate all the REAL people I'm coming to know through GreaseSpots. I've even re-connected in here with a couple of my friends of afore, and they are still awesome! Thanks for the welcome and the hugs. :wub:
The 'good that was there' were the Millions of people whose HEARTS and MINDS were in the right place and they honestly and without greed or malice actually LIVED GOD'S LOVE. IF we could gather together all of the Believers who made TWI what is once WAS, we'd have a sweet, sweet, fellowship? I for one miss the beautiful, 'Christ in You' people. I miss how we all use to bring out the best in one another. Minister to those who were hurting. I miss the healing power of the Word. I miss the fellowship with genuine godly people. Not having gone in the Corp, I didn't have to endure things that others did. I hope we don't have to wait for the 'gathering together' to experience the Household at its best., we could use that kind of daily influence now. Light dispells darkness - right?
At the time Raf, TWI seemed to be the Safe replacement for the JW group., as I was instructed that if I were to return to a Church, it was pagan and God (Jehovah) would be destroying it and anyone within its walls. I was thrilled that TWI met in homes and taught a lot of similar things. (example: Jesus Christ is Not God.) Then the fact that Christ was more than just a 'great teacher', also had my respect. I really loved the opportunities for travel I got in TWI. The Music Ministry, the many friends., the 'positive thinking' teachings that helped to boost my 'self esteem'. Those were valuable to my future and have kept me from going 'insane'. A positive mental attitude is just plain healthy!! My first spiritual experiences however were in the Baptist Church. I now have a difficult time visiting any Church to this day. I feel so lost and uncomfortable in 'Christiandom' altogether. When I learned about this place I had hopes of finding long lost friends and wondering where they went from TWI and where is it SAFE to worship.... Guess you could say I still have unresolved issues about where to serve God., and I am lonely spiritually for fellowship. :blink: I so need a hug.....
Note that I've added remarks in the Quote Section too. Ex-WAY, is that OBVIOUS? :unsure: Yepper, but I had a great many WONDERFUL experiences in the Way.... by the way.
I HAVE NO GUNS, and if I did, I'd be shooting at all the people who LITTER. I LOATH the ACT OF LITTERING..... I'm a TEXAN without a GUN or desire to carry one.....
Thank you RAF, now I can sleep better at night. Being Human is such a Hastle! :D I am a sensitive person who NEVER proposes to 'offend' others.
YES I AGREE -- How could I have forgotten that one, Both my Children have come to use and enjoy that one. Thanks.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BELLE WROTE: on another note: Jet, sorry, I have to agree with WordWolf. Perhaps it's because tone of voice doesn't communicate very well in print or it's because you have yet to learn how to communicate what you're thinking without appearing judgemental and accusative..... Raf has posted a bit about JW's and you obviously haven't taken the time to read around the board and learn about people before you attack them (and, yes, your posts do look like attacks and subsequent justifications of your attacks). Since you're new here, I'll tell you that many of us have been posting for a long time and we know the integrity (or lack thereof) of many of the long-time posters and Raf is NOT one of those lacking integrity. It's also not wise to put words into his mouth or to extrapolate hidden meanings in what he posts. He is pretty clear on his own. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :)[/color] Belle, God Bless you, and thank you for your Gentle Observation., and Repromand. Just so you and WordWolf will know, I have Send RAF a personal Apology!! I see the error of my ways, and I appreciate the loving way in which you have 'corrected me'. TY I did re-read those posts and I still cannot see how I could have INSULTED Raf, and I'm not sure why he did not communicate to me if he were offended., however, to set things RIGHT, I wrote him and APOLOGIZED. I wish others were nicer in how they "Tear apart and Criticise other's posts". Since there are no voice tones, only words, its Easy to Assume someone is attacking another. I assure you I didn't write those things to attack RAF, but rather to voice my opinion regarding the JWs. Blessings Jeannette :)
Ex70s - I just bet still today you be the MAN with a TRUE TEXAS TRUCK!! ^_^ ^_^ Jeannette (oh thats w/2n's) ;) I might also point out that Texans are by far the most friendliest of folks I've ever met. I left Texas when I went WOW, they sent me to Holyoke MA, and I met some nice folks there, but most of them were 'cold, ridgid, reserved', it must be the climate they endure. I've lived in CA, NE, WA, now MO, and People just are NOT as "Howdy Doedy''. Hospitality and the ability of folks to Team Up and really Care about their neighbors is one of the Best Things I have experienced in Texas! The warm weather, and warm hearted folks. And, of COURSE, the Men and their Pickup Trucks. ;)
I'm still convinced that the good, reliable, things we learned in TWI (i.e. "Receive, Retain, Release) never originated from TWI at all. They got it from one of their reliable sources. Here are some general Rules/Lessons I've compiled over the years. Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~~~~~~~~ The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. ~~~~~~~~ Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. ~~~~~~~~ There are two kinds of pedestrians - the quick and the dead. ~~~~~~~~ Life is sexually transmitted. ~~~~~~~~ An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys. ~~~~~~~~ If quitters never win, and winners never quit, then who is the person who said, "Quit while you're ahead?" ~~~~~~~~ Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. ~~~~~~~~ Get the last word in: Apologize. ~~~~~~~~~ Thoughts for a Friday..... Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. ---
Ex70s - I Knew sooner or later you'd come to the aide of this post! Thanks. Remember that commercial about the picante sauce cowboy who got HIS and it was made in NY City? All the Texas cowboys laughed and said "Get a Rope". Have you seen the latest commercial about the Cowboy who road to the Range in his Pick Up Truck, and went to fix his fence and a Rattler bit him only the Rattler died!! Cause the Cowboy was so TOUGH!!! As if a Truck is what makes him 'tough enough to kill a Viscious Snake'. I laughed my self sick the first time I saw that commercial. :D
D Miller, you are absolutely right. I DID start off with some Way-ISIMS? Oh well, so much for that. Here are some more goodies. Mausisms: A backward poet writes inverse. A man's home is his castle, in a manor of speaking. Dijon vu - the same mustard as before. Practice safe eating - always use condiments. Shotgun wedding: A case of wife or death. A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play. Sea captains don't like crew cuts. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Condoms should be used on every conceivable occasion. Reading while sunbathing makes you well red. When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I. A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two tired. What's the definition of a will? (It's a dead giveaway.) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. In democracy your vote counts. In feudalism your Count votes. She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but broke it off. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. If you don't pay your exorcist, you get repossessed. With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered. You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it. Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under. He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key. Every calendar's days are numbered. A lot of money is tainted - It taint yours and it taint mine. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat. He had a photographic memory that was never developed. A plateau is a high form of flattery. A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. Once you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall. Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses. Acupuncture is a jab well done. Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat. :D