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Everything posted by jetc57
How does AZ or IN for that matter get by with NOT adjusting their clocks like every state out there? If I'm in a different time zone, how will I know if AZ is two, three or one hour different from us if they Don't change their clocks too? Wouldn't that effect the time zones? I always know my daughter who lives in WA state is two hours behind our time. If WA didn't change their clocks back an hour too, then that would mess things up? I'm in MO, we changed them. Puzzled! Jeannette
Setting up a computer for games for a young child
jetc57 replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
Well, I'm not sure this will answer the question, but its certainly a suggestion. If you use a separate computer for your child to play games with, just be sure it is not connected via dial up or dsl -- then he will certainly NOT be able to get online to the www. The only way he could surf the net is if his computer was 'connected' and you had it set up with a web brouser and it had dsl or dialup hookup. As long as it isn't hooked up -- he won't be. My son who is now 13, has games on his, we started him out with educational games, too. He uses his X-box game system more than his computer now for 'games' - his computer is now assisting him with his homework studies. It is great! If you could be specific about what type of computer you have questions on, then that might help. I use to have a printing company, and I had both Macs and PCs.. What type of system do you have and what Operating System are they running? Mac uses OSX - but there are different versions of that now. PCs are using Windows (98-whatever is current most likely). There are many good programs out there for 'parental control'. If you go and 'google' parental control software, you can research this online yourself. The main thing is -- to keep your child's computer free of 'internet connection' that way, there is no guessing whether he will end up on some chat room, or get some 'email virus'. There are wonderful education software programs out there. When my son was that age he loved this series called "Pajama Sam" it was exciting, and clean educational entertainment. He then went on to other programs. DK makes educational games too that teach them Math, History, Science and more and prepare them for School. My son does extremely well in school, and I think the prime reason is because he started these 'computer game programs' at an early age. He is in 7th and still maintains all "As" and loves learning. You are on the right track for your son's future, just keep him AWAY from the blasted Internet, at least for now. In school they are hooking kids up and teaching them the 'right and wrong' of online gaming and searches that will help educate them. My son has NO desire to go into a chat room. If he wants to email a friend, he does it on my computer with my supervision at all times. I hope I've helped in some small way. Keep them protected from 'online preditors', that's my goal as a parent. Blessings Jeannette -
The Way International's Official Web Site is: http://www.theway.com/ I believe Raf already mentioned it, however I don't see anyway other method than 'snail mail' of finding out where any fellowships are. They don't want email solicitations apparently. They don't even have a way in which to purchase books, or subscribe to the Way Magazine. A shame. If anyone cares to know, I have written the organization about 5 times in three years to locate a Fellowship, and they NEVER REPLY.. They must have me down in their files as someone NOT to allow back, or something. I dunno. I did find a friend who is still actively involved in TWI and I paid him a visit a year ago last June and went to a fellowship with him. They no longer have Twigs, and the only people who run fellowships are Corp Grads.... That's all I know. It didn't feel the same -- but they still ran the Fellowship much the same way and are still selling the PFAL class, only the call it something else now too.
Top 10 reasons trick-or-treating is better than sex: 10) You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack. 9) If you get tired, you can wait 10 minutes and go at it again. 8) The uglier you look, the easier it is to get some. 7) You don't have to compliment the person who gives you some. 6) It's O.K. when the person you're with fantasizes you're someone else, because you are. 5) Forty years from now you'll still enjoy candy. 4) If you don't like what you get, you can always go next door. 3) It doesn't matter if the kids hear you moaning and groaning. 2) Less guilt the morning after. 1) YOU CAN DO THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD.
It was in TWI that I learned the real meaning of the word "Church", isn't it merely the 'body of believers'. Even when two or more are gathered in HIS name, they can be called a 'church'? It helped confirm for me that one doesn't need to 'worship God in a building'. As to the reduction in membership, I think the biggest reduction occurred in the 80s sometime? They lost a great deal of people and FUNDS.... yet somehow they are hanging in there....
Halloween now takes on an unusual meaning for me. My Dad was a Jehovah's Witness for many years, and Halloween was his most HATED HOLIDAY... It was quite a shock three years ago when he DIED on Halloween. He passionately hated this holiday for vaious 'pagan' reasons. Now I too share in his hate for Halloween..
I know how you feel. I had in the past that kind of connection with someone. Its wonderful when two are together serving God - both complimenting one another and doing the "will of God''. Its a harmony that brings others to God, it puts smiles on the faces of the young and old. The sheer joy on your faces. What a treasure. Never loose sight of the 'newness' of it ALL. OK.... Seal it all in your marriage with a covenant of salt. Symbolizing a solid commitment.. and by all means, RUN WITH GOD!! I'm so happy for you both!!
Now that is really funny....... And did they graduate from Texas A+M? Oh BTW, I don't think Southern women STINK at ALL. We actually smell more like a yellow rose. :blink: No one can get mad at someone when they direct their jokes at people of their own kind? Perhaps thing might not be funny to anyone who takes life TOO SERIOUS? I know better than to make fun of anyone directly by name., and don't feel it nice to poke fun at others in general. I think of these kind of jokes as more animated in nature, and the characters in the story lines as all being fictious.
Speaking as a 'redneck' -- err being born in the South, its just fun humor, we KNOW that we are NOT STUPID, or ILLITERATE or any of those things, and we can poke some fun at ourselves. ITs up there with those 'polock', or 'blonde' jokes. They just replaced those words with 'Aggies' to poke fun at people who graduated from Texas A+M. I see your point. Us Southerners never complain, we don't take it as PERSONAL or OFFENSIVE as other 'ethnic groups' would and so its OK. J
Act2 -- GO TALK TO SCOTT -- by all means -- that just might be the PERFECT OPEN DOOR you and HE are Looking For. Hope you don't pass up that opportunity! Nothing ventured --- nothing gained. All my best for your success!!! Jet
Well, you and Ted will have to make 'sweet music' together some other way, and then continue through life in harmonious melody. God Bless your Union. God Bless your lives. I'm happy for ya'll. Agape' Jeannette
Online Marketing is the Crafters New Mall, and an awesome way to sell, especially if a person is shy about going out in public and doing any kind of Marketing. Its that way for Publishers too. I think a lot also depends on 'where a person lives' and whats going on. A good source of information is to see what the local Chamber of Commerce is doing to help small business people market their wares. Often times they sell space at their various town functions. I live in Independence MO and every year they have this big event downtown called "SantaCalagon", and that's where we go to see what's happening in the Craft world and we go there to buy unique, one of kind items. I love seeing all the talented crafters, visiting with them. I even go on purpose to Network and pick up some Label Business as I now work from home. Getting with other folks is great, you can bounce ideas off one another. There are chat rooms for this as well. I can' t think of one at this moment, but when I find one I'll make another post. Sometimes what works for one person doesn't always work for another, if things are different in the place you live, but with the World Wide Web, your Marketing Audience is just that, WORLD WIDE. Ebay is a great way to Start.....
Sudo, I'm trying real hard to figger out what YOU wrote that wasn't in the FIRST Post!!! :blink:
As a woman who has had the priviledge of owning and operating her own business, I have the following personal advice. First of all, I chose the 'printing business'. I started it from a building behind my home. It grew from there. I had many clients who were in-home crafters and soap makers, quilters, scrapbookers, and even candlemakers. I found the following to be true in each of their own success stories that they would share with me. One woman had an original idea that really took off due to its uniqueness. She designed and sold custom wrappers for candies, to announce births, weddings and other things. She was able to quit her daytime job (and her income was 50,000). She grew her business fast and was able to be a 'stay at home mom' making more than twice her yrly salary. Its not always that way for everyone. I think the following is true of any successful business. Whatsoever you do, do heartily unto the Lord. Have a passion and love for your craft and believe in yourself AND in the product you are creating. If 'candle making' is already quite popular, try to find something unique about it that isn't being done, and should be. (Scented candles are a big hit). One of my clients created scented soaps (natural - chemical free products). Check out the competition -- see what others are doing., and how you can do it better! Marketing is a HUGE Key to any successful business. Once you've gotten your craft perfected, and are ready to 'sell' to the public. Do a trial run, take your product to Craft Shows, Trade Shows, Flea Markets. Rent a booth, anywhere possible, and price your items according to the 'competition'. Not always pricing things 'cheaper' cause in today's world people who sell 'cheap' often get a buyer to think its NOT a quality product if its too cheap.. There are various advertising options: A small community newspaper, craft newsletter, etc. Since you are already into Crafts, Hobbies, etc. You probably already see the magazines and the opportunities from the mags, as to up and coming craft fairs, and local places to market your goods. One of my customers rented a building and called up other local crafters and they got together and rented the building and she sold space for Crafters and organized her own weekend Bazaar. It was quite successful and the local media did a wonderful article about her, and her business really took off that way. Since I've had my company - probably the FASTEST way now to market and sell is to design and create a WEB PAGE, from that you want to buy into a way to get your business name to 'google' at the top of the list, when someone does a 'search'. I can't think of the company that does this off hand, but I can do some research on it. Perhaps Raf would know how to get your web page to come up as a top search. You would need to develop a payment system on your web page so people can pay before you ship. Ebay is a GREAT place to get started in selling your goods. Use paypal, and then you sell enough product ebay gives you a STORE, and boom you are doing GREAT!! Team up with other crafters, and get a percentage of their sales for hosting their products on your ebay store. 20% is quite fair., plus the cost of ad. Packaging, along with a 'distinguished business name' and a crafty design, also help sell your product. My business name was "The Arlington Printery", cause it was in Arlington WA. My motto was "Need a deadline met? Call Jet". That was catchy, and clever, but it cost me some long hours to meet people's deadlines. :D Some of my clients would come to me for design help and printing. The products with labels that were colorful always sold better. Your packaging shows quality, your product must be too.. (In people's mind). IMAGE IS EVERYTHING, they still say. I worked with many crafters who took their products straight to the stores, too. One woman got her start with soaps by simply going to the local hardware store, which was owned by other small business people. Small business people have a network, and often a club, you could get with them, and network. These are a few suggestions, I hope it helps, and then again you might already know this stuff since you said you have several small businesses. I just thought I'd put my two cents in just in case. I have a son who is 13 now and since he was 5 He's been crafting. His business name is "Funny Frog Products". Where we live there isn't a 4H Club, but if you have Entrepenuer Children, the 4H club is a GREAT way to get them interested in learning the ins and outs of operating their own Companies. Hope this helps in some way. Whatever you do, just Love it, and be Proud of it! All entrepenuers have to learn to be Great Sales People, and in Selling Success -- you have to know that the Customer Is Always Right.... Great quality customer service. One book that has helped me in my business was "Life is Tremendous" by Charlie Jones. I was first introduced to the book in TWI, but its NOT a TWI book. Sold at the local book store. Blessings and Best Wishes for Success! If you get a web page going or are on ebay, please email me the link? I'm not too crafty and I love buying hand made gifts for others....... jbossard@sbcglobal.net
Hi Mike; I had taken the PFAL like about a thousand or more times before 1980. Went WOW, Fellow Laborer, and took three "Advance Classes" to include the LIVE one in Ohio, I believe that was in 1979? Blue Book and all, read them, etc. BUT --- I did not start this post with any of my own PERSONAL Beliefs, and I don't doubt the existence myself of 'evil'. However, there are lots of questions I still have. Those wonderful PFAL materials, books and all, were BURNED by my ex in 1981, and I have NOT had a copy replaced. I did get some books given to me by a Friend who is still in TWI in Houston, but, for me they are books still written by Men, and VPW to me now, after losing great respect for HIM as a 'Christian' in general leave me to wonder how much of what he wrote I could personally trust or count on. Anyway, Christianity just does not address much of my ponderments. (if there is such a word.) I do agree with the thought that evil is the absence of 'good'., I also think evil is at war with good. For everyone, "natural man' included, there's this constant Spiritual Battle, and with our Free Will we have to choose between doing what is 'good' or doing what is 'evil'. Just because a person 'professes to be a Christian' does not mean they won't choose to 'do evil' in a moment's notice. Its been a proven fact in TWI, that leaders decisions have literally destroyed the lives of others and tarnished their own reputations, and perhaps they were 'wolves in sheeps clothing' to begin with, we just don't know. Perhaps they were just foolish and made poor judgement calls. Not for me to answer, for I don't know what is in another's heart. Hey we could have an entire post going on 'the heart of mankind'..... Thanks for your input.
well gray My original post was an email sent to me by a Religious Relative, and it turns out that George found where that originated. Actually, I understand 'evil' and I do not LIKE IT, It has done damage to me through out my life so far., so I know it exists in one form or another...... BUT, like that topic, I just in general, have QUESTIONS as I mentioned in a post before. I'm just wondering if OTHER PEOPLE have the same or similar curious ponderings....... or am I alone in my 'wonder ponder'? :blink:
I've always wondered, would we even know 'evil' at all or that 'good could vs evil' if Adam and Eve hadn't disobeyed God? My concept of God has always been, God is Love, God is Light and there is NO darkness in God, and that God is the Creator of ALL THINGS..... with that being stated, who in the 'sam hill' created Satan? I hear tell he was once a 'perfect little angel' who through his own 'freedom of will' decided HE wanted to be the Boss, and then God cast him down? Did GOD put Satan down to earth TO temp or test Adam and Eve? I got so many questions, and I doubt they will EVER get logical answers. Ok, I can understand that God is the Alpha and Omega, had no beginning will have no end.... but how can we understand that when we all HAD A BEGINNING somehow? Did God just come about like 'an evolutionary being'? If God created US, couldn't he have also created other life-form out there? If God Created the Angels, and they WERE Perfect, and Satan had everything perfect - why would he want to go and BLOW IT? I mean, he had a great thing going, and he STILL wasn't satisfied? What caused Satan to even know there was a 'different side' than that which is PERFECT? Gonna stop now before I really go hawg wild with the QUESTIONS...... (or am I?) I thought God couldn't look upon darkness, so WHO CREATED the 'evil' anyhow? AND if God always was, with no beginning or end -- certainly he could have BROTHERS/SISTERS? Or were there just ONE of these Spirits that IS? How do we know the GOD story and the Bible aren't 'stories made up by man' like so many other tales out there? Like Mythology, Like the Indian Folklores, and other Tales that have in and of it self very similarities? For me, I've chosen to Believe (a step of blind faith - if you will), in Believing the God Story and about his Son, salvation and all, mostly because all the 'OTHER' stories, don't offer an escape from death. Therefore I've told myself -- "I have everything possible to GAIN, in believing in Christ" and "everything to loose" by NOT believing, and if I end up believing it WRONG -- well I've really not lost anything except Time which I would have lost anyhow........ Anyone else with me on these thoughts? :blink:
I knew I could get a 'rise' out of ya! :P Course ya know I was just kiddin' ya? :blink: I thought the post would get you to laugh, did it work? ;) You ARE the nicest 'redneck' I know!!! But ya do scare me with all those Guns and Ammo. :lol:
Tips from the Redneck Book of Manners 1. Never take a beer to a job interview. 2. Always identify people in your yard before shooting at them. (for you ex70s ):D :blink: :D 3. It's considered poor taste to take a cooler to church. 4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it is time to change the sheets. 5. Even if you're certain that you are included in the will, it is still considered tacky to drive a U-Haul to the funeral home. DINING OUT 1. If drinking directly from the bottle, always hold it with your fingers covering the label. 2. Avoid throwing bones and food scraps on the floor as the restaurant may not have dogs. ENTERTAINING IN YOUR HOME 1. A centerpiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist. 2. Do not allow the dog to eat at the table no matter how good his manners are. PERSONAL HYGIENE 1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this is a job that should be done in private using one's OWN truck keys. 2. Proper use of toiletries can forestall bathing for several days. However, if you live alone, deodorant is a waste of good money. 3. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a social no-no, as they tend to detract from a woman's jewelry and alter the taste of finger food. DATING (Outside the Family) 1. Always offer to bait your date's hook, especially on the first date. 2. Be aggressive. Let her know you're interested: "I've been wanting to go out with you since I read that stuff on the bathroom wall two years ago." (Always a good opener) 3. Establish with her parents what time she is expected back. Some will say 10:00 PM; others might say "Monday." If the latter is the answer, it is the man's responsibility to get her to school on time. 4. Always have a positive comment about your date's appearance, such as,"ya sure don't sweat much for a fat woman." WEDDINGS 1. Livestock, usually, is a poor choice for a wedding gift. 2. Kissing the bride for more than 5 seconds may get you shot. 3. For the groom, at least, rent a tux. A leisure suit with a cummerbund and a clean bowling shirt can create too sporty an appearance. 4. Though uncomfortable, say "yes" to socks and shoes for this special occasion. 5. It is not appropriate to tell the groom how good his wife is in the sack. DRIVING ETIQUETTE 1. Dim your headlights for approaching vehicles; even if the gun is loaded, and the deer is in sight. 2. When approaching a four-way stop, the vehicle with the largest tires always has the right of way. 3. Never tow another car using panty hose and duct tape. 4. When sending your wife down the road with a gas can, it is impolite to ask her to bring back beer. 5. Never relieve yourself from a moving vehicle, especially when driving. 6. Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession
I keep getting these tidbits from email sent to me by various RELIGIOUS relatives. I am always amazed to find out more about where they came from. Thank you George. How do you find out where they come from? When I read this one in my email I thought, gosh, I bet it will get some discussion from GS and sure enough -- it has triggered some responce. Had no idea the student could possibly have been Einstein. One has to admit, much of what is said by the student sounds logical? I love 'thought food'. Blessings Jeannette
Does evil exist? The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, "Yes, he did!" "God created everything? The professor asked. "Yes sir", the student replied. The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil". The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I ask you a question professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's question. The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor responded, "Of course it does." The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present." Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil." To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."
Ted -- Just wanted to let you know your music has inspired me for MANY YEARS. I use to look forward to the ROA just to hear Joyful Noise LIVE and in person. I"m happy to see that you have found someone to share the rest of your life with. I personally don't know who Moony is, but I do know YOU DESERVE the BEST. If you are still performing, I'd like to know more about it, available albums and all. I lost sight of TWI in 1980 -- not due to any of the things you might suspect. I married 'the wrong man' and was forced away, but my heart has always loved all the great sounds of Joyful Noise, and other groups like Pressdown, Titus, Stevie Kay, Claudette and SO MANY OTHERS from the 70s. I was so happy recently to find a web site where Skippy is featured. Loved his sax playin. I think I speak for many a gal in the Ministry, who had HUGE CRUSHES on YOU!! Think you and Moony will 'sing your vows'? As a singer, myself, that was always my dream for my wedding and my second marriage, we sang to one another. It was so romantic. Best Wishes to you both!! Keep a song in your heart (and I know you do) and a Smile on your face! You are blessed!! And you have touched many souls with song for God. Love ya! Jet
Beloved Roy My sincerest APOLOGIES for 'teasing you' about your 'SWEETNESS'. I am sorry -- you have EVERY RIGHT to write what you 'feel'. If it makes you happy -- then repeat whatever you want - whenever. I guess you are RIGHT, a person could NEVER get tired of hearing that God loves them or that You Care. Your 'holy kisses' are Sweet. Your heart is in the RIGHT place. I get the 'feeling' after re-reading all your posts that you are a very Loving and Kind person!! So forgive me if I was a 'butt-head' in what I wrote earlier. I understand now totally, your need to express yourself in the way you do it. Power to ya bro..... I do not feel the Way Ministry was or is EVIL, however, I do agree it has had some leaders who operated the WRONG manifestations and took the Way in the WRONG direction..... but while I was in TWI, I learned a great deal, and I enjoyed many beautiful friendships.... But, we all have had different experiences. I'm getting up the courage to write My Story. God doesn't want us to be motivated by 'fear' or to live in 'fear' of all the evil that is out there. We should free ourselves from associating with those who are on the wrong side. If we keep our fellowship with other loving people we will be in good company. I'm looking forward to all the good God has promised us at the same time, there is much work to be done. Healing hearts and minds. Well God Bless You, Roy! I'm proud that you made good decisions and turned YOUR life around!! I'll keep you in my prayers that God keeps healing you, mind, heart, body and soul. You are a sweetie... YOU ARE LOVED too!!!!! Cheers, peace and May God send you an angel to comfort you when you have feelings of doom or gloom. I know what that is like. We all feel the darkness in this ugly old World we currently call home, but its gonna get BETTER one day. What a glorious day that will be? Agape' Jeannette
They showed photos of her on the news last night. My Oh My she was a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN - even in her aging she stayed remarkably beautiful. In her smile you sure could see her 'INNER BEAUTY'. How come no one says WHO THAT MAN was that tried to get her to GET OUT OF HER SEAT. He certainly was NO GENTLEMAN.. Oh the humiliation she went through getting 'arrested'. And what ever became of that 'man'? Why didn't the 'media' ever focus on who HE was, so we could all write that guy some letters? As a women regardless of nationality -- a Man just should NEVER treat a lady like that. Hard to fathum, indeed!
Well, Strange as it may seem -- I NEVER SAID -- YOU SAID THAT, but someone DID! So to make the reference more accurate, look on page ONE, Rhino wrote it....... "I feel like a beer" :) ------------------ now don't you just feel silly for ASSUMING I thought it was YOU? :blink: and WHAT IS UP WITH you year2027? Good gawd pal, NONE of the things I said in anyway were directed at or towards YOU!! Geesh! I was just writing my OPINION on the subject of predictions..... (There ARE after-all people in the World claiming to BE Prophets, and Predictors) I'd hardly call what you wrote in the initial post a prediction. One doesn't predict with "I feel this or that", someone making a prediction would be SURER of themselves. You merely wrote your 'feelings'. I get that. Its OBVIOUS you are not a Prophet. Oh and I threw out my father's theory on life -- just for fun. I doubt HE ever believed those things. As to 'all I need to hear' in order to head to safety -- I doubt God would audibly tell me anyhow, and YEAH, we'd get it most likely from the Media somehow. I'm not gonna pack up just cause someone has a 'feeling' that a major disaster 'might' occur. Seems you are wound pretty tight. I will pray for you to relax and enjoy a more 'positive' side to life. Your 'holy kiss' up there is more like a venomous 'BITE'........ (ouch) ;) Sugar coated of course. I hope you aren't too consumed with those 'feelings you have'. Positive things, and happiness are available too. Might want to focus on that so you 'feel' better? Just an idea., course if you want to keep wondering and being 'confused' then that's your priviledge too. Its Not all doom and gloom. I find, for me, it helps to SHUT OFF THE TV, Unsubscribe to the Daily Negative, and look for the 'good news'. It doesn't end at DEATH for Believers. The 'good news' we can Share with the rest of the world, its ALL Positive and all about Love and Rejoicing in other's victories, etc. Got any of those 'victories' to share? Oh, and most of the stuff I write -- I'm JOKING with folks anyhow!! Laughter is great medicine. Even now I bet you are SERIOUS about this post? Like you might think "She is Yelling", but I'm not. I'm just emphasising(sp) words by using all caps...... PLEASE, Roy, I'm NOT ASKING FOR A RESPONCE HERE -- And what's up with all the repetition? "God First" That's nice, but overdone. and "God Loves You". I PERSONALLY KNOW God Loves Me. I don't need You to keep telling me He loves me. HE SAID SO HIMSELF!!! Hey, Roy -- He loves You TOO!! Believe it or not, a lot of us here at GS have a personal relationship with God. So we are 'cool' with God. And if you want my opinion -- without asking for it -- like to read it? Here it goes.... None of those other people are Judging YOU!! I think they are pointing out some Facts that might help in 'educating you', or in 'giving you that clearer picture'. IT always helps to 'take a check up from the neck up', and while I say this -- I am gonna do that too!