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Everything posted by jetc57
Not in Florida, but WELCOME to GS anyhow! Its a wonderful place full of entertainment, excitement, mental stimulation, opinions (right or wrong), and plenty of smiles and song. Glad your here, stay a while - get to know ALL of us - OK.
May I offer one final 'brainstorm' idea here? If you are set on trying to 'troubleshoot' this yourself -- why don't you get someone from GS, who is knowledgeable with your OS to give you their phone number and they can WALK YOU THROUGH the set up process, and help you? I bet you'd do better solving the problems if you were on the phone, discussing this as you both are looking at your PCs that have the same OS...... I use to do that with my customers and it was quite effective...... when it wasn't a help, the only other option would be hiring a 'computer nerd' to come to your local and fix it. Let us know. OK.....
Setting up a computer for games for a young child
jetc57 replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
I have a 13 yr old 'Honor Student', he has lots of friends. I asked for HIS advice. He plays some 'educational games' on my computer, and it works WONDERFUL -- He also has X-Box, Playstation and Ninetendo 64, with a slew of GAMES. I have NEVER seen any games that he could purchase for those gaming systems that were EDUCATIONAL, helping him with Math, Science, History or anything else. Pajama Sam was his and his friends favorites, course at 13 they out-grew that. We are talking about this guys 4 yr old son. The gaming systems are not even rated for that age, most of them.. I think (and I could be wrong) he wants his son to play computer games that will help him in his learning to read, write and do math, etc. Son says, X-box now can and does hook up to the Computer for online gaming and to try out new stuff. I agree about Win 98, and depending on your 'system resources' on that old puter, you might not have enough RAM or Cache or system memory to even play the games out now. An X-box costs are less than a PC -- AND I wouldn't bother with PS2 or otherwise, These kids tell me that a major part in PS2 + goes out too quickly and costs are expensive to replace it., so most of son's friends left the PS system in the dust for their X-box or Game Cube. The main objective for parents (IMO) should be keeping all children out of CHAT ROOMS., and Controlling where they can 'surf'..... My son only uses computer now for finding news articles or asking Jeeves something. -
How many people ya think will FALL FOR THAT ONE? Can ya blame me for tryin?
True, or False, it doesn't matter - in a court of law you would have the burden of proof - but regardless, it would be considered SLANDER anyhow. I wouldn't worry, do they READ these? I'm pretty curious how in the 'sam hill' Rosie became Pres - anyhow. I sure thought that TWI's take on a Woman in a leadership position was pretty 'chovenistic' (sp?) Back in my day, with the Way -- Women were to NEVER be superior to the Men Folk, they were suppose to be subordinate. She must be pretty Macho?
ROFLMAO -- Thanks that was Really FUNNY -- needed the laugh!
Guess I got OUT just in the NICK of time, cause Had LCM or anyone else tried to teach me those things, I would have WILLINGLY exited stage left....... And to think I wasted so many years, feeling like I was LOST without them.
Thanks WordWolf your a real pal! Well I have another comment or two to make..... If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, runs with other ducks, and someone sees it doing its 'duck stuff', then it PROBABLY IS A DUCK. Not being a 'Duck' myself, I don' t truly know how a duck thinks or feels, or why it does what it ducky does -- but I've seen Pictures of a Duck -- good enough for me to KNOW when I SEE ONE.....
Yes, I remember that too, I also remember that 'revelation' in Christian Family and Sex class. Another 'lie from the pit' in CFnS was (and I'm blushing as I write this even at 48 now.) Course when I had the class, I was still pretty young and nieve, and had absolutely NO PROOF whether or not the statement (to come) was true, but now that I have enough experience (married twice). I KNOW IT IS A LIE.... and the lie is (and I'd like to know how many of ya'll out here in GS will remember VPs statement from CFnS) and it goes something like this.... VPW said "All men, fully erect are ALL THE SAME SIZE". Well I was foolish to BELIEVE him, but I am here to tell you that - that statement is A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL..... (I suspected it was back then cause my granny who taught me all she knew about sex - said the size of a man f#ll# E##ct - had something to do with the Size of his feet!) Well my first husband was tall and had 'good size feet', and now my second husband, well hes a size 6.5 foot. (NE born and bred). But my granny had a point there. Still its not the size that matters, its what you do with whatever God blessed ya with. Now I don't have pictures to prove it, but guys -- and gals -- you know what I mean. Knowledge (the experiencial kind) was worth the Education in Finding out the TRUTH!!
Do you have PROOF of this accusation, Groucho? I was wondering myself..... I heard LCM's wife was living with Rosie, and I have seen photos of TWI President -- and well - for me to 'assume' would not be good.... I suppose a Rocket Scientist could put 2 n 2 together without blowing up the planet. Funny how I don't remember Rosie as part of TWI in the late 70s. How could they be lesbian - they make such a big deal out of homosexuality being WRONG!!! Is it just a big cover-up? I personally see nothing wrong with two women living under the same roof being 'room-mates'. How can you claim its more than that unless you have PROOF. Now I'm not asking cause I'm a 'fan of either ladies'., I personally never MET either of them, but if a person is going to come out and make a BOLD Statement like that -- you'd want to be CERTAIN you have PROOF!! Couldn't you get 'sued' for false accusations like that? Curious.... Personally, I could give a rats patootie what either women do in their own space. I think TWI has become an organization I could NOT support or be a part of now anyway. There are, however, still some very precious people with wonderful personalities and big hearts for God still within its confines. I can name one -- Claudette Royale -- such a beautiful and very talented gal. Just thought I'd ask.
OMG this man is OBVIOUSLY Suffering from some MENTAL ILLNESS, Devil Spirits, or SOMETHING. This is not NORMAL nor LOGICAL!! BTW folks, when ya'll write "the BOD" what are you referring to? Also what is IMAO? Thanks
Wolf - Did you bring this back out for me? I wondered if anyone knew about that 'new revelation' TWI is teaching, apparantely its not so new. Seems after reading most of this -- it was quite old and thanks for the source, Makes more sense now how it got so 'outlandish'. LCM written all over it. Thanks for sharing it.
I whole-heartedly AGREE with everything you said. I had no idea VPW was an alcoholic too. Gawd that is a double whammy! My mother is now 73, barely breathing, STILL won't give up the carcinogens -- complains of the cost, and coughs all the time. But to hear her tell it, she always has a cold. Her doctor just told her about her diseases and told her to STOP SMOKING -- but she refuses to do it. At 73 she looks 93. I stand by first Statement.. The Blame rests in the Person who defied the laws of 'Chance'., and refused to 'Change'. I think VPW fed his paranoia. I recall in 1979 - he was 'worried' about threats on his life. The biggest threat to HIS life was HIMSELF.
NO ONE BECOMES A FAILURE UNTIL THEY BLAME SOMEONE ELSE. Back in 1979 at the Live Advanced Class -- I had a moment with Dr. VPW. I was a little upset that he was a SMOKER -- and told him - his smoking was an obsticle of concern to me, as I thought a Man of God ought to better care for his 'temple'. I saw at my young age too many family deaths from 'cancer' because of tobacco. Dr assured me that it didn't matter what he did to himself -- By Christ Stripes he is Healed Already -- and that Jesus paid the sacrifice for our 'everlasting life' and we were 'sanctified, justified, etc." (Ya'll must know the drill) Anyway, I told him I just needed to remind him that he is harming his body. Later when I was already out of TWI -- I heard he 'fell asleep'. I knew then as well as I know now, VPW was not murdered -- His LIFESTYLE caused his early death. He gambled with his life, and he has NO ONE TO BLAME BUT HIMSELF!! His treatment of others as well as his lavish lifestyle (and he made good money off all us abs'ers). Those things drove VPW to an early grave. If anyone believes anything else, its pure FOOLISHNESS in my opinion..... All our actions bring forth consequences (positive or negative). You risk getting cancer if you smoke, you also risk giving cancer to others if you smoke. (thats one of those worldy pleasures that effect someone other than the smoker). I have a difficult time believing Howard Allen would pass blame on anyone including himself for VPW's death. Folks knew he was battling illnesses such as the eye cancer and more. VPW did not tell everyone - everything. Those closest to him kept secrets for him... I once respected VPW until that day on a balcony I asked him those questions. I lost a great deal of respect for him then.... I also didn't trust him 100% from the class when he made the claim that "God spoke audibly to him". For some reason I still don't believe that was truth. Perhaps because God's only begotten Son, Jesus had to 'doodle in the sand' to get revelation from God. God did speak to Moses through the burning bush. But I had my doubts about VPW's audible conversation with God. I have long respected Billy Graham, and his life has been an awesome Testimony to God! Yet Dr. Graham has never made that claim, and yet Graham's lifes work has been a true testiment of God, the power of God as well. Did anyone in the Way Corp ever get to really know VPW one on one? VPW ever come to your house to deliver anyone from demons, etc.? Did he heal the sick, clothe the naked, help build a poor person a home, feed the hungry? What did all our money go for? Did the WAY CORP leaders get salaries? Nice homes? Just wondering.... I felt too many people thought way too highly of VPW, he was just a man with a plan...
David Yeah I've lost interest. When I visited my 'friend' (acquaintence really) in Houston about two yrs ago, I went to a fellowship -- It was quite a bit different. There are so many 'new' things they do now. I asked him tons of questions and one interesting thing I was told was a shocker to me. When I had PFAL and the Live Advanced Class -- I had heard a different theory on what Adam and Eve's original 'sin' was in eating of the fruit. (It was that they would know good vs evil) or so I was taught. Now he tells me that they did further research on it and even published some book about this, and now they say that the 'original sin' is (are you sitting down?) Homosexuality! Excuse me, and forgive me, I did not buy the book nor am I interested in finding out how they could possibly come to that conclusion --- BUT it was enough for me to NOT return to a WAY Fellowship again. Grant it I am NOT 'homosexual' -- however I think much of their new 'theories' and 'new found teachings' just might have VPW rolling over in his grave. "IF the dead were alive now". Thanks for sharing. I guess they would have ALL us 'bad grads' on their list. Heck they ought to have me down as having sent plenty of money to support someone in the Way Corp who never ended up doing the program. I certainly didn't get any refunds either. I went WOW , was a FELLOW LABORER, and they had me down in their ABS records for years.... I'm not sure they want 'ex-wayfers' coming back into the flock and trying to seduce folks out of the fold?
I've never known a hard-drive to Make a clanking noise in all my years w/puters. :huh: A bad drive doesn't usually make a sound. At least none of the 15 I've had to replace ever did. One can check the sectors to see if they are bad, tho. If ya want my advice, tho.... If you don't know what your doing -- Hire someone who does. I mentioned Geek Squad, or Computer Nerds cause they are relatively inexpensive and quite knowledgeable, and they don't waste a lot of time. As someone who use to be a business owner, my time was worth more spent serving my customers than working on my own equipment. Do let us know when ya got it workin again. Please.
AS to candles, Can ANYONE tell me if there is a Candle one can use INDOORS that will get RID of Pesky Nats, or Fruit Flies? They can be annoying and even in the Colder weather. All the Citronels candles say they are for outdoor use only -- I would pay a KINGS RANSOM for a candle that would KILL those buggers indoors. :D
Can you reload your Operating System Software? That might fix the problem. I am more familiar with Windows 98, since that was the last version when I had PCs in my business. Back then I would do that, and in order to find out if I had bad sectors on my hard-drive I would perform the scan disk. One time my computer got a virus, and It was obvious because the screen messed up with gobbledee goop and then I had to shut it down. I'm not sure where you live but in MO we have companies like Geek Squad, and Computers Nerds, and they come to homes and fix things and they don't charge nothing near what CompUSA or other puter shops do. That's a thought. They can go into dos mode and tell you right quick if your hard-drive got a virus - OR whatever. Sometimes if you've never scanned disk or cleaned up your temp files, different software bites can cross over into others on the hard-drive sectors and that can cause 'read' errors, or windows not to load properly. It use to be that you could go into "SAFE MODE" and go through all that stuff, then 'reload' and it would clear up the problem., but I'm not sure what Windows XP does these days. Sorry if I'm not much help, but That's how I use to 'get er done'........
I too was in TWI around that year, I am curious what State you were in, and what City you were a Minuteman in, and what City/State the Fellow Laborers were in..... would you enlight us about that? Thanks And like the others, I too, eagerly await your next installment. You are a very good writer BTW. I, too, can relate to your 'family life', as my mother also had that crapola mentality, thinking she oughta tell me what a 'mistake' I was and an inconvenience on her life. I got over it, although at times it still hurts - especially now that she is 73 and all of a sudden 'needs me now'.... next - please..... at your convenience of course.... ;)
Anyone gonna watch Southpark tonight? They have a show about Starvin Marvin! Hey Brother -- will be praying for your SAFE and speedy RETURN!! God Bless you!! Jeannette
Ha! Do you know WHERE Jesse James was from, and where he was AT when he was SHOT? How about what he was doing WHEN he got shot? (cause I do.) :P
As to 'why religion' I personally agree! I feel 'religion' is Man trying to reach God! I feel 'Christianity' should be God reaching Man. I believe in God because I see God in everything that is beautiful out there. What other explaination can there be for the Earth and all the planets, stars, galazies, etc just hanging out there in space? For me, believing in a Creator (God) I have everlasting life to gain. Not believing in God, I have everything to Loose. I'd rather set my heart on things above than things below. If there ends up being NO true benefit, I haven't wasted my time. TO live a positive, fun loving life is better than to waste the precious time we all have being sad, negative and rejecting the 'possibilities' of Everlasting Life.... but thats the way I think.... I'm not dissappointed in my choice to 'believe in God', the World is beautiful and I know Man couldn't have created it, cause all I see from 'mankind' in Missouri is how they love to litter the earth with their waste. I know there are people who just don't see the 'value' and perhaps they have 'lost their will to love life and the universe' –- but isn't it time for those people to get out of their RUTS and Get on with living. TO be happy is better than to be consumed with grief...
Setting up a computer for games for a young child
jetc57 replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
ChasU --- In order to answer THAT question as I mentioned in my post earlier, you need to tell us what kind of Operating System you are running. Are you Mac w/OSX or running a PC? You said you thought you ought to set up your son on one of your older Computers, and I think that's wise, but I can't help answer your question til I know what type of computer., and what Operating System you have. With a MAC it is easy to put your games on the desktop and not in a folder, with a PC the way to do that is much different (again depending on the operating system) Windows 98 didn't have 'drag n drop' capabilities like the Mac, so once you figure out what your operating system IS, and computer type, Then I can attempt to help you....... OR....... you can go to your computer's Help and type in "How to put games on the desktop". OK When you mention the Start menu, that sounds PC to me..... My guess is that not all your computers are running in the same Operating System. For instance, an older puter might still only have Windows 95 or something on it and thats why you see a difference in the screen. OR there is a difference in your computer types. IF both are indeed PCs, then simply install on the old computer the 'upgraded operating system version' that you see on the computer that has the icons the way you liked them. (AM I helping?) Perhaps your other computer was a Macintosh so you are seeing a big difference because of that? I dunno. Am not lookin at your puters from here. So any specific info you can provide will get you the help you desire..... :D -
Why is the trinity such a big deal?
jetc57 replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
For me the word "TRINITY" simply is NOT present in any BIBLE I've dared to pick up and read.. And it use to 'tick me off' when I would be told by 'Dogmatic Religious Folks' that if I didn't believe "Jesus was GOD" then I was the 'antichrist' - and condemned to hell. In reality -- the Bible never says that believing Jesus is God - kills the deal to everlasting life. If I recall it correct. John 3:16 bears the passage "For God so loved the World that he gave his ONLY Begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then in reading a bit more..... "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned already, becase he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." So to all those people who would Judge someone for being In or Against the Trinity -- I say HOGWASH, its not that STRICT at all.. First we believe in GOD the father, then the fact he sent us a Saviour (his only begotten SON), then his Son gets Resurrected and is seated on the Right Hand of the throne of God, and Holy Spirit is now available to all who believe! We are joint-heirs with Christ, therefore we are ALSO Sons/Daughters of God. Its really that simple to me, I don't care to LABEL GOD. I just Believe in my Creator, and I have my own personal walk with him, and I RESPECT that other people are sure capable of 'walking with God' however it is in their hearts and minds to 'understand' God's existance. I would like to have those 'Religious, Holier-than-thou' folks STOP labeling all of us who do NOT particiipate in a 'TRINITY' Doctrine. The word simply is NO WHERE IN SCRIPTURE TO BE FOUND.... But Hey, I'm not gonna condemn ANYONE to HELL for thinking different than I do........ But those people who are 'name calling' and making a huge fuss one way or another. I have this final thing to say. "A man/woman convinced Against their will..... is of the same opinion still....." -
Thats all well and good -- but doesn't explain the difference in time zone hours with the states that do 'spring forward' or 'fall back'. Course AZ is in the same time zone as MO, but now AZ's time is one hour ahead of MO and we are in the SAME time zone. Doesn't that get confusing for people who are use to knowing the difference? IF someone from NY calls you, now you are going to be 4 hrs behind them instead of just 3.. yet other states in the same time zone are still just 3..... STILL Puzzled..... :blink: