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About jetc57
- Birthday 06/30/1957
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I just joined last week and just found your post (in Massachusetts) today! You haven't posted for a long time, so I hope you're still around!
While some have had bad experiences with NASE, that is just sad. I had no idea -- and in fact, I've never been a member, but had been sent all their literature and I did make use of a class or two, but we are talking about almost 15 yrs ago. Sorry if my suggestions Su@K so badly...... Lets just pull out the things I've written we have problems with and ignore any worthy advice or suggestions, better yet, give someone else the credit for having posted them.......... Having a 'bad hair day' here...... bye
One LAST added note. If you help make your tax accountant's job easier -- THEY CHARGE YOU LESS TO PROCESS YOUR FORMS.
AMEN -- Its always a good idea to have the program you use be COMPATIBLE with whatever your accountant uses AND of course your Bank's system so you can merge things with out hastles.
I agree, and I too made mention of that somewhat. I had a good opportunity. My husband worked full time and his job offered us benefits. Medical. My business was first from my home in a shop behind my house. It was an allowable expense on Taxes. Then, along with my home-owners insurance I got business insurance. There is an association out there called NASE, National Assoc for the Self Employeed. You might want to look into becoming a member, they offer a real nice package for small business owners who want health insurance, tax advice, business advice, grant information and the like. Another helpful resource I found was the local Chamber of Commerce, and the Retired Businessman's Association. The exact title escapes me, and it is different in every state. For me where I lived was called SCORE, there are others. Sure there are liabilities and risks in all jobs, and if your self employeed and don't plan on taking out any taxes, or paying into SS -- that's ok too -- short-term. I did that the first few years, and once I started making a profit I then started taking a pay check. There are ways around that too. There are different business types, The Sole Proprietor, or you can do a Sub Chapter S corporation. This is wonderful as you can be an officer in your company and get paid yearly from company stocks., you can also sell shares to friends/family. There are a couple stipulations to this, you must offer shares, and hold yearly corporate meetings. The advantage to Sub Chapter S, is you don't get taxed twice. Then there are other company types. The LLC, and more. Ask your tax accountant, although I would not put any trust in H+R, this comes from my Husband's advice and he works for the IRS. As to not having any further things to buy for ones business that are tax deductible. I wouldn't be afraid of that one. Every year you can find something obsolete in your office that if you upgraded, to meet with the competition you can afford to buy it and deferr it in your tax write off. Never a good idea to take the credit all at once, take it over a period of a few years. Also, when the profits start happening, put them in tax sheltered investments like IRAs, ROTH IRAs, or start planning your childrens future college or trust fund with Educational IRAs. There are great advantages for Creating a Sub Chapt. S corporation rather than listing one's business as sole proprietor. For one thing you take liabilities away from your personal assets, to those of the Corporation. A BIG PLUS.... Do get some advice for free from those Retired Business people, the Local Chamber of Commerce can hook you up. The info is FREE. There are pros and cons with any business venture. If you are a parent, working at home has so many more advantages than it does working for someone else. Plus, if you had to list the pros and cons, you would have to list the expenses you now incur with car insurance, gas, maintenance, commute time, the frustration of a job commute, being away from your children. Hey whenever you step out of your front yard there are risks. I wouldn't be afraid of the risks involved in self employment, any more than the risks working for someone else. You don't have job security working for 'The Man', or "Big Corps". So what if they help pay your health insurance, you help make the Co you work for Profitable. You get paid a salary or an hourly wage in the working world, but you get paid so much more in Self Employment. Now instead of working for $15 hr, you can charge what your Boss was charging the Client for your Work. You can now afford your own health insurance., save on car expenses, and you are the keeper of your own time and schedule. There are tremendous tax advantages out there for small business people. The home work zone has really taken off, you can 'freelance' yourself by working at home for big companies too. As a Graphic Designer, I did that very thing when I was a single parent. It worked wonderful. Apply the 'Ben Franklin' method. List the pros, vs cons and see what you come up with? YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR HEART AND MIND TO. I am not suggesting to go out blindly in the cause, as Linda said too, do the research or hire someone to do it. Me personally I am extremely conservative, I saved money and did my own research. Why pay someone else to do it when you can keep your money and use your own time? I started my business on a shoe string. I went to auctions of failed printing companies, and bought equipment on credit real cheap. Then I paid the cards off. I ran a growing company all on my own with only hiring out 'brokers' to help me finish jobs. I subcontracted my daughters help for bindery work. I never had to hire anyone, never paid any taxes, always got a refund. (10 wonderful years with one business) (5 years self employeed as a Freelance Graphic Designer/Typographer) AND I started a few newsletters and a paper to which I sold for a nice profit. It can be done. Again I'm wondering what your current careers are, and what your passions and talents are. Perhaps if you could share that with your readers, maybe we could provide some additional ideas. I'm happy to share any 'brainstorms' I might get. I'm self employeed at the moment still. I do publishing from my computer. I also sell on ebay. I enjoy working for myself and family. I get to stay home for my son. I hope my sharing stuff is welcomed. If not I'll stop. :)
Have you and hubby thought about taking some classes in Real Estate Sales? Low start up and the way homes are selling Realtors are making very Handsome incomes and the popular Realtors are husband and wife teams. Nice - and you have Repeat clients. Any job you work at for yourself, I think you have to have 'repeat clientell'. You also have to be skilled in sales, so if you aren't comfortable with 'selling' get comfortable with it, cause its the only way you are going to succeed in any business. Marketing is important. Study the market, use your own uniqueness in whatever business you set out to do. Plan your work -- work your plan. Do plenty of research -- and homework, and look into all the ways to market it WORLD WIDE on the INTERNET!!!! Honestly tho, Real Estate is the one career you and husband can do and if you have 'people skills' this can work great for you, and Only one of you have to quit your full time jobs at first or you both can still work but do Real Estate part-time until you are making enough money to support what you were making working for others. As for me and what I did and why I chose it, I worked for Printers then one day it hit me, I was limited as to what I could do for my customers because of the RULES of my employeer, so I started my own Printing company. First I went into Real Estate, and while working at a C21 Office the other agents found out I was great at making flyers so they had me busy making their flyers, so that got me started in my own flyer print and delivery business, which took me away from Real Estate back into the stuff I was more passionate about. Years ago when I got into TWI and went WOW, folks were starting up their own businesses, the idea then was to do the jobs no one else liked to do. Thus "Real Clean Window Cleaners", and Those folks who started the concept of cleaning public bathrooms at gas stations. Then there were gals doing housework for others. We knew there was no such thing as NO JOB out there. We learned to create our own careers. So I know it can be done, if one sets their mind to it. # 1 is you must believe in the product you are promoting. If its based on yourself and your talents, then SELL SELL SELL yourself. Believe in Yourself -- Have Confidence --- and Set goals, do research, read all kinds of motivational materials. I always liked "Life is Tremendous" by Charlie Jones, he and Ziggy knew what they were talking about in the Sales World. Curious what your ideas are. What kinda jobs you have now? I wish you the best. I know first hand the tremendous satisfaction there is in providing others with quality service at an affordable price. I had a moto in my business "Need a deadline met? Call Jet", worked great in my business. People trusted me to get things done right and on time the first time. I loved that Customer Quality Service I gave, people loved me for it, Its lacking out there in Retail places today. Provide something Better than your competition........
Get these and others all the time. Especially one that keeps repeating its entrance into my emails is about these person in Nigeria who need someone to claim they are a relative of one of their rich clients. They need to share 20% of the inheritance with someone in the states who has a bank account. NAW What they really want is access to your LIFE, your BANKS MONEY and your IDENTITY and gain entrance into the USA... Any and all of these scams need to be forwarded to the FBI's email. If a person goes to the FBI's website there ought to be an email address there - for these kind of forwards. Put them in your address book and start forwarding them THERE, and hopefully it will help get rid of them.
Was in business 10 years, and I count Quicken and Quickbooks as best friends for doing business and keeping it simple. It provided my yearly tax man all the info he needed, and assisted me with some not so complex estimates. I was in the printing business, so for my estimates I needed the Quick Print Estimatation programs as well, but everything seems to be compatible with quickbooks, and your banks can provide you statements that merg right into your quickbook pages. My tax man recommended the program cause he could work with it, so perhaps you would want to ask the person who does your yearly taxes? Just a thought. Came in handy for me when I made a few boo boos, he was able to repair my statements to work with my taxes.... :D Course my husband was always Paranoid as most IRS Employees are, and by the way, if you are ever audited, Quickbooks seems to be a great asset as the IRS can also work with it too....... Keep the tax man Mr. Auditor off your door, don't leave any RED FLAGS.....
Yahoo's reply to: Who was the guy who asked Rosa Parks to give up her seat and whatever happened to him? Curious Chicago, Illinois Dear Curious: A bus driver named James F. Blake ordered Rosa Parks to give up her seat on December 1, 1955. When she refused, the driver said, "Well, I'm going to have you arrested." She replied, "You may go on and do so." According to Wikipedia, Blake continued to work for the bus company for another 19 years after the Rosa Parks arrest. He died of a heart attack in Montgomery, Alabama in 2002. Ms. Parks was sitting in the middle of the bus, directly behind 10 seats reserved exclusively for white people. All of the seats of the bus were filled when a white man entered. Following standard practice, the driver ordered all four African Americans sitting just behind the white section to stand so the white man could sit. While she was often portrayed as a humble seamstress, Ms. Parks was an active member of the NAACP at the time, and was fully aware of the consequences of her actions. The bus sat abandoned in an Alabama field for many years until it was identified by its serial number. It is currently housed in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. The Henry Ford Museum also features a fascinating diagram of exactly where Ms. Parks was sitting when she was arrested.
Why is the trinity such a big deal?
jetc57 replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hey has anyone see this article? I think the writer may very well be on to something....... http://www.lmci.org/articles.cfm?Article=78 -
I was born and raised in Texas, and got into TWI in the Houston area around that year and I DO NOT REMEMBER EVER HEARING OF the Way Texas Farm. I'm wondering what it is and where in Texas, and how come I never got to go there. Jeannette
That would be nice, but Paw - I think you should charge a fee to advertise this way. Small businesses need to know that 'it Pays to advertise', and 'nothing is free'. Besides the IRS allows 'Advertising' as a tax deduction. I also would like your idea to include 'help wanted', and 'in-home business' opportunities. Thanks
Gosh, I've never eaten horsemeat, I can't imagine that. I look at the Glue bottles, however and have wondered if Horses are used for anything else. Didn't know they could or would be eaten. I have had rattlesnake, yumm (the FFA boys in my Texas HS killed one and us FHA girls cooked it) We all enjoyed it. It was like Chicken. I've had gator, Yum Dove, Yum Deer, Yum Quail, Yum Elk, Yum Ostrich, Yum Buffalo, Yum Rabbit, Yum (the wild rabbit kind) Frog Legs, Yum Growing up in Texas I've often heard of people using 'cat meat' in tamales some parts of Mexico. That one makes me cry to think of the little felines -- I've never EATEN a tamale for that reason! Ron G -- YOU ARE SO FUNNY! You would be great in the Advertising business.
Setting up a computer for games for a young child
jetc57 replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
Gosh, have your hubby talk to MY hubby. I get gifts that keep me working. What's the most romantic gift I've ever gotten? hmm lets see.... Would you consider a crock pot ROMANTIC? Electrick Broom? Exercise Bike? Followed up by Candy? Iron? Sewing machine? Cute little stuffed animals that collect dust? And all cost less than $3 Me thinks I'm getting 'mixed messages'. Well, his birthday is coming the 20th of this month. He will turn 52 -- Got any Suggestions for a Gift for HIM? sorry -
How can YOU tell from that vantage point? Who is she, and WHY is that guy to the right holding her SHIRT? Is she promoting a NEW Breast Implant Augmentation? Perhaps she is trying to encourage 'breast cancer survivors' that there ARE breasts after Surgery? Looking for "Howard Stern" to be involved somehow...... :blink: