I, also, was 11th Corps. I didn't graduate, but I did 3 years.
Some things I liked: studying, hanging out in the snack shop, making a couple of friends that I'm in touch with to this day, playing music.
Some things I didn't like: Craig's yelling, John's yelling, John's yelling, Dave's yelling, Pat's yelling, the jobs like crawling through a field and looking for rocks, the fact that the college division got to take entire classes and the w. c. didn't, the politics.
Am I glad I did it? Sometimes, but not usually. I really think that I ....ed away some prime years of my youth waiting for the Way to tell me what to do next. This was more my fault than anyone's, but I still threw those years down the dangter.
I left the ministry in the 80's, but I'm still actively weeding out pieces of Way brain. Almost every day I will notice and confront a sick attitude that I learned from the Way.
Since running into W'dale and G'spot about 2 years ago, I've begun doing things that I put on hold so long ago.
Hello, Dot M. I enjoy your posts. I'm sorry you got hit on. God has really pulled us through lots of STUFF, huh?
Hello, 11th.