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Everything posted by moreyt

  1. Didn't she marry Jeff Bramlett from Omaha?
  2. moreyt


    Last I heard, Carmen was living in Tennessee and was still in.
  3. I'm getting more relaxed about always having to do the right thing -- especially what is going to LOOK good. The more Way brain I shed, the more permission I give myself to make such decisions to do what I want to do instead of what is going to impress someone. Occasionally that even means breaking a rule. By the way, I checked the 3rd choice in your poll. Thanks, Hope and everybody else!
  4. Dot: We are getting a dog on Sunday. I'll let you know an answer to your question sometime next week. I do remember my dog barking along with Lassie years ago. It was hilarious. Later, moreyt
  5. I'm sure that a double-blind study would be the most thorough way to study something. Sometimes, though, a double-blind study isn't possible. The field of psychology recognizes the case study as a legitimate source of information. Case studies come in handy in situations where a scientific study can't be planned and conducted. For example, the topics of suicide and teenage drinking. You can't get oone group to go out and kill themselves or drink alcohol if they're underage. Thus, these subjects are studied via the case study. I have no problem with double-blind studies. But sometimes, like with the amalgam issue, someone's testimony is all we have. I've heard of trisomy 21 studies that were double-blind studies and involved mice. I guess it would be hard to use animals now to study something such as amalgam, in case it would be harmful to animals. I don't know for sure.
  6. Hi, Dot! I had major health problems several years ago. The oppression and stress of trying to live up to the way's impossible standards didn't help either. I found out about the toxicity of mercury and prayerfully decided to gradually have my fillings replaced. I felt definite improvements physically and mentally. There's a book called "It's All in Your Head" by Hal Huggins. (I might not have the author's name right) I recommend it HIGHLY. He's a dentist from Colorado. The established medical circles frown on evidence that is anecdotal (like mine). They think that only double-blind studies, conducted over and over again and published in journal articles is the only way to go. I, personally, do not agree. Word of mouth and my heavenly Father's go-ahead are all that I need to make such decisions. If you want to check out the book, you can probably find it at any large natural foods store that stocks books. A friend of mine had bad headaches and got rid of them by rubbing progesterone cream on her skin once a day for 25 days each month. (She doesn't use it during her period). Headaches were linked to hormones somehow and the cream diminished them substantially. I use the same cream and it seems to make much more calm (less PMS-ish). More anecdotal evidence, I know, but maybe worth checking into also???
  7. moreyt

    11th Corps

    Hi! I remember Dave O. Tall, blond & very lanky.
  8. moreyt

    11th Corps

    Hi. I, also, was 11th Corps. I didn't graduate, but I did 3 years. Some things I liked: studying, hanging out in the snack shop, making a couple of friends that I'm in touch with to this day, playing music. Some things I didn't like: Craig's yelling, John's yelling, John's yelling, Dave's yelling, Pat's yelling, the jobs like crawling through a field and looking for rocks, the fact that the college division got to take entire classes and the w. c. didn't, the politics. Am I glad I did it? Sometimes, but not usually. I really think that I ....ed away some prime years of my youth waiting for the Way to tell me what to do next. This was more my fault than anyone's, but I still threw those years down the dangter. I left the ministry in the 80's, but I'm still actively weeding out pieces of Way brain. Almost every day I will notice and confront a sick attitude that I learned from the Way. Since running into W'dale and G'spot about 2 years ago, I've begun doing things that I put on hold so long ago. Hello, Dot M. I enjoy your posts. I'm sorry you got hit on. God has really pulled us through lots of STUFF, huh? Hello, 11th. moreyt
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