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Everything posted by leafytwiglet

  1. HAH!!! you just don't want us to call you Joe slobbybutt! ;)
  2. GC I will be praying for you to have a fun and safe trip. I don't know about the deer but it works great at repelling gophers.
  3. How sad that people are in this place where they can not just enjoy their life and those around them.. I am amazed TWI has any followers at all when it is conducted in such a closed community setting. I would hope that eventually it would all dissolve and go away freeing those trapped by the evilness of it.
  4. I think that some of the worst teachings in TWI in regards to marriage was the teaching that any believer could marry any other believer and they should be able to get along (provided you were both Wayites) that and there should be one head of the house and it should be the man. LAst I looked a marriage involved TWO adults. I have always appreciated that my husband tries to listen to what I think too. We have made it together for 26 years going on 27 years and I have to say we have definitely had our ups and downs... I think one of the other problems that seems to affect most marriages in TWI is the take no prisoners attitude. if you are unkind to people around you then you will be twice as unkind to your own loved ones.
  5. leafytwiglet

    A brand new !

    Awww what a cutie.. Congrats to all!
  6. Oh yeah I guess you are right about the straw man.. LOL I tend to lump it in with the rest because I think of it as a deliberate way to shift peoples focus from the issue at hand, but it is just my miss understanding of it's purpose.
  7. Happy Birthday BOWTWI.. Hugs
  8. One of the things about TWI that really used to bother me is how they would Sneer at Christians who belonged to other churches even when i was in it way back when. I found that attitude annoying as I used to be one of those people they were sneering at. IT is about as far from the example Christ set for us as you can get.
  9. HEre is a site that explains them all http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ but I am thinking you are actually talking about a diversion which is when soemthing comes up and you want to deflect attention away from that subject you point out something that has nothing to do with the subject at hand but which is at the same time emotionally charged it is a verbal slight of hand. Some other terms disingenuous statement Logical Fallacy Straw man Sometimes done by saying but what if...Blah blah blah
  10. Believersnonbelievers I wanted to address your question about why you were brought together with your GF. I believe that no meeting is ever by coincidence or accident. You were both brought together or crossed paths to help each other or to learn something from each other. I have met many people in my life good bad and other and I have always benefited in some way... and I hope that the people who have met me have too. Perhaps you were there to keep her from going into the corps and to give her a breath of the freedom of the true Christian walk. Certainly you have learned a lot. I am sorry though that you are in such a difficult situation. Perhaps she was there in your life so you could better understand your walk in Christ. I hope she can find the freedom from the bonds of TWI and I hope the two of you were called to stand together but do not entangle yourself with TWI. I had what would be considered a relatively easy time in TWI but the legalistic nonsense has definitely crippled my walk with God and my relationships with friends and family. Hugs and prayers are continued for you and your GF. edited for spelling errors
  11. The potatoes will do more than you expect. and it sounds like you have a good start.
  12. two of the three cucumbers that peeked out were eaten last night I think I have a vole in that planter box.. they are small enough to get through the bottom wire so i am going to douse that planter box with repellent tomorrow and throw some more seeds in the affected spots and hope for the best. the repellent in not poison. it is caster oil which works really good. IT should chase the little guy out until every thing gets too big for him to completely eat. forgot to mention the round cucumbers some one planted are lemon cucumbers they are a more tart cucumber and they turn a lovely yellow when they are ripe. tomatoes looking good as are my peppers. Can't wait to see more plants peeking out over the next few days.... my cabbages are getting bigger. they look lovely. harvesting the last of my garlic next week.
  13. Ham just wanted to convey again my congrats... hope you have fun teaching. BTW I actually passed my math class Barely, okay with a C+ but still I passed whew!. I still wish you had been the instructor instead of the professor I had!
  14. My favorite 8. HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? -- Kelvin, age 8 LOL this is great thanks Roy
  15. I think Wordwolf Hit it exactly right. When I was in, I never saw it but that is because of when I was in and where I was at. After reading some of the posts here and some of the information on the current way TWI is run I do believe it began happening on a regular basis as time went on. I do want to tell a bit about how it was in the early 80's because that is when I was in and I believe it relates to how everything played out and to give you a kind of time line of events at least until I left so you can understand how entrenched the teaching was by the time you came into the picture Brainy you and Bolshie and anyone else who was a kid growing up in TWI. I ran a childrens fellowship in our twig. The kids and I had a great time. I NEVER used a woden spoon or bullied the kids in any way... I know for sure because I came from an abusive home so It is a no brainer for me... you do not do that stuff... That being said.. this is what I did in my childrens fellowship with the children in my care.. We sang songs we prayed (a short quick prayer... you know thank you for this day than you for my mommy daddy sister brothers. I love you God) They were little kids. We played games Duck Duck Goose and such. This is the model of what Childrens fellowship was supposed to be like when I was in TWI... The wooden spoon teaching was new on the scene not just to TWI but to most Christian groups.. It was taught as a method to handle kids but you were not to use the spoon unless dire circumstances occured it was supposed to be a tap on the bottom not a bludgeoning. There is an actual book that was recommended. Again remember this was when it first became a part of TWI. And at that time parents were only in charge of their own kids.. (Remember I was out west and as far from HQ as you could probably get) There was no training for CF but they did have some info on age appropriate stuff for the kids at that time and really the people who usually ran CF at that time had kids.. I was the only non parent doing it.. CF in our area. Also Spanking was still an accepted discipline at that time. Also I want to add that I heard when I was at ROA of a couple who was Corp and who was taking the Wooden spoon to a more agressive level but at that time they were the only ones I heard of doing this. There was a couple at Headquarters that was in charge of childrens fellowships.. they were actually at least from afar very good and maybe some one else will remember who they are. They were loving and smart and they taught patience and a firm but not aggressive hand with children. Was I trained .. no but at that time twig was not as intrusive in your life like it is now.. WE held twig once a week. unless a class was going on. We went to occasional limb functions or Area functions. You pretty much lived your life without interference from anyone. Unless you were in the Corps or working at HQ. You would never see people beating their kids with the spoon .. I am not saying it didn't happen because there is always a certain percentage of abusers out there. in the population no matter their religion or economic status. IT happens.. But what I am saying is at first I believe for the most part the wooden spoon thing was handled correctly. That was soon to start changing and this is of course my perception of it.. but it is what I saw and heard. Around 1982 there was a teaching or a thought process but I remember it as a teaching on either a SNS or a Corp tape. It was about how you shouldn't buy objects made in other countries as that object would have a devil spirit attached to it and you were bringing it into your home. That was the first time I had heard of it.. and From the get go I thought it was stupid but there it was.. keep in mind this was in 82. At that time they were not teaching that children were a vehicle to the devil or devil spirits but I see from other posts on here that that teaching became rampant. Now We left in early 83 so from there I suspect it was only a matter of time before things devolved to what they are today... one of the things that I believe pushed things over into the really abusive range was the degree of control you were expected to exert on your child. Every one was supposed to be perfect. Your child was supposed to hop to at your very breathed word. This was also starting to be conveyed to the general population of TWI. Now I have two kids grown and quite wonderful who are in their 20's and I can tell you for a fact that no kid ever hops too it at your first word as a parent. And why would you want them too.. Oh yeah it is nice that they obey but really I wanted my kids to grow up confident enough to question when something did not make sense or felt like it was dangerous to them. I suspect the over the top expectations were conveyed to Corps who then conveyed to their twigs and such as they went out on the field. Anyway that is what it was like where I was.. Was it wrong? Yes horribly wrong.and I am sad to see how many children were abused and at the same time relieved that my spouse and I left before our kids were born. Brainy don't expect your Mom to recognize the pain you endured... my Mom didn't until right before she died and I am not too sure she ever really understood how horrible the life I had to endure was. And that was abuse at the hand of my Alcoholic step dad who then convinced my mother everything I said was a lie... even though she saw it before her very eyes and even though there was much more tangible evidence that surfaced later on... Usually the person perpetrating the abuse or allowing it to happen doesn't see it rationally. Now add to that mix the fact you are being taught that this is the proper way to raise your kids and you are told that God says that you should be handling your kids in this manner. Add to that the pressure to be perfect and have perfect kids and ramp it up with a fear that if your kid misbehaves or you don't comply with this method you will get chastised or worse in front of your friends and you have a recipe for disaster on a grand scale.
  16. Okay so finally got all beds seeded that weren't already planted. I have two left that need drip irrigation but I will do them as I replant them over the next month. I am so excited this morning I had two cucumbers and one bean peeking out of the ground and tonight there are three cucumbers and two bean plants I can't wait to see how things look tomorrow. Also my first cantaloupe peeked out this afternoon. by next weekend I should be seeing some radishes and spinach and lettuce and by the following weekend I am hoping for some beets to be peeking out and hopefully the carrots and maybe my second planting of cabbage. We are having a very cool summer so far... and extremely windy. so I am hoping I will get some tomatoes. I have done all my beds with the black plastic covering and am hoping it helps hold the heat in enough to make happy tomatoes. I also got the flower garden almost completely weeded and ready for some annuals and some more perennials. I have lots more work to do in there. I am wanting to do some new path edging... and still need to level and expand a little patio I put in there last year. And a large stone raised flower bed that I need to add one more layer of rock to and plant with dahlias. I am hoping they will be safe from the evil gophers in the raised bed but We will see.
  17. The hot peppers cross pollinate with the sweet peppers making them HOT! and believe me it does happen.
  18. Makes me glad we use our chickens manure for fertilizing the mulch pile. I agree go to the garden center and see what they say.
  19. Every one is assuming that the county official didn't say that stuff... but a friend of mine had an equally disturbing discussion with one of our county employees here in the town where I live,,, Granted it didn't have the juiciness of a religious slant to it.. but he was and is the head of his department and was rude and told her that they were using her as an example and so tough luck pony up your bucks and if you don't pay we will just keep piling on the fines. needless to say she paid and not too long after that the supposed violation stopped being enforced. (basket ball hoop sitting at the curb) What they did was post notices on the offending basketball hoops... and some one tore the one on her hoop off so she never go the notice... and no it wasn't posted in the paper or anywhere. So it isn't totally out of the realm of possibility the county employee said such things. Of course knowing how much Newspapers mess up stories and tv too I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the story was embellished on.
  20. Pops Chicken in a box and sends to twinky to eat slugs and snails.
  21. IT was not the zoning law so much as what the man supposedly said to the homeowners/pastor that turns it into religious persecution... IF this is truly what happened.
  22. LOL perhaps he needs this for himself too. Scottish terrier training Saw it at the bottom of the page in the links ads HEHEHE
  23. Wasn't there some teaching and maybe some one else can corroborate this about how there was no way we could understand Revelations because it had so many eastern isms and other stuff I can not remember all the names but there were all these complicated issues so that it would be impossible to actually study and understand... Now in my head I hear VP saying it.... was it in the class or a Saturday night teaching... or just one of those things taught at corp that got passed on down to we the peons, and I have muddled who said it. I guess what I mean is it seems that the thought when I was in the Way was that Revelations was not written to us and even so it was too complicated to really understand and get correctly. Or so I was told, when I questioned it. Okay maybe I heard it from one of the Corps WOW's when I took PIFL class... SHeesh obviously my memory is full of that swiss cheese
  24. Well in Sunny CA (the coastal region) you usually plant in the late fall and harvest at the end of spring or early in the summer I planted mine late(in the winter) so it won't be as big as last years but it is okay.. The ones I am harvesting were left overs some how I missed them last year so they self sprouted. and the ones I planted late are just about ready to harvest. LOL was that confusing enough let me reword all that... since we are warm all year just about they start growing right away and grow for about 6 - 7 months from sprout to harvest depending on the weather.
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