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Everything posted by leafytwiglet

  1. There was a VP statue???? must have been long after we left... and how appropriate that it had an erection!
  2. Going in the garden when it is wet depends on the temperature. If it is Cool like in the 60's or below you are okay.. if it is warm do not do it. This goes for watering too... never water after about four PM if you get the leaves wet they will get diseased. (Temperature also dictates this.. the cooler it is the safer everything is) In California that is not as big a problem as the fog which gives my beans mosaic disease . I only plant bush beans now as they seem to be immune to it. I no longer plant pole beans.. they usually just get beans on them and get it and die with me only getting maybe one or two messes of beans. I do miss my pole beans though as well they are so yummy!
  3. I love how she says the school has not done enough to get her a job.. I want to know what She herself has done to get a job.
  4. I recently harvested the Onions.. And am about to grab some carrots. We have been knee deep in Apricots and plums. and next weekend is nectarines I think... So far i have tons of tomatoes on the vines and not a single ripe one. and peppers are blossomed but only a few fruits and not any of them rip. We are having an unseasonably cool summer so my cots ripened late my peaches early and were really tiny.... and since I got the veggie garden in late it is all running late. I did learn that you should never ever follow eggplant up with green beans in the same planter box, even if it is a year later. although the cucumbers are looking like they are going to run off with that planter box. and the cantaloupes are just now setting fruit so I am thinking I will have cantaloupes by the end of august maybe. I am trying to decide if I want to try for a fall garden too as now that the onions are out and the carrots and cabbage are about to follow I will have one and 1/2 empty beds ready for another set of veggies. This would be beets, turnips cabbage and lettuce, carrots and radishes.
  5. I love beets.. I have always boiled them.. I peel and chop first and get lots of red juice but I never tried to do them with the skin on.. and the roasting things sounds great.
  6. NOt me I was 9 years old at the time... but I think it would have been mostly fun. I did endure the 1980 ROA mud fling.. does that count
  7. In my experience there is no way to deter them from bringing in Vermin... other than me catching said vemin and putting the vermin in the witn3ess protection program for their release back into the great out doors. This worked with most of our cats but Lilac is determined to bring all lizards and mice and baby sparrows and house wrens into our house still alive. No amount of removal and release stops her. but the rest figured it out in rapid fashion.. killing all large prey outside or in the back porch room!(i now have re dubbed it the killing field)
  8. I have three encounters. my first was at Gunnison .. I was a recent PFAL grad and went to hear the "great Man"(sarcasm) speak there. he was expounding on the fact that the word divides family and we should not allow our family to stand in the way of our walk with GAWD! after which I wanted to go up and say hello to him and shake his hand but was deterred by the Corps person I was with.. how rude of me to intrude on the time of such an important man of God. Stupidly I listened to them and did not go over to say hello. Next I was at ROA getting ready to go WOW . I ran in to him twice there once when I was wandering in the woods and he was wandering through there.. Corps was clearing everyone out.. like we were all terrorists lying in wait to assassinate him. I had just needed some time to sort out what I was doing .. alone .. unfortunately the way woods was the only place not spilling over with people. I thought VP was being a bit arrogant. And the poor Corps who was guarding it when I came walking out was scared stiff.. how did they miss me, where had I been.. Did anyone else see me back there...Now I suspect he was afraid he would get dressed down if anyone knew they had missed me clearing out the way woods. By the way it really was just a walk thru the woods he was there and Loy boy and a couple of Way guards. Really they were just talking and wandering thru no big deal really but you would have thought he was some head of state with a price on his head they way everyone carried on. My third encounter was at that same ROA... I was working (I volunteered ) and was manning the gate the one that ran between tent city and the food court.... any way I was told to keep an eye out for his cart and open the gate and don't fall down he would run you over. well yep I tripped and he actually (at least it seemed it to me.. sped up)I recovered and got the gate open just in time.. but I never forgot it. Not probably what you were looking for but those are my encounters
  9. I think you have to remember that just because people no longer attend... they still have not all found their way here and until they hear all the bad stuff... they will continue to live the teachings or think VP was a wonderful MAn of God... not everyone hung around until the evilness manifested itself in all it's ugliness.(me for example) . Until like Wordwolf said they are all free .. I do think Grease spot is necessary and i believe it has more impact when people are on here talking about it. and regarding our missing SOWER Grad.. don't discount his little foray in here. he read a bit before he posted. it may not all sink in right away but it will! And I would not be surprised if some other people from there will eventually find their way here.
  10. You can make them into vegetable soups and can them.. as another means of perserving them. I usually freeze them or make them into bread and freeze it for later. also if you do the grated and frozen that can them be added to breads or cookies or soups or casseroles.
  11. And the more you draw and the more things you draw the better you get at it... it is a skill like playing an instrument. IT gets better the more you use those skills.
  12. One of the Corps Wow's who was running the PFAL class that I took was dating me(this started after I was already taking the class) and HE did a couple of things that made me mentally walk away from him and eventually end the relationship... at the time I thought it was just him but now I suspect it was a behavior taught in TWI.. The first thing was he asked me if I wanted to go to Pizza hut for an all you can eat salad which consisted of me getting an all you can eat salad and him eating off my plate.... I offered to pay for him but no he felt it was his due .. He tried to do it a second time and I wouldn't let him.. I told him i would pay for his...but I would not do what amounted to stealing ... he told me they over charged and so that justified it. the other thing he did was we went out to eat at a restaurant and he ordered some food and purposefully complained that his food was not perfect and made the girl take it back and complained again when she brought it back in order to get a free meal. then he wouldn't tip her because the service was not up to his standards... I was so angry by the time we left.. It was the beginning of the end of that relationship for me. I have been a waitress and it is not an easy job but to purposely treat her. by yelling at her .. I felt it was completely uncalled for. I ran in to another Corps guy who also thought it was okay to steal if you were needing food.. granted it was from a farmers field but I feel like stealing is stealing no matter what. Now that I read a lot of this stuff on here I wonder was this something encouraged from HQ.. or was he really a total foot or picked up on the jerkiness of the head leaders and copied it... Don't get me wrong a bad person is going to be bad but it seems like leadership gave people a free ticket to be mean and disrespectful to people not to mention encouraged them to torture and abuse.
  13. TWI Scored a full court 5. How is that for a direct hit!
  14. Food is the one thing that can be easily controlled. That is why it is used so often to control... along with the fact that it is essential to our very life and can create a false sense of connection when some one else is in charge of your only source to such a necessary element to living. I find the WOW family story disquieting, in the extreme... and the story of the family locked in their room is disgusting. I know this is not the right thread but Thank God for Grease spot and the information in it, or I would still think of the ministry as something Godly... Now it is just this horrible evil thing in my mind.
  15. Thanks Act2 and congrats to you. It is exciting and daunting all at the same time but I am glad i have this opportunity.
  16. LOL I told my WOW family Coordinator I wasn't going door to door I already talked to everybody I met on the streets. And as far as I was concerned that was the proper way to spread the word. POOR FC didn't know what to do with me. LOL
  17. Awww Happy anniversary WG. YAY for you two!
  18. Does this mean he is going to???????????? hmmm... wait I will be right back LOL Okay now I get it. Hmmm he forgot to add climbing the mountain for enlightenment!
  19. I actually did the believing thing a lot while I was in TWI... I also got many of the things I asked for.. maybe because of what I asked for...THat I just asked for it not specified... One time hitch hiking back from ROA with a friend after my WOW year we asked for a blue Kenworth that could get us almost all the way home.. I swear to you the very next Truck was a blue kenworth and it got us from Illinois all the way to Montana's southern border. we just needed to get a hop skip and a jump home. I also had gotten a huge horrible canker sore in my mouth once and it would not heal.. I was at a branch meeting and hooked up with a different friend(this was when I was in Idaho) and we prayed about it.. Now I was in extreme pain from it and 30 minutes later the pain was gone and by the next morning it was completely gone. I also tried to believe for God to heal my eyesight and also I have a hearing lose in one ear.. none of that got healed. Obviously my believing was not big enough :blink: :) Edited for clarity
  20. I probably would have done the go up and say hello long time no see scenario and let the chips fall where they may .. even if you don't bring up TWI.. the other people are going to be asking where they know you from... Oh yeah! and the bus story. LOLOL
  21. I was 9 years old a bunch of us were at my house watching it on our TV. I remember being thrilled I think we kids ran around a bit between landing and coming out and being cvalled over to watch that part, I thought it was amazing and dreamed about one day walking on the moon myself or traveling to Mars.. So I probably won't make it but My Hubby Works at Nasa.. so probably the closest I will ever get to actual space travel.. LOL
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