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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. rum runner, why would i want to buy a used motorcoach ?
  2. "Excie - perhaps you should go back to the JW site where you have been trashing GSC as well as Pawtucket by his real name. It has not been missed by several here on GSC. Pawtucket gave you safe haven and you have endeavored to trash him on the net. Wanna buy a used motor coach too? " i'd rather trash you, thank you
  3. could you tell me in one sentence what you just said ? quote "Greasespot isn't for everyone; we're all different and move beyond TWI in manifold ways" this is what particularly annoys me about your response
  4. it took me YEARS to even TRY TO express what happened to me in the way, and i'm fairly certain it's "old news" to most people here i talked to someone today who was in for almost 30 years and out less than five they have been trying and trying to "find their voice" -- greasespot hasn't been helpful i cannot tell you how heartbroken that makes me has greasespot evolved so much that people here forget ? i have forgotten until now, and that's what prompted me to come back on here so many of "us" (or at least "me") are years ahead of this outstanding worthwhile lovely soul -- why do we think others are where we are ? and even if they don't please us (or "line up with us") in their particular place in their path, why doesn't compassion rule ? i had actually forgotten what it's like to be out for a short time and ALSO i did not spend 30 years IN
  5. i guess it's a hoot and "all the drama" -- does that mean you find it funny or silly when you weren't here ? i think i should stop posting on here because i'm not up to the task thanks
  6. i should work on that. but i'm not surprised. i didn't think you confronted me. i thought you asked me a question. and i didn't understand the dr. seuss analogy
  7. oh with certain modes of thinking or expression, geisha. it might not be "out there in your face", but it's just something i feel and/or have felt -- some of it subtle -- some of it not. there have been times when i saw such adoration for certain posters and just the opposite for others. i don't necessarily want to bring it all back because i hate confrontation. i know really good people who have left because of a certain air / environment. i find it stifling and i'm very anti-way. thank you for asking.
  8. thank you penworks so much for that article. i remember how my family thought i had changed so much i have found this to even be true here at greasespot
  9. excathedra


    i know it shows that i've posted on the song thread but i can't even read my response because the operation keeps getting aborted and internet explorer can't read it or something like that thanks
  10. i did get on here now somehow, but none of the songs are coming through do i need to do something differently ? thanks
  11. excathedra


    i'm trying to respond to a thread and i keep getting an error message. anyone know why ? it was on the song thread and it keeps telling me the operation was aborted ?
  12. due to my f'd upness and always wanting a hero, i definitely did no more my new hero is rumrunner -- edited to add, paw was some awesome hero and helped me so much i can never thank him enough
  13. hi sowers grad !!!! have not read the thread. i'm sure it's tedious like this whole site but i did want to say hi back to you and welcome
  14. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    thanks linzee i didn't see that. it was really nice of you to respond as far as the voting + - thing, i think it's ridiculous
  15. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    it's working now. thank you for helping me, friend, and george s george and you other posters that helped me.... you should ask for a techie or moderator job :) maybe you can answer the question if there will be a chat room here
  16. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    oh thank you, poster, who told me internet explorer 6 might be my problem now, i need to know how to upgrade -- also, is there going to be a chat here or not ?
  17. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    i have an idea -- "i liked your post"
  18. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    i think the problem here for me is that i have this insanely long thing of red and green circles you know plus and minus dooj, i know i can't edit other people's posts ha i'm lucky if i can edit my own i have no idea what you're talking about regarding you have so much time to edit also, i went horizontally and nothing changed -- as far as the reputation thing, i think it sucks, but that's me all this new fancy stuff when i liked it before, but i know, i'm old and cranky
  19. \ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha haha ha ha ha ha a few ago (like 30) there werent' many , but thanks :)
  20. darn, i was looking forward to meeting them
  21. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    thank you all so much for your help. there's still nothing under my post or anyone else's. I think it might be a matter of how my view is. any suggestions? brainfixed, you're such a sweetheart. you made my day. i'm not sure how many reputations i've ruined besides my own!!!! -- no chat ? can some computer savvy person like myself snort start a chat room we could join ?
  22. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    i have a green plus button that says "click to configure post options" and below that i have "add reply", "preview post" and "cancel" should i click to configure post options ? i thought i did that and it got weird. i'll try after i hit reply here thank you for trying to help me i got a million green + and red - scrolling all the way down the screen i clicked on the red and got a green 1 and minus red 1 i don't know those were two posts up above there, if that helps now 3 ha ha ha ha ha oh well and the long line of little green and red boxes with 1's are still there at the moment i did just find that my reputation on here is a -8. i guess that's less than a zero. i'm liking this new site better all the time.
  23. excathedra

    Post Upgrade Issues

    there's nothing there
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