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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. he's listed in the white pages for st. marys OH -- you can call him -- he'll probably know
  2. i have to say it.... wierwille's ministry bores me to death
  3. no, that's a miracle.... he got a sober thought.... lol
  4. sadly of course nothing out in the open how many institutionalized people have i heard about through the years oh mygod i don't even care if they were really in need of mental help -- the fact that the way used them and abused them is enough ps. this has never been fun for me telling my story it has caused me great heartache because i can't handle it at times so whatever
  5. minister? WTF ? it's like what a retemory ? lol you don't minister by using your position of authority to do the nasty i'm done with this religous nonsense
  6. workman so glad you posted ! by the way, there's a really nice girl in my twig in that picture. i'm trying to remember her name. i see doug and pam and mrs. looks thrilled. rhoda and i worked together in word processing like i said somewhere he did "share" about teaching arousel to his daughter i can't even go on. i ran to the bathroom then but i actually stayed in the way my bad my f'd upness he's ugly does he have a wort ?
  7. -- -- oh wait wait wait let me say this again before this place closes i called wierwille on the phone (in-house staff phone) to report psychnutcasegeer telling this fella he is no longer welcome at the way and wierwille's loving reply was -- he screamed, "how long do i have to suck your way corps asses"? and something about "his man" over there across the pond. i forget now i can't believe the tenderness and the love..... goosebumps go here.....
  8. holy god wierwille and psychogeer were way nicer to dogs than women -- and that ain't sayin' much !!!!! When I saw wierwille and scarygeery delivering puppies and b trying to help, vp ripped into her like she was way below a scumdog. i waited for her black hearted husband to defend her. ha never happened.... because he is a pig just like his father pig in the word of course and children ! when i asked wierwille about a good book on raising children, he (after being annoyed and kind of disgusted that i would bother him with such a question) suggested "Hunt Close" which is a book how to train dogs. I think i started a thread on this years ago. i think i still have the book. couldn't understand how it realted -- i'm so not spiritual boo hoo ohmygod geer counseled a married couple and told the sweet people that she should stick her finger up his you-know-what and you-know-what him. this was in front of other reverends over in britain he also told the husband to get with prostitutes if he wasn't getting what he wanted at home then he came over to the USA because i told him he would get help and then martindale told him if she's pleased to dwell with you, you're sheet out of luck and there's much much more how very sad
  9. i'm not bothered one way or the other to be honest
  10. loss of self was a major problem with my being in the way went in to find myself lol
  11. i know my friend and "corps brother" is not on there his wife told me when she found him (shot himself in the head) there was a note that said "he wished he was the man he knew to be"
  12. what a f'ing pig and i mean that as a spiritual event lol
  13. this brings back so many horrible memories a young lady trying to tell vp and leadership that her reverend branch leader lady should not be screwing every fella that walked in the twig door her getting labeled as possessed in a public meeting, etc., etc. reminds of the crucible
  14. excathedra

    my attempt

    karmicdebt adios my heart
  15. if you wake up in the middle of it and see it happening and don't know how you go there, is that rape?
  16. she doesn't remember it -- that was nice previously in wayfer years, i was told god looks on the heart as a way to excuse the abuse we're talking about. you know, abuse someone WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT and god will look on the heart lol lol
  17. sometimes i can't shut up -- good thing i only have until march vp held my hand and weeped over my past and the sexual abuse i endured as a child i certainly did not come on to him as in "i'm yours, you man of god, you" (ugh) when it came to -- oh never mind it's difficult. i don't think the way i did then. hi linzee i know you got healed when he ministered to you and i thank god for that i still wonder about a lot of this stuff just being god's gracious love to us i will be the first to admit how screwed up i was and still am i'm sorry about anyone i've hurt takes a long time to "heal" find boundaries etc. i'm not a minister pastor never would intentionally use and hurt -- doesn't the bible say something like there is no good but god (this is not defending vp lol)
  18. well said pretty much my opinion of him is based on how he treated me i went to him with a stupid honest open heart -- looked at him kind of like the pope -- had no other basis of comparison. also had the screwy father figure issue going on and you know the rest of the old boring story was he good? damn, i know he was good at times i also know he was a fwad who took advantage of young hopeful searching women girls whatev you're just not supposed to do that. nobody should do it least of all a MOG he was lucky. he got off easy. when some of these shrinks, camp counselors, school teachers, etc., get before a judge -- they don't ask about what good they've done. well, i'm sure lots of people come on as character witnesses, but when it gets right down to it, what happened ? that's what the judge wants to know, right? he never had to face that. too bad -- hi my friend linzee i actually said "well said" to leafy but then your post was there when i was done but well said to you too and socks ps. i only bash men who are not nice
  19. ps. yam not trying to ignore your post me. i just don't know what to say really
  20. i think i'd like to thank sir socks here such a difference in being saved and being good lol i have never felt good -- well i have never felt good about being unworthy -- but i feel very good about being god's kid and saved by jesus christ does that make me good? no way i do not try to hurt people. have i hurt people? more than i want to think about so i guess i was focusing on past hurt -- not the reality of not deserving anything
  21. excathedra

    my attempt

  22. if you touch my kid, you die that's where i'm today but i didn't know that then i'm not mad at j yam i just want to explain and i don't need scripture for this argument, you know ?
  23. i have no idea if esther slept her way to the top i do know some girls who felt privileged to be called to the coach to be with the man of god if that sonofabich man of god was a good man, he would have told some young ladies that he aappreciated their admiration but that he was their pastor or something is that too much to ask?
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