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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. he definitely killed or damaged the soul johnyam i think you're full of nonsense going on and on and on about pure crap if you love the guy or feel a need to defend him, have at it but all these quotes oh my god who the heck do you think he was we'll see one day in the meantime i think he was a big fat jerk -- ps. if he raped you, what scriptures would you use to tell me he was the moggy of this day and time?
  2. we'll see what god covers or uncovers lol
  3. my young age and my young past made me vulnerable
  4. here's my other thought christ died -- um he's a savior to the uttermost -- god knows the number of your hairs on your head and what's in your heart i make NO assumption as to what HE will see in veepig's heart -- that's not for me to decide -- but it also does not keep me from saying what happened to me see what i mean? ps. had jesus christ been a rapist or abuser, i do not believe i would follow him i have faith in him only. that's just me
  5. i don't give one ****** about gift ministries -- here's my idea of a gift jesus christ my mom my kid all this other shtuff.........
  6. ha! yes god heals - he even heals people who had to endure vp
  7. i know for a fact and so do others that wierwille told martindale he would have to loosen up sexually to be effective -- too bad some people aren't here anymore to back me up -- and another thing, my friend in the 9th on her interim year was a wow something or other over a city or group when we got back from our interim year she was losing it -- or maybe it was after we graduated -- in any case, when martindale came through town -- he gave her the privilege of giving him a you-know-what -- he was so stressed -- and he talked to donna on the phone during it -- ps. i didn't help her when she needed me the most
  8. sorry, who said this? i can't help but feeling deeply offended by what happened to me personally as "hype". Another thing -- some or most of what stuff is fabricated or exaggerated? i have tried extremely hard not to fabricate or exaggerate -- so much so that i've never really said everything in a full mouthful -- too afraid and too ashamed i've been accused before of being an attention seeker, a liar, the patron saint of sexual abuse, and on and on so i'm offended again by the fabrication and exaggeration thing i'm sure there might be people here who never even met the man that say things like they knew what happened -- i am not in that category as far as rewards or thrones -- i don't mean that to be "ugly" -- but that is just ridiculous to me. i'm sorry
  9. jim would be the first to tell you his sorrow and repentance about his life -- i only know this because i talked to him in his dying days
  10. that was what twi was for you and i don't what to say except it was not that for me i needed a save haven FROM twi or i should maybe say wierwille mostly and some others
  11. leafy ohmygod i feel like i am there with you when you tell your story pm me if you feel like it and tell me who the 9th corps was
  12. ohmygod this is ridiculous a pig is hard to live with for godssake -- i can't even.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am willing to wait to be with god and christ and roll my eyes about this subject i hope i get to do it
  13. what are you talking about ???????
  14. nice to hear from you t-bone :wub: skyrider, my friend, did you list "unbelieving believer" -- that's my fave -- that's what i am lol thanks for that -- i had no idea about your background -- very interesting -- considering veepster was a supposed farmer and then i think about all the time tim graves spent scrubbing a brick building and all the time i spent in gunnison doing something with rocks -- i forget what -- moving them? but they were little the way corps program for me was the worst and i thought it would help me to grow the most spirititually - what a joke -- -- i don't mean he was a farmer, but i thought he knew about farming -- as far as spiritual growth, i was always scared to death i would be called upon to stand up and minister as an advanced class grad -- never mind way corps -- ugh
  15. ham and waysider what are you talking about
  16. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQNuC_pme-Q?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQNuC_pme-Q?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQNuC_pme-Q?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  17. i'm not brave waysider but thanks -- i was there for godssake i mean, i have my own personal disgusting time with him, but this was a regular meeting -- i mean a public meeting oh my http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLse7g_Nfuo -- -- -- one reason i don't like to go on too much about him or anyone else is that i think that no one is good (but that doesn't sound right because i know so many good people) but then i go insane when i think about anyone doing such things to my child hope that makes sense i think we can expose dark things without saying we ourselves are perfect -- sorry i'm trying to post a song that shows you some of me but it's not working i'll try again
  18. i wish i had kept so much -- maybe it would have helped people believe and get out and have a nicer life but i didn't
  19. i don't think he is in twi -- maybe an offshoot ? like cff or something like that ? but i don't know however, i feel very sure that he is still a very nice guy
  20. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-INh6kTx30M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. he said something along the lines of teaching/showing his daughter certain "things" that would help her please her husband (and I think vice versa) and that they did this in ancient times or in tribes or something -- I don't mean to be vague -- I just don't have a great memory. he made it sound like a beautiful logical godly thing. similar to when he told me he could help heal me from past sexual abuse. (but i can definitely tell you making nipples hard was mentioned.) whether he did it for real or just liked to imagine doing it, i cannot say. it was and is very very disturbing. i must have been really messed up then. i do not remember talking to anyone about it at the time except dot. i wonder if he said the night was a lockbox like he did at other times to me. can't recall.
  22. if i had had an ounce of sense back then, i would have called the authorities after i threw up i don't know what i thought, having been sexually molested as a young girl myself it was a women's night owl with him and included 9th and 11th corps girls kris was in the 8th and karl in the 12th i believe so they probably didn't know about it i know dot matrix was there. i don't know about other posters here from those corps -- some may have been at other campuses at the time. this was in emporia
  23. i think his bathrobe was a lot more evil than his black robe lol
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