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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra

    Red's story

    awful ! i hope the sweet girl is having a good normal life now ps. i just read your profile, you should come have a laugh with us on our 9th corps thread; it might have died down a little right now but eventually it will get going again
  2. excathedra

    Red's story

    OHMYGOD staytoolong that is SICK! i mean SICK!how old was your poor daughter ? the way ministry got really creepy oh man.
  3. dottie, i can't remember anything the summary on that website seemed to fit with what i can't remember i do know i had the album and played it a catrillion times
  4. excathedra

    Red's story

    dear red, back in summer you were looking for raverjoe23 he wanted you to write to him beauburriola@yahoo.com i hope this is still his email
  5. tommy, you helped me more than you'll ever know by being such a good guy! and of course your gift ministry of a comedian hey yeah instead of "i see dead people," veepeepee could say "i feel dead people" what a jerkoff
  6. that's what i was thinking alfakat, but then i was hoping i misunderstood him, i was, like, oldiesman can't possibly mean what i think he means
  7. what about the AIR part ? what do you mean, the gathering together to meet the lord in the air ? i don't think anyone knows when that is.
  8. (mike, please talk to sirguess, he's really intelligent and kind) ** ok now my post: does "forgiveness" = denying that one has suffered at the hands of another does "forgiveness" = being silent about having suffered at the hands of another oh, and, no one else defines for me how i have or have not moved on, moved over, moved mountains :)-->
  9. thanks lindy and mr p i was trying to figure out what JC meant (i'm thinking jesus christ) .... junior corps ... lol you guys are great i was never at rome city
  10. 2Ti 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works.
  11. yeah yeah let's have a greasespot wedding, we all got salt shakers in front of us -- for the covenant -- or to sprinkle on ya!!!!!
  12. oh sorry, edit to above post, he was mostly into his daughters in christ lol
  13. i really appreciate you lindy, mr p, and now pavlov's god how old are you people ? approx.? i have a short memory and don't feel like going back to read to figure it out (sorry) i admire where you are in your "young" brains because i was still in the way and got out when i was in early 30's more later, but thanks for your great thoughts in the threads
  14. georgio, thanks for posting. i've experienced what your mom experienced and other stuff. i never knew about ww's 5 F's. how lovely. but he was freakin liar -- he practiced that with his sisters in christ -- probably exclusively gosh what a nice father figure teaching a 15 year old boy how to treat the girls in school ahhhh warms my heart
  15. this may have been posted sorry i forget something about christians should be prosperous. my first little red pamphlet said tithe out of net income. it may have been changed to gross income later. i remember asking el meano craigo about a teaching he did and i showed him the quote in the one i got when i took pfal. he yelled at me
  16. quoted from some etiquette site ?Congratulations? ? when speaking to a woman, who has gotten engaged, one does not say congratulations. It is considered an insult, equivalent to an insult as if she could not get a man. Go figure! It seems like it would be perfectly fine, but instead say something like ?that?s wonderful,? ?my blessings,? and ?what wonderful news?.
  17. stevie my friend and my dear dearest leader chinny - i am so happy for you who will be oopsiating, i mean officiating, over the ceremony? you know i?m ordained, right ? i really am so happy to see two really wonderful people find love and each other mwah mwah :)-->:)--> (self)ordained counts
  18. what killed that little boy ?
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