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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. thanks c should all of the dying be taken care of? how heartless of me even to ask, honestly
  2. i really miss so many of these past posters this place has gone downhill but i have to say this really caught my eye (what a great thread name lol): that just made laugh don't know if i read this thread before it's too long now but the parts i did read were great thanks
  3. forgive (no pun intended) my ignorance but what does hospice and forgiveness have to do with each other? not to beat a dead (another pun not intended) horse, but a bastard in life can be a bastard in death to me, the hospice people standing around don't get that i don't know -- like i said i'm speaking from personal experience in regard to more than one bastard love,e i really didn't mean the puns - sorry if i sounded like an .... hol e
  4. i do believe life should be more about what we can do for others and what we can give vs. what's in it for me even though the way's green card (benefits)and a lot of jerks were about themselves and what was in it for them, i don't believe i myself became selfish like that and nor do i believe that about most people i knew
  5. what was vp's thorn? like i really care
  6. i don't know these are beautiful accounts and thoughts and i love t and kit so much but my sunofabeechin father died with none of this beauty i'm sure i'm not making myself clear but it's because i don't want to talk about it right now
  7. A few weeks later a check came in the mail which allowed him to pay off his home damn i more than tithed i abundantly shared and was poor as sht
  8. pam and stephanie are sisters
  9. do a zabasearch kenneth e sudduth sarasota FL phone number is listed. he's also on facebook ken sudduth sarasota FL hope this helps -- i assume they are still married even better zabasearch helen b sudduth in florida and she comes up with same address and phone # sarasota FL
  10. why does it say i'm responding on here when i haven't
  11. veepee couldn't decide what he wanted to preach -- well actually he could -- whatever would bring them in the magic of thinking big -- i could go on -- it's just too boring
  12. head count? rosalie and donna and i don't think they're having baby twits
  13. i'm really glad about that
  14. interesting watered garden, when did you fall for the mumbo jumbo ? taxicab -- why the f didn't the potato work for the daughter? funny and sad thread
  15. really sad doc and really really beautiful about a single kiss wish i could just experience that
  16. with so much thankfulness, i think it's time to close this baby down
  17. i get it leafy it is simple if it wasn't, where would i be? ps. i can't stand churches cults that's just me but never ever had / have a problem with god and my savior :) i feel lucky
  18. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ohhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha haha hahahahah hah aha ha ha ha
  19. ugh i'm creepily embarrassed for him and that was for the couple of seconds i watched
  20. excathedra

    bin Laden is Dead

  21. http://www.bluzecentral.org/politics/
  22. oh man i couldn't read it -- to painful i don't think the way was ever to this point
  23. ohmygod now that i'm on a roll.......... i don't think i believe you're a better or worse christian if you do or don't diss vp or the catholic church, or whatev.... lol
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