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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. hi T you are right about the question i asked now i'm gonna go smoke
  2. kev i guess many are called and few are chosen(3 winks go here)
  3. mike, good luck w/ your taxes don't worry about answering me, really genetically gifted ??? corps elitism did most of the damage ? were you and i in the same cult ? grace and peace, from a "corps graduate" whose heart / life was trampled by "doctor's ministry" ps. i don't want you to condescend / feel sorry for me whatever. i just want you to realize he was a monster
  4. do manic depressives have gloomy prophecies and high ones ohgod will i have to answer at the bema for all this blasphemy
  5. and while we're focusing on Christ Jesus for one, to speak for God / Christ and live for / be like him..... should be very much about walking in love walking in love is equated with walking in truth the two i think are so intertwined as not to be separated which leaves victhedick out of the equation
  6. let's say, mike, i might try to believe the bible again someday why is looking down on wierwille focusing on the flesh ? why are you so sure about this ? i mean what about parts in the bible where we are warned to beware of false prophets, teachers, etc. *** in any case, i don't have the desire to get heavily into this but i did want to tell you, that he earned my disrespect, just as he earned your respect ps. steve, even now my son thinks of god being in the sky. in fact i think i do too
  7. rev. al zheimer, can those sunset corps ever get da verd over da vorld ? don't they keep witnessing to the same people over and over
  8. i have family in maryland bel air catonsville columbia but they've never had the privilege of being in the way
  9. MPD can they have a believers meeting by themself ?
  10. now we're getting somewhere ... a person with multiple personality disorder, each of their people have a different tongue ? is this the new light for our generation forum ?
  11. so what about when a woman has a headache.... ohmygosh i have to shut up
  12. perhaps victhedick needed some aspirins and what ??? this lustful spirit discriminates....
  13. well everyone inspired to manifest please stand up
  14. now if one has a spirit of lust, would that be a spirit that affects the mind
  15. oh here's my favorite from fellowshipper after he looked at an old photo of believers
  16. gosh what a great thread and bravo adios ** andohmygod i never saw geo's schpeel (sp?) about masturbating, i'm dying and i can't stop picturing rottie and her rottie, you guys are so fun
  17. does someone who stutters, stutter when they manifest ?
  18. yougotsaved hahahahahahahahaha zee call on me after i have some coffee i'll try to be inspired then all believers look alike. stop i'm crying laughing this hard hurts
  19. where IS igotdumped ? go to the ant thou sluggard silver hair ??? is there not a victors quartet song appropriate at this time do we have wows in iraq ? is da verd ova da vorld ?
  20. greasy birthday cake ? happy birthday gs, may you be my last and final church, ha ha you thought i was going to say cult and please don't leave me before i leave you mark, thank you, i was just kidding ;)-->
  21. oh i'm dying laughing. corps week and roa. ohmygod. ah yes i remember telling my "potential" (remember all the believers with potential) employer i could only accept the job if he was willing to give me 2 weeks off in august (WITHOUT PAY) so i could go to a slave labor campsite in ohio. oh those were the days. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
  22. king tut you are a man's man write a cover letter and just claim that job and it's yours
  23. came over here to read, i heard you yelling, square peg it's so weird how they could make you think you might be special in the "WORLD" and yet they made you feel like you SUCK in the MINISTRY ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha those phookers
  24. zee, you are so fun, it's like you're standing right here talking to me..... ummmm are you ? i feel your presence.... where are these tripped out cop-outs ? what have they ever sacrificed for this thread we'll see who gets to be in the living room or in the toilet
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