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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. you guys are pistis-ing me off okay now seriously, at our reunion, i will be doing a word study on all the italicized words in the king james version
  2. tommytutu whose heart is it on to manifest ? please submit the title of your teachings for approval as well as areas of responsibilities (concern, interest, need) which you are believing for ronaldo, song leading perhaps ?
  3. mike you have just said EXACTLY what wierwille said to me ps. mike, i'm calm
  4. i didn't mean to sound condescending in my last post. when i re-read it, it kinda sounds that way i could give a flying gaylord about schoenheit's paper (sorry john) but that all was so obvious. the only thing that made it good was the reaction to it perhaps, and i say "perhaps" come on........ after that, john and john and mark went on to do another weird thing the obvious bible stuff bores me. when you start talking about what really affected the soul of a person, you might get my attention adultery was the least of my worries heartache what-have-you
  5. cynic, i missed that part in his post to me anyway, i have a difficult time fighting.... logic wise or anyother wise, i think that's why wierwille liked me so much mike, part of me would love to wipe the frikkin floor with you (my dark side lol) but the real me isn't up for it [This message was edited by excathedra on June 15, 2003 at 15:00.]
  6. i could live with it. and yes i do think they would get to know the real ME. i'm the same person i always was
  7. and happy fodda's day to my awesome father friends here
  8. dana needs and wants to get a laptop and wirless connection. come hither in the name of the king of kings
  9. oh darn here i am again amen brother!love, olga
  10. happy father's day to all you wonderful dads !! and to my mom too !!!!!
  11. if they were "running" the meeting, i would do the hand gesture so as not to interrupt (plus i wouldn't be able to look at them through the whole meeting) but i voted that i would take them aside privately but then again if someone like simonzelotes was in the meeting, oh god forget it.... i would get fired
  12. i am humbled, thank you simonreproveus and when the manifestation of kissing in tongues leads to your body burning, make sure you have charity, so that it shall profit you
  13. you really should join that other psychoprophet Chr*s G**r
  14. thank you rascal and mike... i might blow a gasket here, you little sh!t
  15. salmonzelotes, filet o', ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha nika, jesus said you should be kissers of men (not fish)
  16. and i got you some earrings too ps. were you born on a friday ?
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