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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. you don't strike a baseball huh ? but you strike out
  2. well i wanted to say a girl's name, tuttle, goddamnit i thought he was going to play baseball how 'bout bill fury, did he finally get with the computer age....
  3. were you single or married in this our residence day and time ?
  4. ahhhhh don't worry about the voices, pretend you're the victors.... oh this should be fun !!!!!!! don't tell don't tell until we guess are you.......... Tom Thurman ?
  5. and tommy2 ? didn't nika say that once in a movie ? this is the cyber corps. the program is now available on-line. lenny, would you like to share ?
  6. it's christ's drool behind your drool thought it was larry gatlin but if you are right rev. derange, i will receive with meekness....
  7. well dr strange love, about time you got here did a believing believer write this: Will they have Mogen David in heaven Dear Lord, we'd all like to know Will they have Mogen David in heaven, Sweet Jesus If they don't, who the hell wants to go.
  8. she does sound like a sweetheart when she talks about her "guilt" feelings for being so wealthy
  9. will Tom Strange please report to the sonlight room immediately after the meal
  10. very cool post, danny, thanks you help me to think and i appreciate that. thus far, most of this thread bores me. plus i don't like wierwille. as far as "taking a stand" on anything discussed, gee i don't know and i don't care. i think i have a lot of leftover waybrain and i haven't been able to tell what is what, for most of my life, that is. "there are too many bible thumpers and not enough of those do goodin men...." to paraphrase my old buddy ted ferrell (ps. this is in no way a cut to the wonderful christians here who i love -- litwin and others) it's just me talking out loud.... peace be with you and with your spirit
  11. gosh hope, i thought you said betty bowen pi, speaking of north carolina ;)-->, my son listens to a group called "good charlotte" and they have a song, "the happiest day of my life is the day that i die...." anyhow, my sweet boy told me some parents won't let their kids listen to it (rc'ers, not wayfers) and i said "why"? and he said because the parents actually think it might make you want to die and it's just a song, mom anyway, do i need to clarify and talk about if my son ever gets real depressed and listens to something over and over and over which would make him want to die. dah dah dah dah dah dah
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha goey, is that enough for a believers meeting ? i forget ooooh boy sorry mike and seaspray, time for comic relief, for me anyhow
  13. yup library book how bout fiction like harry potter ? awwwww ((((((simonzeroachclip)))))) you even love your enemies, you man of steel and velvet, you hey jelloflipper et al, i gotta tell you about the last oprah show, ohmygod, wait 'til you hear....
  14. you deserve your own birthday thread, you sweetie ! love, ex
  15. what possessed you to visit tommytootles and ps. simonsezurit, i'm gonna smack ya ;)--> (group hug ha ha ha ha ha ha) i know you think i'm being girlie girl
  16. i love you "guys" all inclusive
  17. you know, i would go on with this, but i can't too many sheriffs, so little, actually so many.... triggers that's me
  18. (((((((vickles))))))) i've been there too. i want you to know i understand and i'm sorry (meaning saddened) i grew up with so much shame and then later on in the way i felt like history was repeating itself. ah well. life is so much better today
  19. i don't like to see anyone humiliated or embarrassed, especially in front of a lot of people i think this was one of my biggest hurts when i was in the way corps program and on staff i'm talking about the hurt i saw of others
  20. who, the guy who hit a 6 ft. 230 lb. cat ? from today's news so the hit-and-run, is that misconduct too ? jesus christ
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