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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. forgive me for previous remark.... i don't know where my head was at i'll put it where it belongs
  2. what are ya gonna do to tame goliath the last ten years
  3. love to my dear nika *** fellowshipper, i see you're on here. i love you
  4. i'm a gringo and a yankee..... never bothered me :)-->
  5. can you imagine a little town in your section of the country getting excited over a few cents... good morning lord
  6. if i want to put a subject in a reply post of mine, how can i do that ? thanks
  7. right satori ???? cyber sects........... still laughing after all this time
  8. i don't know cybersex just doesn't do it for me
  9. are you 2 in the same room getting off on this ? i sowwy
  10. well hotdamn my birthday is............ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  11. well first of all, do men buy vibrators ? and second of all, there is already a thread about lights so perhaps we could combine and stay on board ha ha ha ha ha ha i kill myself ;)-->
  12. wow in the words of tommy jenk "it blows my frikkin mind" .... a devil named pfal
  13. oh happy birthday you sweetheart yelder corps of mine i can't wait 'til the 3rd to give you a hug
  14. a pocket protector dying here aren't pocket protectors and virgins synonymous.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh dot..... love you......
  15. where the hell is your commitment
  16. excathedra

    19th corps

    ps. you don't know how tempted i am to put things back decent and in order.......
  17. excathedra

    19th corps

    welllll damnit someone on the 11th corps screwed things up. whadda ya expect from 11th anyway ? look at their yelders......... protocol what a word just gives me warm fuzzies
  18. excathedra

    19th corps

    anyone ? alfa, you are sick, and i love that about you
  19. you're right dot, looks don't make the man why are we always such suckers for bad boys !!!! remember the bikers.... ha ha ha ha ha
  20. excathedra

    11th Corps

    putting this on top with hopes that alfa and too gray see the beautiful order
  21. excathedra

    10th Corps

    oh let me fix it
  22. jagger doesn't have to long for the days when he was a hunk
  23. excathedra

    10th Corps

    tanks alfa, i enjoyed it
  24. my kinda meeting.... bar, pig roast, no witnessing.... wish i could make it. thank you very very much for the invite, vickles, you're a doll
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