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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ahhh ha ha hah i didn't know or remember her maiden name is FOX remember that fox looking peeking over the hill or something in one wierwille's classes he didn't know he was a prophet right then lol lol lol
  2. i'd like to make the mean old rose sad i'd steal donna from her if i could lol
  3. now stop talking common sense chockie if she can take down craig (with donna going along), she can take down just about anyone i guess god she is really something weird -- she destroyed my dear ex who has a heart of gold she did not give one .... about people or wierwille or anybody ask linda z she's ugly evil and with a southern accent no less -- what a frikkin pity -- southerners are such beautiful people
  4. ohhhhhh thanks the way corps f r u c k i n g motto :)
  5. i don't know what to tell you people when it comes to trinity etc i believe i got born again in the catholic church not sure what i really thought at the time just knew jesus christ was my lord and i always prayed to him at the altar and to god i even remember at about 7 years old, saying something like, "jesus - god -- whoever you are -- help me" and he did so i'm happy books about loving yourself are always nice :) mwah
  6. okay okay there are some unbelievably astounding wonderful catholics including myself ha ha ha ha h aha ha really including many of my family members i learned of christ there and got born again i believe then there are those like father butler who (paw doesn't like me to say this so i'll change the wording) did "you know what" to my little brothers' winkies and destroyed their lives for a long time. eventually made them altar boys got them drunk bought them presents (we had no money) etc etc they were pre-pube and coming into pube one has been suicidal and other could never get pleasure unless he went downtown to meet a fella one brother went and met with the catholic something or other and they didn't believe him a few years later father butler got exposed and done in woodbridge, nj i believe, at the age of 81 i still have his letter denying everything about my brothers he had been passed around from parish to parish and ended up in ours before woodbridge or wherever but god bless everyone good catholics good cultists good and bad everywhere i believe
  7. lol who the heck doesn't like power and adoration what does incrementalism mean again?
  8. maybe better to say a prayer than give a book i gave Jesus Christ Is Not God for Christmas presents one year to all my very Roman Catholic family members they're still Roman Catholic family members lol but i love them to death and vice versa :)
  9. that's awfully picky and silly in my humble opinion i mean, who cares, wordwolf?
  10. meanwhile, back at the farm lol okay waysider ;) i'm happy for javaj and others. i have absolutely no interest in any religion, teachings, etc. raised a catholic changed to the way cult now nothing and quite fine with it -- oops i think that was supposed meanwhile back at the ranch not farm i despised jenkinson and how he made that beautiful ranch so horrible derail choo choo
  11. i was frikkin hurt for godssake but people think i'm trying to make it about me i'm not he was a scumbag listen to me for cryinoutloud kris went to him and wanted to kill herself do you hear me? he told her i'll show you what's good about being alive and that meant going to the back of the coach if that isn't downright SICK PSYCHO what is???????????
  12. who couldn't love you? my sister met professor doug at princeton around the time brook shields was there - my sister said she's very tall :)
  13. do i have to read this thread ;) :) i am a christian because christ is my lord always has been always will be i love him he chose me what can i say?
  14. no abortions without trustee approval ha ha haha hah ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  15. love your posts chockie johnyouare i have no idea of he was "of the devil" -- i just have to weigh what i got from him -- you know -- learned from him -- and how he raped me
  16. my congratulations to you ham -- you should be so proud of yourself -- what an achievement love,e ps. sidenote -- my brother-in-law has his PhD in the Philosophy of Mathematics -- he's a lot of fun at parties i'm serious, he is!!!!!!!! i just don't if i should ask him to tutor my kid in high school math ;) ;) :0 mwah
  17. life is so full of b u l l s h i t
  18. Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control: A Love-Based Approach to Helping Attachment-Challenged Children With Severe Behaviors: Heather T. Forbes, B. Bryan Post -- the title does not do it justice it is for me applicable beyond the title love,e
  19. dear twi as in rosalie rivenbark and donna lombardi martindale -- i don't care that you are a gay couple i just wish you could have been caring normal people
  20. i would never be able to bring myself to "fellowship with" people who look up to wierwille i mean i guess i could for 2 seconds but then i would have to tell them my experiences does not mean i don't care about them, you know? i go through this every now and then with way corps site (john's) people
  21. congrads ((((((((( stayaway )))))))))) oh i remember one outrageous thing "people are to be loved and things are to be used" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ahah a haaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ha ha ha ah ha ha etc -- -- -- said by veepigola to kristen as she came on the coach to discuss her woes of a marriage breaking down, etc., and wanted to kill herself- as he took out his disgusting pathetic weenie
  22. honestly, there are so many outrageous statements made i don't know quite where to start there's a great one about hitler (said to doop) but i don't feel like looking it up my twig leader when i first "got in the word" (barf) said that vpigwierwille was so above anything "fleshly" -- he was so spiritual -- that the reason he turned around completely naked and exposed himself (and smiled) -- as i walked past the bathroom of the all girl (my undershepherders)college way home -- was because of his -- like i just said -- his spirituality -- another time my same twig leader told me the limb leader was coming to visit and stay over (by then i was living in that college girl way home) and she said it would be an honor (for me, that is) to lie with him -- because i forget sorry i was so sweet and new and loving i did -- just like i had with my uncle w hen i was 11-12 -- fortunately he just felt me up (boobs) and didn['t do anything else of course that changed later with wierwille that time -- another one was when the trunk f'ing leader of the USA ripped me to shreads and i reported it to my dept. head on staff -- she said he was under so much spiritual pressure -- and as i've told you before -- i said he should get another job
  23. :) dab -- i remember when donna and marcia were sweet on each other
  24. i don't know, but start by listening maybe to others, and realize everything is not funny however, i should not say that because i know you don't think any of this is funny but when i'm serious and you kind of make light of it (unintentionally) it hurts me although i'm sure i've done that too many times to count i'm just trying to be honest love,e
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