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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. johnny lingo's story makes me sad.... you know, i could say something like, well she was wasn't married, she didn't tell you why it was god's will for you to learn about how to love with the love of god, or teach her to love with her body while she teaches you to love with your heart, dah dah dah but hell, she was an ordained clergyperson (with a responsibility and awesome position supposedly, right ?) and you were "brand new" in the way corps program it's not like you two were dating and falling in love (or somehow got caught up in a consensual passionate moment) there were a few ordained girls that i have to wonder how they got their status. i'm sorry if i sound cruel. and like i've said before, i find it hard to know where a person was at mentally or in their past, etc. but i can tell you this, wierwille handed out some very strange ordinations (i'm certainly not referring to everyone) seemingly as a way of thanks (god forgive me) if that makes sense ?
  2. outin88, when i initially posted something negative about wierwille at the start of waydale, i got blasted to smitherines. and when i talked about sexual abuse....ohmygod. some people said very cruel things, i shut my computer off for almost a year. please anyone don't get me wrong when i say this -- because i DEFINITELY believe in putting yourself in another person's shoes and treating them as you would like to be treated -- but i do not feel obligated to witness or undershepherd here at greasespot i hope that makes sense ?
  3. sunny, it's okay. you wouldn't believe the things i've said on here. i hope you take care too my email: excathedra2000@yahoo.com ?
  4. i wish him no ill but i am kinda glad he's not around me ?
  5. tommystrange thinking of you and your mom ♥
  6. jardinero, hugs and kisses to you too simonzzzzzzzzzzzzz, i stayed up long past midnight in new orleans at a WIB conference. saw my first transvestite !!!!! the ministry opened so many many doors.... AND you all feel like hugs means i like coming down here, it's always nice and warm does any of that help simongeek ;)--> ;)--> ♥
  7. vickloves i think my info. is outdated ♥
  8. oak we all know you're a counterfeit ?
  9. this one also ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 04, 2004 at 11:00.]
  10. this post was edited ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 04, 2004 at 11:00.]
  11. i did a beyond gs bourbon st. with igotout one time at the word in business conference i just wanted to tell you all ~ you feel like a hug ♥
  12. last i heard and this is going back he was in kentucky / indiana ♥
  13. i love anyone with a rev. handle ?
  14. thank you griz where is larry p ? ?
  15. since you asked i decided to do it right now ?
  16. hey where is brian bliss (i think it was him).... let my life tell the story ;)--> ?
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