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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. forget this ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 11, 2004 at 8:05.]
  2. the big mouth is editing ♥ [This message was edited by excathedra on January 11, 2004 at 8:07.]
  3. thanks rocky regarding that reonion.... weren't WE IN in 78-79 with that 7th corps and college division and family corps ? i guess we're just sh.i.t. ♥
  4. his deceiving or "enslaving" was different slick vic and i mean to tell ya, i think he believed a lot of his bible ?
  5. YOU seth are THAT MAN a polyester poncho babe ! ?
  6. i apologize, that was not nice ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 10, 2004 at 22:25.]
  7. that's my sense of humor, my friend :)--> ?
  8. i just might rock when i woke up today it was 3 degrees out and minus 14 with wind chill, i believe we did good with the begging can.... everyone felt so sorry for us ;)--> ♥
  9. uhhhhhh political forum peas ;)--> ?
  10. by the way galen, the movie star thing, you're too innocent or is that naive !!!!!! maybe that's why i love you ;)--> ?
  11. forgive me ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 10, 2004 at 15:36.]
  12. you "guys" are so wonderful i'm thinking that most of what i kept i already had.... ?
  13. thanks JT. i guess i just wish this life was easier. what does god do for people here and now ? (no disrespect intended) i do think i have an "attitude" problem when it comes to the greater works dah dah dah i guess i'm an unbelieving believer.... ?
  14. lashanta longogitsomi postidio muchoosheo my children your posts are much too long ?
  15. oh definitely 4 crucified ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ?
  16. daway, well you're welcome ;)--> mike, i've been thinking about what your wrote about the power thing. and i think i have to admit, at least at this moment, that i don't care about it but maybe i should ask, what does it mean to have the power of god in my life ? if wishes would come true, i wish my mom's husband was not paralyzed from a stroke. i wish my family and friends did not have difficulties in health and finances and heartaches. i wish there was no war, etc. i just don't see how the "power of god" has ever helped in these areas so i am hoping for a better future, even if that means when there are NO tears, NO hurt, NO bad stuff, NO death.... i just don't see it happening now ?
  17. i think i was just married to a decent guy.... shaz, i personally witnessed wierwille "talking" to the holy man of bus driving's wife worse - and i mean a million times worse - than he talked to his dogs it was absolutely horrible. and the other one just stood there like all was hunky dory (sp?) ?
  18. i am bringing this to the top because i feel like it plus i don't remember starting it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ?
  19. what are you trying to say galen ? look, love god and the bible and all that.... but give me a break on the wierwille deal sowwy ....y mood here bedtime love you ?
  20. yeah well craig can kiss my a.ss yes roy i'm having fun. thank you dear :)--> ?
  21. poo on you rocky ;)--> ♥
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