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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. awwwwwwwww alexis and kent. i don't know where they are. wish they were here. ♥
  2. have only glanced briefly thru this thread if there are formulas here, kiss my a.s.s. and actually if there is a lot of bible here, i feel the same i know what it means to love at least in my little stupid world. so i figure GOD gets me that's all i gotta' say at this point ps. the neighbor (fellow man) is the easy part the "self" can be difficult but see previous statment about god ?
  3. oldies, when i reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllly love someone, i have a habit of saying "i worhsip you" and if someone said that to me, i would feel happy, not kinky ps. i havent read this thread recently so if i'm being a jerk, forgive me ?
  4. thanks my dearest sister ex does that mean romans 10:9 & 10 is the way to get in ? but what did you say before about something about accountability (sp?) ? plain american english is cool with me ;)--> love you ?
  5. double whoa and yeah what about that blood thing ? i can't wait to know all these answers do you think i'll even have understanding ? ohmygosh !!!!!!! ?
  6. i really need to ask this and let me know if you want me to take it downstairs to dun dun dun dun DUNNNNNNNNN doctrinal forum what does it mean that this savior paid for every sin and consequence of sin ? is that true ? thanks ?
  7. okay okay this thread says why are wierwille's sins excusable and martindale's not considering christ.... all sin has been "excused" (for lack of a better word ????) human beings, trying to grasp the gist of it all, still need to get there step by step.... slowly i turn.... were the 3 stooges a trinity ? ? ? ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> no i did not say the board of trustees.... ?
  8. you succeeded and continue to succeed so thankful you believe in a new story ?
  9. a chocolate christ with wine.... what a perfect easter communion ** and your other part of the post. yeah very sad ?
  10. tutties, is that red phone still working ? or is the fountain water / music or rozetta's fine hairdo causing a problen ? ?
  11. just read your post again i meant "christ's" pure love ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i know you know but who knows what others might think they know, ya know ? ?
  12. dear JA47646 ~ please send me the name ~ and exact location ~ on that highway ;)--> !!!!! that is too cool.... and the cops.... god bless 'em, i'm impressed ?
  13. i agree linzee my friend in fact, my "thing" for a long time was trying to get into the heart and pain of the "abuser." that's fine unless you forget about yourself.... there's a lesson that also has to be learned in order to "heal" know what ah mean jelly bean ? ?
  14. cause the power you're supplyin it's electrifyin better shape up cause i need a man and my heart is set on you.... ahhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha we were so funny weren't we !!!! (ok that's enough, don't tell anymore ;)-->) ?
  15. you gotta be kidding me dottie ???? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha spooooooky ?
  16. his glass eye is on ebay ;)--> i sowwy ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ?
  17. dottie LMAO ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ME ??? something just came over me when i was writing the above post.... i'll have you know i dedicated 12 years of my life to the catholic school system ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the screen door slams, mary's dress waves like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays.... ?
  18. Dear Daryl, thank you. i feel humbled. i wish you all good things in your journey i am very very sorry about your sister. how are her kids ? you ? your parents and siblings ? love, ex ?
  19. i think we need a f*up forum ? [This message was edited by pawtucket on January 12, 2004 at 17:51.]
  20. i felt rejected, but okay, i didn't get the "graduating" part. i wondered why val didn't say something here but instead on the thread killer thread. anyway, have a wonderful time and please tell us about it and we know you know how to post pictures ! so we'll be waiting. you 7th corps will always hold a very special place in my heart. (((((linzee))))) ?
  21. oh goody i was looking for a fight i haven't read the panty raid post but guess what i went to college what is the problem M&O ? ?
  22. and this ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 11, 2004 at 8:05.]
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