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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. it's on my forehead but when i stand on my head it says "999" ;)-->
  2. you have a point but i think hers is alzheimers
  3. oh yeah i can think of more than a few others just don't know if i can think about it right now, because of the hurt and guess what !!!!!! i'm not talking about the motorcoach i'm talking about other leaders and other situations where i myself and others were broken down to the point of being "nothings"
  4. hi my friend ginge ps early i don't think we should feel sorry for how we feel. i know that's an "expression" but i still mean it
  5. it's too late, early. she is not (as i understand) mentally able
  6. plus can you really wish that on ANYONE ?????
  7. i was thinking about something where the word was used to control people or at least make them feel like total crap two different girlfriends of mine worked switchboard. i don't want to get into detail detail, but if wierwille called, and they could not find whoever he needed right away, ohmygod one of them disconnected him by accident once. wierwille wanted her thrown out of the corps immediately. he said she was spiritually asleep at the switch and on and on and on.... she had no business being there.... dah dah dah.... matter of life and death and all kinds of crazy s.hit
  8. goodgod what's so hard about all this ? all the time people tell me their troubles and even though i haven't experienced the same, i say something like "gosh, i'm sorry that happened to you, i'm sorry you're hurt" maybe i just don't get it
  9. you might get in trouble you might get in trouble. some viewpoints not allowed here.
  10. post post post script to no one in particular one of my biggest fears here.... being thought of as a poor little victim or the patron saint of sexual abuse (ha ha ha ha ha that one still cracks me up) it's hard to explain ya feel small, like total crap and then people think, you know, you're trying to call attention to yourself it sucks
  11. ohhhhhhhh thank you early, that means so very much to me love,
  12. dear oldies, sorry for talking "about" you, i should talk "to" you it's just hard for me working on it.... okay ?
  13. thank you ab see here's the thing i don't deny anyone their good godly happenings in twi. i had many of them but i had lots of bad stuff happen that i bought into (in my young already bruised self) so i talk about it.... i hate the "either" "or" position although i might be a hypocrite because maybe oldies isn't taking the either or thing either just don't deny me my life's experiences and they are not warped. what i experienced with the wierwille mangod happened plain and simple was i stupid ? OF COURSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ok i haven't gone to link yetjust wanted to say i am laughing my fool a.ss off
  15. thanks dearest brother, you can burn my ears anytime with your kind love tanks
  16. alf you're too much !as far as the subject of using "god's word" for what you wanna get outta people, i don't feel like talking about it.... but i appreciate those who are talking
  17. ps. when you were a young lad, did dr. wierwille ever ask you for a blowjob ? using the Word of course.... ?
  18. when it comes to certain matters of others' hearts, no don't express your viewpoint ?
  19. (((( JT )))) just got here. need coffee and will catch up !!!!! (edited to ps. you were talking to me on that other thread, weren't you, JT ? if not, i'm really embarrassed) ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 15, 2004 at 10:06.]
  20. now that's a real s.hitty story ;)-->;)--> ?
  21. rocksta keep a hose handy ♥
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