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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i understand OldSchool Gunnison was such a beautiful place and i hated it so much. i saw many wonderful christians -- men and women -- broken there wierwille martindale jenkinson et al i forgot about honoring motorcoach victims lol -- don't remember which state(s) i think i went in the way corps half broken and came out completely broken
  2. you're a sweetie OldSchool i honor camp gunnison victims as well as ohio, kansas, indiana, new mexico, "on the field" victims, and on and on sad, eh?
  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hathank you ALL for the responses. i appreciate it so much i will let you know how my search goes
  4. there were some really funny good lunchtimes which does not mean i give a damn about the way
  5. i'm still waiting for the demise of many........ lol i mean organizations, not people
  6. do you ever have problems with doctors or psychiatrists or counselors who are very condescending ? i have run across this lately and while i respect their years of school / training, i can't seem to come to grips with holier-than-thou attitude i'm looking elsewhere. i just wondered if you ran into this very often it hurts when you need help
  7. good point -- even more so when i went into way corps training.... when i was a "new" person (not PFAL grad), i was so excited and young, i think god was actually working in me with me whatev -- the only thing i was thinking about was helping people it has happened to me also since leaving the way i wish it would happen more, but i'm sad and bogged down with some personal horrible problems and maybe i'm not listening to god anymore -- i just need his help so desparately -- for someone in my own life -- that i can't seem to think about anything else
  8. to me personally the old days and new days don't matter much what does--
  9. i can't really remember the scripture(s) used to get me i recall k.l. telling me something along the lines that it was a gift to please the MOG i remember the MOG telling me that god's will was for me to get healed from bad past abusive experiences i'll have to think about this and try to remember if any scripture was involved LOL
  10. you need to get a green and white or white and green corps tag for the special powers
  11. ha ha ha ha hahah hahah ahhh ha ha ha ha
  12. the worst part was being asked to come forward in the tent when people with needs were standing there
  13. let me know those thoughts when you haven't been drinking, damn it
  14. this is the worst christmas of my life - even including wayfer crap christmases don't want you to feel sorry for me - i'm just saying it i pray to god that 2012 will bring me a miracle i needed in 2011 - of course there's a few days left of 2011 - i'll take that too i need prayers -- not for me -- for someone i love thanks it's so difficult not to think you've done something to deserve this pain
  15. this is the worst christmas of my life - even including wayfer crap christmases don't want you to feel sorry for me - i'm just saying it i pray to god that 2012 will bring me a miracle i needed in 2011 - of course there's a few days left of 2011 - i'll take that too i need prayers -- not for me -- for someone i love thanks it's so difficult not to think you've done something to deserve this pain
  16. what the heck is an ordination for godssake? if i was ordained -- a reverend -- could i help my 17-year-old more?
  17. thanks for replies -- never did keep corresponding with chris bateson lol -- don't know about chapter 8 or anything -- i do believe that when you do something wrong, a guilty conscience is a very good thing
  18. i'm reminded of a guy/person who started emailing about my son when he broke his arm or hand or something (he's broken so many) lol he kept asking me to send pictures of my kid and if he could get in touch with him it was really really weird. he sent pictures of himself (snort) with a cast on. but none of the pictures showed his face his name or email addy was chris bateson i always thought it was chris BAIT SON do you think i'm insane don't answer that too fast lol
  19. i have known girls with wierwille who loved it and girls with wierwille who we so f'd up from being abused that they didn't know which end was up but i think i have to agree with my friend wordwolf that it's never really about judging the f'd upness of the victim -- a man/woman who is in a "godly" leadership counseling position is the one held accountable in fact, one of my friends (rape victim) who left the way happened to get a shrink who also decided to pull rank she almost died. she probably is dead mentally and spiritually because everywhere she goes for help the same thing happens my mom says when we die, god says you don't have to go to hell you know or pergatory because that's where you just came from
  20. this subject makes me feel like saying "HUH"
  21. oh thank you my darling friend abi -- you give me too much credit -- waysider, i don't think the penn state psycho has anything to do with wierwille except for the proximity wierwille and allen came to PA frequently to HUNT (ha!) when i was "getting into the word" (what a horrible way to disgrace god and his son jesus christ)\ PA was a lovely breeding ground for disfunctional gals i guess i don't know but i don't get the connection with the pedophile except to say abuse is rampant in PA, but i think everywhere
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