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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. dear mr vpw you are an idiot ?
  2. this is a book wierwille told me to read if i wanted to raise a dog or a child the right way ?
  3. has it been what 15 years or something for me ? i still struggle with stuff ?
  4. gosh maybe change the title of this thread. scare me. ** i agree with what kay said sometimes and other times i do not. and that's the firm stand i'm taking ;)--> ?
  5. thanks dan you are not invisible, you are great ?
  6. hello mr. o'malley and thanks for your post not all of us.... big ;)--> i hear what you're sayingas far as the trinity or not.... i could care less how it works out in the long run.... :)--> again, thanks for posting ?
  7. excathedra

    21st Corps

    hi sunny dear. i just saw this now. dot and i have known each other for close to 30 years ohmygod !!!!!!! of course we can email or i can start a private topic (do you know about those) and invite you and dot to attend. then the three of us can talk. let me know..... hey and thanks ?
  8. i do believe i am "CommonName" free thank you steve!, rick and brady you guys are too technically wonderful and just plain wonderful thank you so much until next time, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ?
  9. dot dot, love you not staying on but so happy to see you ?
  10. i miss you even though you're around :)--> ?
  11. i am doing my best to follow instructions but i have a feeling i'm not doing it right ?
  12. i did what you said, rick, but it's still there sh.it i gotta go be back later i'm so upset ?
  13. hey thank you both i'm trying to get this thing off here and i gotta go to a hockey game ?
  14. i'm definitely caught up in a circular thingy what does this mean, it's the first friggin instruction stevie disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). ?
  15. what is it ? why can't i get rid of it ? why does the lava thingy pick it up but can't get rid of it now it's telling me there's an error opening this file for writing i just think this is something weird plus i can't seem to stop pop-ups anymore and where are cookies in windows XP ? should i get rid of them ? would this help ? i know i'm a pain ?
  16. hi sunny you spelled my name right !!! yup lotta lies ?
  17. naybe you could print your post and mail it to her ?
  18. it sounds familiar but i am not able to think in thoughts of evil children can't watch seed movies etc. ?
  19. what do i know ? zilch that was the only good part of my post ? [This message was edited by excathedra on January 31, 2004 at 9:43.]
  20. my humor sucks [This message was edited by excathedra on January 30, 2004 at 19:52.]
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