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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. Love You Forever by Robert N. Munsch I'll love you forever I'll like you for always As long as I'm living my baby you'll be ** because my mom who is in her 70s recently gave it all her children ?
  2. 2strange, you commented, "I know with out a doubt, the Holy Sprit was there throughout the making of this film..." i'm curious how you know that without a doubt respectfully asking ?
  3. and speaking of "living love," let's not give credit where it's not due :)--> ?
  4. i haven't been able to do anything else. i can't get on the "fast" computer. waiting line is too long. no complaints whatsoever since i unchecked the bridge dll from starting up. still want to tell you everything that's in the startup items. will when i can. i hope you all know how grateful i am...... VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY ?
  5. j.j. and marsha martin i love you all ♥
  6. thanks mj and everyone else sorry for my ....y mood last night mark i'm very very sorry about your poor wife. ?
  7. i think GJ said he wouldn't sue his mom ?
  8. plus i see that you edited your response so sorry again my dreams were very important to me, at one time they were all i had then i got in the way because i thought it would help my dreams come true at times i'm very ....ed off at wierwille ? [This message was edited by pawtucket on February 21, 2004 at 2:20.]
  9. yes it was, i'm sorry i'll go take out my frustrations somewhere else ?
  10. yeah well thanks for the validation ?
  11. why is his post so perfect ? and how come you responded to everyone but me, lookout ? i'm hurt there, you got another response ?
  12. def, are there any other threads you like ? because i really want this one to go on..... please ?
  13. it's not over yet you sweetheart that's why i want to wish you again the happiest day of your life love love love, ex ?
  14. dear teknon, i just wanted to say hi and i wish you all the best ?
  15. so what is your answer to the question, mj ? respectfully asking ?
  16. yeah and where'd they come up with that other rod -- of blessing ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha gag me with a wooden spoon ♥
  17. wowwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee ♥
  18. it was probably something i said ;)--> ♥
  19. shaz i don't know. i've heard sorry sad things about G which i hope are not true and far as all this spoon crap and the laces thing, i can't even express how sick i feel may god forgive you because i don't know if i could ♥
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