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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i think it's always better to walk away before you become what hurts you ?
  2. you didn't list me, but i'm here.... hi and welcome ?
  3. damn you to hell scuttle♥
  4. fellow i love you you are one of the funniest wisest coolest guys.... ♥
  5. i might get around to seeing it maybe on the big screen or maybe on the video don't know ps. i was gonna mention (not sure if it's on here) about people buying stakes to wear around their necks now ?
  6. uh mini me look at our sweet posts at the same time ;)--> ?
  7. how's your special day so far my sweet friend? ?
  8. oh that's nice, galen. do you think jesus christ would agree ? i don't know, i think there's something about him feeling strongly about one little lamb?
  9. sweetie nika, love you, and you said something really wonderful about women and god on another thread love you (the catholic thing i still have to swallow hard, but not the catholic regular people :)-->) ?
  10. this past weekend really socked (wink johnnysocks) my dear sweet boy was in a hockey playoff thing and one of the other boys (our center major scorer) is having sad sad family divorce problems and it's just too long to get into it we lost every game i prayed for two things -- that my kid (goalie) would not take too much responsibility on himself and have low self-esteem -- and that my other little sweetheart would be able to get through this time in his life winning and losing seems so "nothing" compared to the heart of a person ?
  11. awwwww johnny lingo mommies and daddies and kiddies enough to make me cry one reason i cannot fathom the god of many people here ?
  12. i am bummed to the max i need help there is more crap showing up on the startup items, etc., and i need i-don't-know-what if anyone gets in the mood to want to walk me through some of this crap over the phone (maybe on the weekend) let me know. you can PT me or email me or write me here, i don't care i need someone with patience and i'll call you ewwwwwwwwww faaaaaaaaaaaa (as my italian girlfriend says) ?
  13. i think generally speaking twi-1 is wierwille and twi-2 is martindale and a rose by any other name would smell as sweet ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah rosie, you can be included in that ?
  14. IMF, that was funny about time zones and prayers from the cover page of greasespot cafe: ps. i don't think you can really pray for sports events ?
  15. what does "greasespot by midnight" mean to y'all ?
  16. try to go easy on yourself CW ?
  17. here's a nice article for bible-believin' folks it's about parents disciplining their OWN children http://www.christianitytoday.com/cpt/2003/002/6.50.html ?
  18. i love you too whitedove, what a nice thing to say !!!!!!!! ** and you're right pi, definitely makes you cry. that's so cool your mom gave it to you. ?
  19. yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff comfort me ♥
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST DOT! i love you a lot ?
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