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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i ask you when you look in the mirror what do you sea ?
  2. it certainly is all SMs are nakee they're free in the sea SM wedding
  3. ok let me think about that alright ?
  4. oh MY wretched life! i'm back. zixar, that might be a small thing to you....
  5. and a full moon reflecting off Upper Patuxent River, Maryland have a wonderful day dear lindy !!!!
  6. socks ! i love that song and was singing it with the radio yesterday !!!! gotta go now and make sure there's a birthday thread for lindy !
  7. could you please post The (never "the") Way Style Sheet for me? i seem to have lost my copy....
  8. actually he was a big prick
  9. we must tell kit sober !!!!! ;)--> i had no idea there were so many good churches out there ;)-->
  10. dear wayfer not, sea horses caused me much trauma but now i'm wondering if it was really horses or monkeys ????
  11. groucho, i liked your opening post. i can't remember if you used names, maybe that's why it's gone but i wanted you to know it was oh so typical
  12. speaking of hippies, i mean little dinkies, anyone recall tommy j. ?
  13. i said i would never ever join a church i'm sorry i lied http://www.seamonkeyworship.com/
  14. dear orientswife, go one forum up in this connecting area to the corps section. i just brought up the thread that dear sunny started :)-->
  15. excathedra

    21st Way Corps

    bringing this to the top for orientswife because i just saw her post on friend tracker :)-->
  16. i wish you well along your journey, imbus warm thoughts and hugs,
  17. thank you imbus and i'm very very sorry for the abuses you endured love, excathedra
  18. hey get outta here ;)-->, i still haven't had the chance to sit down at the computer and have you minister it seems to be doing better even though i know there's stuff on there that shouldn't be
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