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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. catcap, thank you for your reply from k-mart to the crap they told you to the horrible death crap nonsense.... horrible ! you gotta be kidding me !!!! how do they have any people in the way at all ??
  2. i think paul said something about he's glad christ is preached even if the motive is wrong
  3. you're right. you have to report it immediately and then you get in trouble.... WHAT ?
  4. sadie OHMYGOSH and what they'll look like in heaven !!!!! that is weird and this family class on ethics LMAO who do they write their thank cards to ? new knutsville ?
  5. why is k-mart a gasp ? and how the heck did they know where it came from and who bought it ? oh and for turning that lady in about the cat, what a mean person
  6. reminds me of robert downey jr. i think it was....
  7. happiest happy birthday and life :)--> sorry i missed it
  8. diaz said this reminds me of one time (of a few) VF screamed at me like i was a dog. i "told on him" ha ha ha ha and was told that he was under a lot of spiritual pressure (he was the universe leader or something). i said, well if he can't handle the pressure, he should get another job. ha ha ha ha ha what an asshoole
  9. thank you lightside. am reading all this for first time. i love you, ted.
  10. it's awesome !!!!!!!! congrats rooky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. i'm sorry LLP it was a total total funny you mentioned waydale and how greasespot is an offshoot of waydale i was just laughing my head off because i said i hate offshoots i was laughing at my cult like self sorry and thanks
  12. hi again cynic my point ? to converse and maybe even chat :)-->
  13. well i see what you and LLP mean (i thought LLP was girl ?) but i'm not speaking to LLP, i'm mad, he said i'm in an offshoot ;)-->;)-->;)-->
  14. i think it was longer than that ;)-->
  15. you're not serious are you about that's how they keep the power going to all one person ? for real ? ps. when we write "The Teacher" at Box 328 New Knoxville OH 45871, where does it go ? :(-->
  16. some people wanted to "help" others; i.e., get people out of "the way" some people wanted to get them in their thing and some people thought ALL of it was a ridiculous bunch of sugar
  17. i don't know how the mantle could get passed since the passer was marked & avoided (wasn't he ?) i am curious as to whether rivenbark had a plan all along to become the head skunk who chose her for vp (vice pres, that is) ?
  18. and don't be too hard on yourself (((((((MC))))))) cyber hugs ;)-->
  19. do i detect an accent ;)-->i copy what i want to quote and then i click on that little blue box section above "..." and paste in between the words [ QUOTE ] and [ /QUOTE ] most times i don't want to quote the whole post (too long) this has truly been an exciting learning adventure. tanks you's guys :)--> goe, how did you get the words QUOTE and QUOTE with text inside and it didn't come out a QUOTE ?
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