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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. oh confrontation IS communication, UGH ppppfffffftttttttt again UGH ppppffffttttttttttttttt so sad
  2. excathedra


    did they really dig with their hands or could they use a little shovel?
  3. ohmygod look up bully in the dictionary and there is psychogeer
  4. well my heart just fruucking breaks for JJ and OldS i was most definitely abused pre-wayfer days. i would call child sexual abuse "bullying" for sure i don't know why this life is so tough i will say i have tried beyond trying not be an abuser or a bully
  5. lol john, good one !as far as craig and the guy mowing the lawn, i just get the heebie jeebies over that promotion i guess i knew craig too well
  6. you're welcome steve and that's really great how you and your dear wife are trying to help others i have no doubt about what you said watered garden and waysider try to remember what that was, will you? thanks.
  7. thanks bfh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4E1HKbvg50
  8. sorry rocky for interrupting you i know people with problems -- mental issues -- came to the way. but that doesn't excuse. when you look for help, especially to god ( and the green card promises ), you shouldn't be worse off than when you were not in the way okay, let god be the judge one fact -- my dear friend wrote in his suicide note, "i wish i were the man i knew to be" i truly believe the love of christ would have helped many of these people i wasn't suicidal, but i can't tell you how destroyed i was when wierwille gave me the solution to getting over child sexual abuse -- having sex with him -- a real man of god -- this was supposed to heal me . . . the love of christ -- one thing would be telling people about medication and counseling ....
  9. not a mention of the people i know who tragically did kill themselves
  10. she must have been right -- she did get ordained.... hey, 100% free, this is a song i like when i think of our core selves. love,e .
  11. in reference to wierwille turning around naked and smiling, i went to the girl in charge of the way home and the pfal class and told her about it. she explained to me that when you get to a certain place "spiritually" the flesh is like insignificant -- that he was so above such earthly matters..... i think it was a test to see if i smiled back or something like that or it could just be a dirty old man exposing himself. in some places that's illegal.... i think i was 19 and he was 58
  12. excathedra


    how come graves had to be dug by hand?
  13. nice to see you littlehawk - glad you weren't asking if i was in or out of my mind :)
  14. yeah closer to his real home -- the big disgusting bus
  15. fine, memorize bible verses but don't scare the shiiiit out of people by calling on them same with those manifestations
  16. i would not mock you you take care of yourself
  17. oh sorry i never saw your post, JA47646 it is wonderful thank you
  18. life seems to be getting better and i am not sorry one bit for doubting the professionals i have doubted
  19. i hated retemories i would rather to talk to god / christ any day
  20. i also found it almost sacrilegious to destroy a book
  21. ahhhhhhhhhhhh don't know saw plenty of marriages and clergy salt stuff going on -- where it got excused -- by wierwille et. al. also, didn't craig and donna take a covenant of salt at their marriage ceremony ? tisk, tisk, tisk, rosalie
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