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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. thanks for the warning, dottie may, mwah
  2. thanks sooooooooo much you guys what do you mean "turn it off" ? and how do i do that, goey ? thank you
  3. thank you rick. if i install it and then decide to uninstall it, i'll check with you first any disadvantages to fire wall ?
  4. ;)--> ** was the myth about wierwille coming up with the idea for mc donalds (fast food) mentioned ?
  5. thanks you guys LMAO i thought the name of the firewall was ca-ca and i was thinking how odd !!!! right bluze, i have XP (i'm not on it right now though) okay, WW, is the one you're using free ? that's my favorite price i am so happy to know geeks i feel like writing a song or a poem or something.... but i'll spare ya ;)-->
  6. johnny.... HA !hey, do you have steve winwood's ARC record ?
  7. biga$$ hypocrites yup how's your friend doing these days ?
  8. ohmy Cindy! you have Steve!'s last name now !!!!
  9. steve, that's cool about the D&D guy yeah twi was willing to take his money right ? this thread is hysterical. thanks for the laughs. and i loved the opening....
  10. he go a fishin' let us alone. what have we to do with thee thou tommy t ?
  11. i love it when you laugh like that !!!! :)-->
  12. yes goey thanks for the reminder. wierwille certainly did have a responsibility even if some of his followers were wide-eyed adoring fans yuck sorry yuck double yuck
  13. maybe this would shed a bit of light regarding balance of power the article- http://www.votf.org/papers/AbuseofPowerasJusticeIssue.html
  14. excathedra


  15. i don't think all were intimidated and feared into it. some felt it was a great privilege i know personally some had nervous breakdowns and on and on and on i think the man had serious problems. my experience only is enough for me to know that i think it's a shame that a minister who professed / taught about love, didn't "live" love on so many occasions. he definitely had a public life and private life that were not consistent but i'm not into convincing you, oldies
  16. in my humble opinion, some of what you said to imbus and mo and cool was worse than name calling
  17. it's specifically to degrade the man of god degrade - to reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote ** "I think the "every woman in the kingdom belonged to the king" story is falsely applied to Wierwille, principally here at GS Cafe." nope, not falsely applied to him. and not principally here at GS Cafe..... because he's not here anymore.... it was principally true when he was alive.... you weren't there oldies
  18. i remember that danny hope, i think the loss of self-esteem, the loss of self, was the worst thing of all and shaz, that arrogance is a killer. my son plays travel hockey and i had "flashbacks" recently (choo choo later maybe)
  19. thank you WW. i don't think i have a firewall. igotout, do i ? should i ?
  20. thank you imbus, hugs hugs hugs and more hugs ps. to nobody in particular, there is so much more to some of this discussion than bible and twi
  21. ok i gotta try that, thank you some of this stuff is getting NASTY, especially when you don't know much about programming or whatever. what is the point ? is it advertising or what ? anyone who pops up on my computer can forget it what is spyware excactly ?
  22. hey hope, happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots and lots of love this pic made me think of you....
  23. what would rev. zelotes do ? ....
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