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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. well to each his own pat r. has his beliefs and reasons i worry about things in life other people think are stupid
  2. yes tut tut i certainly remember saying "I just wanted a class on the Bible" maaany maany times -- like when TJ (not tic jr.) in gunnison was speaking words of edification or comfort....
  3. i don't know raf, i still don't think they should have it. who are they anyway ? ps. this is really just my opinion, probably a chip-on-my-shoulder one at that :)-->
  4. i'm so glad dovey. when's your birthday? did i miss it? -- love you kit !!
  5. i like him that's why i'm teasing him
  6. LOL wb ! number 7 has me reeeeallly concerned
  7. which one imbus craiggers and donna ? or rosie and donna ?
  8. well i'll be darned, ya learn somethin every day ! ha ha ha ha ha ha i think i like that better than lemons into lemonade !!!!!!-- i'm with shaz and others. i was told from about day 1 from my undershepherders, if you REALLY want to walk with god dah dah dah.... take this class.... go out wowzer.... go in the corps.... you keep doing these things wondering when you'll finally "see it" and then after a while you're so frikkin beaten down you think it's normal to feel like sheeeet and you kinda forgot all about your original desire
  9. twi 1 was godly, only twi 2 was devilly a true way myth
  10. sorry raf, i disagree. maybe if they were some important recognized worldwide organization who everyone knew, i would agree. .
  11. ;)--> i could feed the cat when it takes a break ;)--> good luck
  12. she was lost and is found and they began to be merry :)-->
  13. we have to do a thread on the top 10 most boring things in twi, well maybe the top 100 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  14. tootles, you make me laugh until i cry 2life, casually elegant bra and socks, no holes right ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh god this thread is funny the limb leader who wouldn't let his wife wear jeans. STOP i can't stand it i'm laughing. they're divorced now. well **** i would be too ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks pmosh for starting this. i'm leaving now, can you and steve! make sure your avatars stand up again ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  15. oh danny. i'm praying.
  16. 'dat's riiight !!! true dogs i mean dog soldiers
  17. could y'all please stand when i enter this thread what a bunch of jerkoffs
  18. i hope you are all dressed casually elegant when visiting this thread -- linzee and simon, i'm sorry i missed our phone hookup. i was at a day in the word which lasted all day and all night. we were doing a word study on a comma....
  19. so i suppose you have forgotten more about twi than.... ;)--> miss you damie
  20. and danny said "I don't know but going down the road i can see her sitting there in the front with the pig in the back with the door closed and a victom willing or unwilling." did you get the part about "i dont know but going down the road i can see...." AND he said victim willing or unwilling and you said Victor Paul was giving it to some babe ** you seem young for an oldiesman
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