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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. sowwy haven't read this thread but saw something on TV last night about a serial killer who found jesus in prison barf
  2. i'm trying to remember sunesis no kidding ? we all should have gotten straight A's if that was the standard. LMAO....
  3. oh and the revelation about getting someone born again and losing the guardian angel wasn't craig the a s s hole that said witness to everything that moves ? or am i having a flahsback from drug days
  4. that one's a killer outie.... if you're only working for a paycheck, you're out of fellowship ????? wonder how ballyboy feels . but he probably still is blessed to be getting more than his paycheck ? i don't know how dare these smug leecho's say all this stuff
  5. what was the OSC again ? when i worked there, legal was in there
  6. what was the OSC again ? when i worked there, legal was in there
  7. you have such a way with words ((((((geo.))))))
  8. well i was a little miffed about the eve and adam thing
  9. thank you for posting it here, imbus. otherwise, i probably wouldn't have seen it gosh thread police give her a break i have always believed in jesus ever since i was a little girl. i still do. when i was little he was the son of god but kind of god also when i was in the way, he was the son of god only and now.... it's not that big a deal to me.... even though i still believe in him as my lord and savior.... the lord part might be weak (on my part) but the savior part is strong ps. as far as veepee's statement about how far you'll go spiritually.... patuey (sp?)
  10. The Way Style Sheet a sheet of terms to make sure you type The Way terms correctly always make sure "The" is capitalized before "Way" ok ?
  11. The Way Style Sheet a sheet of terms to make sure you type The Way terms correctly always make sure "The" is capitalized before "Way" ok ?
  12. refiner, after russell died, did any "offshoots" spring up ?
  13. excathedra

    11th Corps

    hey out there i'm still standin (elton john) welcome, i'm your yelder ;)-->
  14. ha ha ha ha ha ha simon nikie, after reading your post, i happened to call my niece in north carolina who graduated today from h.s. i told her my advice for college, DON'T join a cult !!!!!!
  15. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha rev. clouseau ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  16. do they still give you a year's subscription when you are a new grad of "the class" ?
  17. james, don't know if you answered this already, how did you find the greasespot cafe ?
  18. i feel like the luckiest person in the world to have my son. he'll be 10 in a few months. he has A LOT to say about EVERYTHING ha ! he is smart and funny, big ice hockey player (goalie) and also loves baseball (pitcher and catcher). there's a picture section here and i put his pic there, i'll try to find the link. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SON !!!!!!!!
  19. I only have one child too used to dream I would have a lot
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