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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. refiner, i copied my "advanced class on power for abundant living" syllabus for you, to send along with the "receiving the holy spirit" book
  2. ok damnit http://www.kbbonline.com/kitchenandbath/ideas/toilets.jsp i'll try to do more research
  3. at first, no way when i had to do a research paper to graduate from the way corps, i used all them there books my research advisor thought i did a good job (he was a research type person and a lovely man) today i feel research is no guarantee for truth or spirituality
  4. http://mentalhelp.net/psyhelp/chap10/chap10h.htm http://www.recovery-man.com/abusive/healthy_abusive.htm
  5. does anyone drink from it, ozzie girl ?(it would be fun to go as a newbie and take a big gulp)
  6. sunesis, i may have "believed" it at one time (in my young dysfunctional brain) but the more i knew him, the less i believed him. i know i did not believe it by the time he died -- ha ha the irony
  7. wish i had some pot to watch the defrogging thing.... well i guess i could grow some ;)-->
  8. ckeer your post was very funny, all of it i especially liked order my steps for the motorcoach thanks for my first laughter today
  9. and steve & beth lowder ?
  10. now simon (do i sound like "mother") i think that question belongs in the doctrinal forum
  11. i was involved in a top secret experiment and hey my old avitar didn't show up on this thread until i posted here again
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha schuks
  13. many are called but few are chosen ;)-->
  14. yeah i already like the one where i could have sworn he was quoting the "blue book"
  15. and the spirit of god moved on the face of the burger
  16. bob, don't worry this was just a test to see if you're going to make it to heaven well at least how much responsibility you will have
  17. i just returned from therefor every negative replace with three positives lying down in his steadson, your excatharsis
  18. but tommy lives forever hugs hey look at the "new assignments" thread under this one. i think i'm the last postee, just look at that
  19. yes thank you wayward ** Central - T*m Horr*cks (i'm posting this for tomtuttles in case he reads this thread)
  20. just focus on the "real" him, simon hey russ, hey dana !!!!! HI. it's good to be home again.... it's good to have peace within.... ;)-->
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