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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. good onebut i'm still sorry i get in a mood (hope there are not moods in heaven ;)) and something triggers and i go off thank you for letting me be here
  2. excathedra

    susan boyle

    16 and 17 years old !!!!!! oh my
  3. i'm so happy to see t did you hear pat saunders died?
  4. excathedra

    AC 79

    WG, that really really sucks i was there and i also remember him getting all ....ed about whatever -- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha haa ahhh ha ha ha ah hah haha hah-- i was happy to be there to escape in-residence training program
  5. i would be gone if i wasn't a f uc ki n lonely loser
  6. i still get annoyed that you think most everything is funny here well maybe you don't but -- oh never mind
  7. excathedra

    susan boyle

    just read through this thread and i'm laughing every moment of her singing moves me, but never will replace the first time i heard her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNMwzaM2pFc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNMwzaM2pFc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiC_nXo3s94 i don't know why i can't post the other songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiC_nXo3s94
  8. i'm sorry i couldn't keep reading nothing new under the sun and most of makes me ill
  9. what the he ll is TLTF - you don't have to answer since i really don't care ;)
  10. 29 grand would help a few little twiggies big time what the hell is that? rosie's and donna's bed talk?
  11. not sure what this thread is about but my heritage is irish and uncle harry was a pig if i think of other important info, i'll be back
  12. good post johnyouare i find thinking about this makes me really sad i'm sorry, i know it's supposed to be about strange witnessing experiences. i think i had a lot of those when i was selling the way books door to door in north carolina but also i had so many good ones where i met such wonderful open hearted people who so wanted to know god / christ and answers i remember luanne. i remember dear darling Eddie who struggled with alcohol. i picked him every single night for the class. he sponsored me faithfully $15 a month. dear god i would love to know where he is if i go on about others, i will cry
  13. i'm in the "who cares" camp lol
  14. [quoteShe said that she was not able to 'get her connection' with us aound, so she soon moved out of our vicinity.' quote] a lieutenant or seargent over a buck private or something like that
  15. hey doglover, seems he might know something about the internet or youtube -- what do you think? jeesshhhh
  16. that is kind of funny -- sky, remember rb was young once
  17. pppppfffffttttttt does a bear sheet in the frikking woods
  18. ohmygod i heard that too many times!!!!!-- vince finnegan was an az z
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