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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. good luck socksy when they graduate perhaps you can take momentus
  2. look i'm not sure where i stand on "biblical truths" and religion etc., but i can sense a cruel, mean, bullsheet artist song and dance this is from experience which is no guarantee for truth by the way
  3. look, there were times i spent with john where i felt he was a really decent human being and i liked him. maybe he should just focus on the human being thing and forget the leadership thing.... same with the rest of that outfit but what would GOD'S PEOPLE DO ???????????? .
  4. damn.... i should be functioning at the highest level possible
  5. it sounds like Steve is speaking from experience and so what if all religions are the same ? does that mean what he says isn't so ? (i mean more about momentus and ces leaders not listening to anyone else)
  6. the gentleness of momentus leads a man to repent
  7. radar ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ozzie girl, maybe ONE reason might be a cultural difference, meaning culture, not just CULTure
  8. bitching is not bitching when zixar does it then it's a .... uh .... a poll i guess
  9. look who's talking about bitching. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  10. i forgot to wish us a happy graduation annivesary july 14th was 23 years right ? and today is our mass wedding anniversary
  11. dear steve, thanks but no thanks, i ate enough of that kind of shtuff in residence to last me a friggin lifetime break a person's spirit eh ? i guess they break the old man nature down so that the new man may emerge. when 2 or 3 are gathered in a breakthrough session christ is there in their midst they should call them breakdown sessions
  12. question: was this particular section of the forums created to put a person in their place if the moderator doesn't like the thread ?
  13. WHERE'S YOUR COMMITMENT ? BECAUSE THEY CAME BACK FROM BREAK LATE ???? now i know why this CURSEWORD "class" appeals to wayfers, and Danny, ESPECIALLY EXWAYCORPS
  14. you're right ozzie girl, it definitely needs to be moved
  15. you're right ozzie girl, it definitely needs to be moved
  16. do the moderators think sex is silly ?
  17. geo. professional wrestling is not rigged braille method of mind reading ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  18. I loved his site, igotdamie. I looked at a lot of the family pictures. such a nice family. i was disappointed not to have found any pics of socks and underwear drawers....
  19. i see alfie. ralph did travel all around and was not starting another wayferzone, was he? and then he went and got a REAL job, imagine that ;)-->
  20. i think that's how you grow a wayfer
  21. danny quit making me hungry ;)--> pat love you too JT tref ~ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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